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Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2005 10:46 am
by fallout ranger
that shows where HIS loyalties lie...

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2005 6:52 pm
by Retlaw83
Mr. Teatime wrote:
MrSmileyFaceDude wrote:As Todd Howard said in the interview he did for NMA:
HEEEEeeeeey...... that was us, not NMA!
Does this mean EA Sports makes the games for the Elder Scrolls franchise?

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2005 7:19 pm
by Fez

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2005 8:36 pm
by CombatWombat85
NO!...what are we playing? :?

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2005 9:51 pm
by MrSmileyFaceDude
Mr. Teatime wrote:
MrSmileyFaceDude wrote:As Todd Howard said in the interview he did for NMA:
HEEEEeeeeey...... that was us, not NMA!
D'oh! Fixed!

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2005 6:01 am
by Redeye
A new feature.
As in, not an old one done differently/better?
Well, if the designers could scrounge up a copy of Utopia 1976-
written in 1954/55... they could have a GW-style Restorationist
group you could align with (or pretend to align with) and go around
collecting junk, escorting people, etc. Eventually attempting to capture
useful bases...
Well, they could do that without the book, but I think it would help with
the flavourishousnessitude.
nah, fuck it. That wouldn't be *feature*.
A Feature would be a Game Vs. Sim toggle to replace the old difficulty
dial. In Sim mode you have food, water, assorted diseases & toxins,
pain, fatigue, equipment failure, aging, scars/crippling with realistic healing,
Try to "win" in that mode. Maybe have a slider between the two with
the option to select just some of the elements.Or a combination of slider with checkboxes.

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2005 6:05 am
by Dexter
Gah. Can we wash our laundry and wipe our anuses while we're at it? How about a realistic Toothbrushing minigame, where we get to put the paste on the brush ourselves and everything.

Point being... sims kinda suck.

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2005 6:21 am
by Redeye
Dexter wrote:Gah. Can we wash our laundry and wipe our anuses while we're at it? How about a realistic Toothbrushing minigame, where we get to put the paste on the brush ourselves and everything.

Point being... sims kinda suck.
I was being a little bit funny.
I also left out realistic encumbrance- though that would be covered by
the "etc.".
I just thought it would be more immersive sometimes to have a bit of
that stuff- sort of like playing a character with an Endurance of 1.
Gotta be careful.
This would be great for thieves and diplos. Combat chars could also
have a ball here because the flipside of sim is enemies suffer too...
You just gotta plan. But then the sim becomes legalized AI 'sploiting.
Like in Commandos. But that was more like chess.
Really what I would like would be to have a less arbitrarily limiting
world. Setting traps, climbing through windows, people not being
linked into a worldwide instantaneous telepathic network, etc.

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2005 6:40 am
by Dexter
I see where you're coming from here, but it's just a simple yet unfortunate fact of life that some of the things that keep a video game from being boring are the very things that make it unrealistic.

Case and point, the Worldwide Instantaneous Telepathic Network. The alternative is far worse:

Say, I have a squad of 6. My player character is the squad leader. He wants to split off into two groups of three. Is he expected to run back and forth between the two groups giving orders? You could argue that they use radio communications, but I don't recall any evidence that that kind of technology still exists in the Fallout universe, and besides that, an incoming radio transmission would really ruin a stealth melee specialist's day.

So we're left with something called "suspension of disbelief" where we put aside our various nitpicks and just play the game.

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2005 7:30 am
by Blargh



Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2005 1:34 pm
by PiP
I haven't read through all this thread yet, so I'm not sure if this issue has been raised yet.
Well the one NEW feature I'd like is PC look customization, especially as regards the head/face. This would make the player identify himself with the character so much more.
If you have a top-down view, you retain the Fallout feel and table-top game feel. However if you add your PC's face to be seen all the time (something between Silent Storm and Tactics), you no longer feel only like playing chess, but your relation to the PC (and thus also the whole game) is more personal and deeper; the immersion in the game is enhanced.

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2005 2:32 pm
by Dexter
yeah, that idea had been mentioned... and flamed incessantly.

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2005 4:24 am
by Deadeye Dragoon
A fully destructable environment. I want houses being blown up and falling on people. Want to smash the wall of an outhouse repeatedly with my sledgehammer to reach the squatter inside. Want to use my shovel to dig holes every five feet of landscape searching for hidden treasure and/or pretty rocks. To cut trees down with axes in order to fall down into perfect bridges with which to cross ravines and drop on people's heads. I want beautiful 2D looking graphics with the capabilities of destruction that is suited to the 3D engine it'll be using.

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2005 1:02 pm
by PiP
why don't you play Silver Style's "Soldier's of Anarchy"? I hear it's very good. Perhaps also the upcoming (in English) "The Fall." Oh and you get diggin for treasures in "pirates!".

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2005 2:03 pm
by ExtremeDrinker
I want backward compatibility...No. I want them to release FO1 & FO2 MOD/Expansions for use in the new engine. Keeping everything the same, just updated higher res graphics.

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2005 3:24 am
by St. Toxic
Restless. So restless. Time to add some ideas.
Role-Player wrote:I want the city maps to be improved.
Would be heavy if the character, during his stay in town, would sketch up the explored places on some filthy paper, and mark in the visited keyplaces / people.
Actual blueprints or professionally made maps should be half difficult to come by, or expensive to buy, but reveal more things of interest.
Cartographic tools seem to be pretty vital to a traveler, and could well run on the outdoorsman skill ( and pe? ), and further help out with special encounters and/or avoiding possible dangers.

Crossbows... crossbows crossbows.
One could always assume that tribals found an old crossbow at some point, and started reproducing them, due to the lack of gun knowledge.
I think crossbows and bows could have alot of uses, even against armored foes, like a better aim ( you can always shoot armored guys in the face ) and the ability to attach dynamite sticks to the arrow/bolt would grant you a pretty devastating weapon.
If Fo3 will run the 'ammo a' plenty - weapon a' scarce' setting, this would ( combined with a crafting ability and a junk collection ) also give you something to fight with, when you're down on your luck ( or have really low luck ) and dont want to shoot yourself in the eye with the piperifle.

The whole 'dont go anywhere without supplies' idea sounds great to me, and I think a 'safe' pc would be one with most of his weightcap spent on supplies ( beyond food and water ). This would also put more weight on getting a car / storage / npc as early as possible and/ or add to the "Lone Wanderer" way of neglecting his own needs.

Variety. Lack of this breaks immersion. Loads of different death anims, backfire anims, sounds etc. It doesent have to mean alot of work. If the (death) animations make any use of ragdoll, it could be coded to randomly vary the weight properties, the engine could possibly resample the sounds.

I've been thinking alot about radial-burstfire, mostly because of pesky, non-lethal pack enemies like rats and that whole lot.
The idea is pretty basic: You have a weapon with automatic support, enough ap to burst twice ( or almost ) and a pack of ( say ) rats in front of you. If you do a normal burst, you can at best harm those behind your target, or in its immediate vicinity. Radial burst would give you a number of adjacent targets ( depending on your ap ) to burst at. You'd do a third ( or so ) of a normal burst on or around every target for slightly more then normal burst ap.


If one introduced ricochet, this would also be when fighting from behind corners / cover, and not actually having any visual confirmation of an enemy.

And now its boozingtime.

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2005 4:37 am
by The Slaughter
Well, i aways wated to side with ANY evil faction when playng with someone evil. U k'now, i hated the fact that don´t have a way to side with the Raiders, The Khans from fallout 2, and even the Enclave (Some kind of infiltration to free the villagers).

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2005 1:04 pm
by Mismatch
The Slaughter wrote:Well, i aways wated to side with ANY evil faction when playng with someone evil. U k'now, i hated the fact that don´t have a way to side with the Raiders, The Khans from fallout 2, and even the Enclave (Some kind of infiltration to free the villagers).
yah, and when you became a slaver lottsa good chit became unaccesible to you, and all one got was like 4 rapefree slaveruns.

and, something I'd like would be to have special characters in random encounters (should be rather unusual though) so that you can get to face some band of known bandits for instance as a random enc and then proceed to the nearest sherriff and collect some award.
Mebbe these wouldn't all to be combat encounters either, in some you could meet famous citizen ß who gives you a certain mission in change for oral sex or summit.

And, I want Athabaska Dick to appear in FO3, if its not set too far into the futaaar. He's my favourite character in FO2.
Ive always felt so attracted to him.

Posted: Tue May 03, 2005 3:01 am
by Cuthbert Allgood
Being able to duel wield pistols would be really cool...>

Posted: Thu May 05, 2005 3:52 am
by Ernesto
If you're a complete ass-fuck, well then yeah.