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Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2005 11:14 pm
by Kashluk
Depends if you actually hit a specific body part. But yes, there is a chance that you will hit, say, groin and there will be a genitalia-related comment.

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2005 10:23 pm
by Koki
Mid - to endgame, CH is the most powerful primary stat in the game when it comes to combat, since your npc's become just as hard-hitting as the pc. Marcus with a laser rifle, Skynet with one of the better small guns and Sulik with an SMG, will do a helluva lotta damage.
If you care about them... the only NPC I ever liked enough to take was Dogmeat.
Shoot the legs and cripple them / cause to fall critters that are trying to run up to you.
More like criple critters that are trying to run away from you. This was shitty issue in FO2.

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2005 12:32 am
by PiP
"More like criple critters that are trying to run away from you. This was shitty issue in FO2."

true, however these critters sometimes come back after a while, and if don't - you can't find them after you've finished combat with those which stayed. Sometimes it's even useful - you don't want too many wanamingos at one time. My way, I got most of'em before they managed to bite/hit me, or got them run away and hunted them down after a while.