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Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2005 2:58 am
by Naked_Lunch
Apparently he doesn't realize that I liked it enough to post it again after he deleted it. D:

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2005 3:03 am
by Wolfman Walt
I didn't see anything wrong with asking for a summary. Generally I like to know if I'm gonna be interested in reading something before I commit to reading it . If we just depended on titles every movie would just be named "Super ninja deagle mcDeath: extra sex version." It's what seems to be what his original complaint was or some shit, because I guess it's impossible for someone to seriousily want a summary. "Over-reaction is my only reaction" is the word I suppose.

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2005 3:29 am
by Fez
rad-x wrote:I'm not responsible for the spammers on your community. You as a community are. Its not up to me to control them. You've built a repuation generally as being a bad place to be. And you'll build that repuation when a new user comes to the forum and is confronted with this sort of thing. Perfectly in my rights to be displeased and not want to keep my stuff here.
Wrong. You are a weak cry baby. If you are so fragile, how can you expect to survive in the real world? Don't expect to be mollycoddled everywhere you go. It is not the job of the world to protect your ego from everyone else's thoughts and opinions.

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2005 4:40 am
by Blargh
Dear rad-x,

As a writer, I despair for you as a writer.

Your coping mechanisms against varied forms of criticism and less than metaphorical fellatio reader response leave much to be desired, as they say.

You cannot grow through flight.

Hoping for change,


Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2005 5:21 am
by DarkUnderlord
rad-x wrote:It is my decision where I display my own work. Not yours. Not anyone else's. Mine.
Yet it's publicly available on your own web-site? Seriously, you want to visit every forum in the world where someone copy and pastes it? Have fun with legal fees. I see that Naked_Lunch did attach his own copyright message to the bottom of your work in his post, which is the only thing I see as being inappropriate.
rad-x wrote:Forget that. I wrote this. It means something to me personally. I came onto this forum, and opened it up for criticism. I opened it up for praise or rejection. And I didn't even get nothing. I got worse than nothing. This fiction means a great deal to me and I shouldn't have to stand by and see it subjected to disinterest.
No, you got 3 comments which if you were smart enough, you could've read something into. Clearly, they thought it was too long and wanted a summary. Rather than providing them with a short summary - which might make them want to read it - you pulled it. If you'd provided a short summary, hey, who knows but you might've gotten something worthwhile.

Also, it is not the role of you to say what other people can and can't talk about. If they want to talk about your work, how are you going to stop them? That's not against the law even if it happens without your knowledge of permission. Sorry but that's the way it works. As has been said, there's a lot of people on DAC who don't take things like this seriously. You'll just have to learn to live with them because we have no intention of throwing those people out. If you'd kept it up and didn't "throw the tantrum" you have, you would've found the couple of people who probably would've been quite willing to answer whatever you question was.

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2005 7:28 am
by hat_man99
You don't seem to realize that there are a lot of incoherent spamming idiots polluting this forum, namely Hat Man

I pitty your lack of respect for me and (sometimes) Naked_Lunch

Now rad-x i will put in what i was first goina say, with that in 10 words thing

Its good a little long but its for a sitcom so its ok, though i havent read it all it seems pretty funny sure some of it is a bit dumb but that doesnt make it shit, i like it and cant wait till you write another one, be good to see it actually acted out

There that wasnt spam so shove it :drunk:

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2005 8:35 pm
by Naked_Lunch
I see that Naked_Lunch did attach his own copyright message to the bottom of your work in his post, which is the only thing I see as being inappropriate.
Perhaps I should've added some :drunk:, maybe some D; or D:.

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2005 3:10 am
by Aegeri
First of all Rad-x, aside from being a generally incoherent mess I really didn't get any impression that you were trying to get anywhere with it. Yeah, there is a stapler and some other fellow running around committing shenaningans. For example, finding someone saying "I feel like shit" utterly hillarious that they were laughing uncontrollably (undoubtably losing much of their spleen in the process).

Overall I got no impression of what you're trying to achieve. Is it supposed to be the skeleton of a narrative for a book (if so it's really bad and needs a lot of work) or some sort of fallout play for 6th grade or something? Perhaps a movie script? It needs a lot of work, particularly in inserting some form of actual plot and making the characters interesting. Oh yeah, rename the guy whose name sounds like a stapler.