Interplay shares move en masse, aims to develop new Descent!

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Post by orionquest »

Prior to the post disaster scenarios after the collapse of currencies that I mentioned above,

you have the ongoing slow train wreck collapses: ... rallels-us ... miniseries

It's better to inform the populace on a looming disaster than to get into a tit for tat flame war that's been going on for a while between certain people.

Much as I hate to be a party pooper, it will affect gaming and hopefully to the better in that it will lead to the collapse of debt laden gaming "giants" that have destroyed computer gaming as we know it in their singular quest for printed thin air units.

The Fed printed 500 billion out of thin air and lent it to the Europeans so they can buy our debt in secret while we buy theirs. Whoever blinks first loses and it looks like it's Europe's turn now with the Greek start to the problem.

Do you know what some Wealth Asset managers are telling their clients? To prepare to convert your wealth into a self sustainable living that does not rely on failing infrastructure due to debt deflation or disaster( Haiti anyone)

What does this have to do with escape seeking individuals that play away their worries in 3D generated realities?

Well, you better be able to support yourself right now and prepare to support yourself without an electric grid cause when that collapses it ain't coming back for years and you better have another source to be able to fire up your systems that have not been fried.
You think I am kidding? Go ahead and mock me.

Not to be the bearer of bad news, there is hope in preparing to be self reliant.

Fallout is fun to play as a game but you don't want it to turn into reality for then you'd want to escape it with a virtual simulation of life before a systemic societal crash.

It would be ironic if that were to happen.

As far as Interplay is concerned and the revival of Descent, EWJ and etc... even though Herve has been mentioning since April 2004 that he's interested in reviving these franchises, it is a moot point.

Their primary focus right now should only be: Make sure to do a good job with PV13 and make it the Fallout that Bethesda couldn't make regardless of what the heck happens to the naming rights. The very least it should be a spiritual successor.

Releasing ports of old stuff to DSIware and Iphone etc is net cash flow positive and is not a distraction but not a great deal either.

Unless the 600 million dollar fund guys that own 10% decide to actively invest( become board members, provide cash inflow, loans, etc.....) releasing sequels to all the great 90's franchises is risky and currently unfeasible.

What Interplay needs is to re-establish Black Isle Studios again. Gaming needs an infusion of what it has been sorely missing: great stories and great characters and great design. The Graphics overkill with no design, no stories, bad dialog and forgettable characters has run its course no matter how much cash Bethesda and their uber ilk throw at it.
Last edited by orionquest on Sun Feb 14, 2010 3:32 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Frater Perdurabo »

And there's no such thing as Europe feeding China in order to oppose the States, jeez. Most European countries kiss USA's ass anyway, even the large ones.

Under the defence budget, I'm sure you also count your wars.

The US might have a poweful economy, but it is wasting its resources. Once EU really kicks off, I believe it's potential will surpass that of America's. China overtook Germany in December to become the world's largest exporter. Needless to mention India, Brasil and Russia, all of which have enormous potential. In a couple of decades, the superpower game will have changed substantially.
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Post by Frater Perdurabo »

The articles are interesting, have a look at this one too: ... d=15521489

Nevertheless, I stick to my guns. The European area has its economic problems, but right now, who doesn't? Greece especially has always been a difficult case. Yet, the Americans aren't much better off.
As for this being some cover-op for an impending natural disaster? Hardly.
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Post by orionquest »

Frater Perdurabo wrote:And there's no such thing as Europe feeding China in order to oppose the States, jeez. Most European countries kiss USA's ass anyway, even the large ones.

Under the defence budget, I'm sure you also count your wars.

The US might have a poweful economy, but it is wasting its resources. Once EU really kicks off, I believe it's potential will surpass that of America's. China overtook Germany in December to become the world's largest exporter. Needless to mention India, Brasil and Russia, all of which have enormous potential. In a couple of decades, the superpower game will have changed substantially.
Yes, the United States has a large hole in that part of its budget is wasted on using up munitions but you must remember that its industrial infrastructure had to be converted into a War economy in order to defeat the Axis.

If only it could have continued on building the Agrarian leadership that it currently still maintains which would have led to a well fed world that does not need to covet resources of their neighbors and whose leaders profit from feeding the world more than from destroying it.

We would only be dealing with obesity and austerity instead of constant flash points everywhere.

Warmongering is very sexy if you are a pre-teen. Once you're knee deep in death, destruction and destitution, you'd be seeking peace.

People are always seeking what they don't have and running away from what they have.

Grass is always greener......
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Post by Frater Perdurabo »

When I was talking about superpowers, I was referring to economic powerhouses. I am a pacifist at heart, which is a no-brainer given my country's and continent's history.

Global peace is under threat from the developing part of the world, not the developed. China, extremist Islamic countries, North Korea and probably to an extent, Russia are on our list of worries.
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Post by Caleb »

India will disappear. And I don't mean that in just an economic sense...

Regardless of economic climate, we're coming up on a global water shortage/crisis/whatever...the proof is there, it's been talked about for years, etc etc.

India gets, what, 90% of its water from China? And hell, coke already got kicked out for depleting many of their reservoirs. Also...their economic boom of outsourcing, etc, is more expensive and not as high quality as similar services offered by the Chinese.

In response to economic issues: when cities are having to cut out full city services, over a quarter of their police force, can't afford to replace street lamps/cut lawns...i think things might be getting to a point where any warning about self sustainability should be taken to heart.
...signatures? WTF?
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Post by orionquest »

And that is why the goal of the Globalist Merchant Bank/Military Industrial Complex elite is to depopulate the world to the tune of 90%.

The developing part of the world wants their share of the pie while the developed part of the world wants to continue to misuse resources to an out sized proportion indeterminably while maintaining the status quo. Developing nations no longer want to be token pawns in the hands of imperialists.

Life runs in cycles. Today's pacifist might be the descendant of an imperialist and vice versa.

Almost every person is a pacifist until they are put to the test of stay pacifist or die. At that point, instincts kick in and you find out whether or not you fight, flight or freeze.

Not many are awakened enough to willingly choose to exit this matrix reality. Most are fighters or escapists in some form or another.

I wouldn't harm a fly if I could but I've grown up in militaristic induced fight or flight situations and when you're going up against artillery and other ammunition, it's flight time with a massive time dilating adrenaline rush that makes you feel like you are in a warped reality( which may be an explanation of getting higher dimensional/angelic protection).

People in life threatening situations get religious pretty quickly. People living quiet/boring days in Cliche' get on the other side and scoff it all away.

When you are going up against out of control types, it's turn the other cheek by being calmer than they are. It screws with their wiring and causes them to calm down, usually.

As proof of all the fighting for rights/scarcity/treasure in the world today, you cannot put out a raging fire with Gasoline.

Ever increasing economic expansions are unsustainable the way unending cell expansion(i.e: cancer) is unsustainable.

Our economies are built on continuously expanding debt/consumption/population increase models.

It's almost like you had a set of Invaders who had technology to travel fast forward in time and they wanted the Earth terraformed to a desert like environment without much rainfall like Mars but did not have enough man/alien power so they get humans to do it for them via covet methods using ultimately worthless pieces of paper.

The same covet means that Kennedy spoke about before they put a bullet through his head while his driver conveniently slowed down enough until he verified the splatter after while he speeds away in a reverse logic sort of way.

It's brilliant I tell you. You get your enemy to destroy themselves then you take over at the moment of no return after they've printed/consumed away most of their natural resources.

Didn't the Devil hate God's plan for Mankind and wanted Man done for?

Well we have enough Adversarial behavior among ourselves to become sons of perdition.

As a Planet, We lost our way. Not sure we were ever intended to do anything other than lose our way.

It's the ultimate Massive Multiplayer always Online game for what manifested this reality.

"All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players"
Shakespeare only had it half right.

I have this sneaky suspicion that the world is staged and there is only one player and we do not have even the tiniest conception of the reality of that which plays with us like puppets.

Instead of the usual thinking that our souls are experiencing earthly reality, what if everything we think we feel is merely our bodies experiencing a hyper dimensional unified consciousness that was so bored out of its mind in its infinite existence that it had the eternal time to consciously manifest this reality out of intangible thoughts.

To me the material world is the illusion and the only reality is that which does not physically exist.
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Post by VasikkA »

Reading up on conspiracy theorists sites, have we? You are truly fucked up. D:

Post by Kashluk »

The fact that banks make money out of 'nothing' (and the necessary cycle of debt, inflation and continuous growth) does not come as a surprise to anyone with any education.

I recommend reading, especially things that do not start with http://.
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Post by Caleb »

orionquest: gnostic much?
...signatures? WTF?
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Post by ekkaman »

VasikkA wrote:Reading up on conspiracy theorists sites, have we? You are truly fucked up. D:
Ill second that. :drunk:
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Post by stock-guy »

Kashluk wrote:The fact that banks make money out of 'nothing' (and the necessary cycle of debt, inflation and continuous growth) does not come as a surprise to anyone with any education.

I recommend reading, especially things that do not start with http://.
i really agree to what you said
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Post by King of Creation »

What's with this influx of spambots?
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Post by Caleb »

We probably got nailed as an 'active forum' with high PR pages(something about FO3 on mainstream gaming sites) linking to us...making our site more popular and better to spam from.
...signatures? WTF?
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Post by King of Creation »

That spambot wasn't even a good one...he didn't actually link to anything!
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Post by Caleb »

Did he maybe have a link in his profile? If not...odd.
...signatures? WTF?
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Post by King of Creation »

Not that I saw.
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Post by Caleb »

Just wait til we get automated trolling...robot: (quotes a random post) you fucking moron, only retards would think that! wouldn't be too hard to program one for nma...
...signatures? WTF?
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Post by Yonmanc »

Caleb wrote:Just wait til we get automated trolling...robot: (quotes a random post) you fucking moron, only retards would think that! wouldn't be too hard to program one for nma...
We could also steal their club house flag and write "Brother None is a swell guy" in the boys toilets.
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Post by Caleb »

you weren't here for the wars :salute:
...signatures? WTF?
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