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Post by Viktor »

Thanks for the updates and the hellos guys! I have missed this place and the various rogues, mis-fits and maniacs that live here!

I'm slightly suprised to hear from Subhuman that HL2 only garnered "less rapturous acclaim", though I did almost give up trying to activate the retail copy I got via Steam after the 3rd hour of sod all happening... Methinks the boilers at Valve couldn't handle the pressure. Damn good game, but just a little too linear overall.

As for The West Wing, all I'll say is that it's a damn shame the best President you colonials are ever likely to have is just a character in a TV show...

OTB! I salute you have taking on Infantry School at the ripe old age of 34! You don't realise you don't have a tank to carry all your gear in the Infantry, right?? :) At least getting your house reading for your grandma's visits means you've had plenty of white glove inspections under your belt and you should breeze through the personal admin stuff..

If Uncle Goerge ask Uncle Sam to send you out to do the regime change thang, tell him that your Loyal Allies in the UK have fallen under a despotic Socialist dictatorship and need your help!

Thanks again for the welcome back and I'm hoping to renew my role as grumpty old git and general miseryguts to a new generation of DaC'ers!
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Post by Nicolai »

And teatime stole my super-admin status D:
Last edited by Nicolai on Thu Nov 25, 2004 3:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by S4ur0n27 »

Sadly he didn't transfer them to me D;
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Post by Viktor »

One thing puzzles me. though... Last time I was here Killzig had left that slightly troubled young man iohkus in charge to stir things up. Whatever became of him?
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Post by atoga »

He left and went to an art school. He's pretty much the same old dewder though, I yell at him once in a while. How I miss him :(
suppose you're thinking about a plate of shrimp. suddenly somebody will say like 'plate' or 'shrimp' or 'plate of shrimp', out of the blue, no explanation.
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Post by S4ur0n27 »

He went mad after he had no one to yell at.
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Post by OnTheBounce »

Viktor wrote:OTB! I salute you have taking on Infantry School at the ripe old age of 34!
Bah, don't salute just yet, me china. Salute in April when I've graduated...er...provided I haven't died an old man trying to keep up with the young 'uns. :D
Viktor wrote:You don't realise you don't have a tank to carry all your gear in the Infantry, right?? :)
But of course! That's the whole idea. Like a monk from a Chekov story I am moving to Siberia to eat grass for a bit. :P
Viktor wrote:At least getting your house reading for your grandma's visits means you've had plenty of white glove inspections under your belt and you should breeze through the personal admin stuff..
Oh, speaking of grandmother, I left something out above: I got a guarantied first duty assignment of Germany. So grandmother will be but a stone's throw away. That is, until I -- like practically every soldier in Germany in this point -- get sent over for a walk-on part in the aftermath of GW II. (I think the Marines in Falluja would disagree about that whole "end of major combat operations" bit, George...)
Viktor wrote:If Uncle Goerge ask Uncle Sam to send you out to do the regime change thang, tell him that your Loyal Allies in the UK have fallen under a despotic Socialist dictatorship and need your help!
I'll see what I can do, old fruit. Something tells me I won't exactly have the President's ear considering my Sergeant's stripes are history for now and I'm going back in as a Private First Class (Lance Corporal). Yep, that one dinged the ol' ego a bit, but what does one expect after being out for 8 years?

I would say "tallyho!", but it seems that you've just banned fox hunting in the UK, much to the chagrin of fox hunters everywhere, but to the elation of foxes...

"On the bounce, you apes! Do you wanna live forever?!"
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Post by Viktor »

You just keep your head down and never, ever volunteer for anything! Am I correct in thinking that "light infantry" means you don't have artillery or armoured units attached and has nothing to do with spine crushing amount of ALICE/MOLLE/SPEAR crap you'll be humping all over God's green acres?

What MOS are you going back in on - 11B? Good luck as a Lance Jack, I'm told that's the hardest rank to reach and the easiest one to get busted down from!

As for Uncle George not listening to you, at least you don't have Comrade Blair using the Parliament Act to force any new laws through without the usual 2 chamber (Houses of Commons and Lords) approving and ammending the new law to be just and workable. Hence the banning of fox hunting. Now foxes get to be gassed, trapped and blasted to death with birdshot....

While everyone had their knickers in a twist over fox hunting, they failed to notice the passing of The Civil Contingencies Bill which allows the Government (without asking either Houses) to repeal or suspend any bill or law or act they see fit if they consider the UK or part of the UK to be under attack. Trial without jury in a closed court without disclouse or evidence or accuser sound like fun to you?

Anyway, that's a whole new rant for a whole new thread...
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Post by OnTheBounce »

Viktor wrote:Am I correct in thinking that "light infantry" means you don't have artillery or armoured units attached and has nothing to do with spine crushing amount of ALICE/MOLLE/SPEAR crap you'll be humping all over God's green acres?
"Light Infantry" are foot soldiers, in the traditional sense of mud-sloggers. No APCs, just LPCs (Leather Personell Carriers). :D
Viktor wrote:What MOS are you going back in on - 11B?
The original story was that I'd have to go back into my old MOS of 19K (Armor Crewman), but I've been out so long I got to pick whatever job I wanted to. (I can have quite literally any MOS I want w/my test scores.) The problem is that w/o having already been trained in a specific 11-series MOS I get to go back in as "11X", an "Infantry Recruit", which means that the powers that be at Ft. Benning decide whether I get to be an 11B, or an 11C. It seems they're doing away w/the 11M (Mechanized Infantryman) and consolidating them w/the 11B, which are also to be found on the new Stryker vehicles.
Viktor wrote:Good luck as a Lance Jack, I'm told that's the hardest rank to reach and the easiest one to get busted down from!
Nah. I made PFC in 10 months the first time, and six months later was promoted again. With a little luck I'll be wearing my chevrons (which to your eye surely point the wrong way!) within 1-1/2 years at the very most. Still, being called "private" again leaves a bad taste in my mouth... :lol:
Viktor wrote:Viktor rants about totalitarian policies in Albion.
Jeebus, and I thought the Partiot Act was bad! (Of course, it is...)

"On the bounce, you apes! Do you wanna live forever?!"
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