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Re: Car-related questions and stuff

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2003 7:12 pm
by Anotomus101
Ice wrote:Hi!

I am enjoying FO2 right now, and the car seems like a really cool feature since you can access it from the town/city/whatever unlike in FOT wherein you can only access your vehicles in certain areas of the game and NOT when in missions. Sucks when you forgot to get an item from the trunk or when you are getting overloaded and there's still tons of stuff lying around. Anyway, on to the questions:

1. What are the possible upgrades to the car, besides the one that will actually get it to run (the one from Gecko) and the mileage booster from Klamath? I haven't finished the game yet, still at NCR, so no spoilers please. Just mention the upgrade that is available, but not how or where to get it please. Thank you!
2. Is the trunk capacity limited by WEIGHT or by the NUMBER OF ITEMS?
3. Is it possible to damage the car and lose it like in FOT?

Non car-related questions:
4. Is the levelling up of NPCs dependent on something? Or is it totally random? I'm tired of saving and reloading and reloading just to try to get certain NPCs to level up too.
5. I've got tons of guns and armor and ammo in the game and nowhere to sell them. My barter is like 159% or so, the guy with the most money I've come across is the guy behind the bars in Redding, with 2000chips or so. I just give him one lousy gun, and I can rake in his chips, sometimes, I am even selling my stuff for 5-10 chips less than I should get because there is nothing to trade. Is there any other "buyer" out there, or do I just have to keep going around to the different cities, selling as I go? BTW, my guys are usually loaded up and the car is also full, that's why I'm asking. Again, no spoilers please! Just tell me if this is how stuff is disposed or if there is a better way. I'm basically just looking for reassurance here. Thank you!
6. I got the GECK (YAY!!!), but I return to Arroyo too late. I assume this is part of the plot, or am I really too late? Funny, I just got one dream about the healer-guy, then another one just as I got the GECK... then I rush to Arroyo as fast as the car can go, but am too late. Weird.
7. I'm currently at level 17, still have not spent my skill points (about 50+ by now since I get 18pts per level), not picked my perk yet. I got Small Guns, Doc, and Barter tagged. I don't want to add to Barter any more because I'm having a hard time selling stuff as it is. Doc is good for me at around 90%. Small Guns gets the job done at 119%. I'm playing a good guy, sniper and critical hit style. Any suggestions? I'm thinking of TAG, but I'm so good at my Scoped Hunting Rifle and there are no good energy guns yet. Another option is MAGNETIC PERSONALITY, but who to get? Marcus? Sounds juicy, but I bet he'll blast Sulik to smithereens. I'm currently using the .233pistol (the one that WAS a rifle but got cut down to a pistol... man! is it powerful!!), Scoped Hunting Rifle/Sniper Rifle, or H&K CAWS, depends on my sadistic inclination at the given situation. To anyone who has used Marcus, how is he in combat?
8. This sucks!!! I got the Sniper Rifle with good min-max damage, longer range than the Scoped Hunting Rifle, but it SUX!!! Like in the Sierra Army Depot, against those turrets... I am standing just far away from the turret not to take major damage from it, the SHRifle gives me 90% or so for a CPU hit, 80% or so for a SENSOR hit, 95% for a body hit. The Sniper Rilfe, at the SAME SPOT, gives me about 70% for the CPU hit, 50% for the SENSOR hit. I dismissed this as "I'm good with the SHRifle so I get good %-age, but the Sniper Rifle is new so I'm just getting acquainted with it." Seriously tho, any explaination for this? Thank you!

That's about all I can think of right now. Hope someone could help! Thanks in advance!

1. there are no upgrades avalible for the car(that i know of) <spoiler>exept for the larger trunk that you can get in the chop shop in new reno.

2. the trunk is limited by weight, not by amount of items.

3. as far as i know, i do not think that you can destroy the car. that was a feature added to the fallout universe by the creators of FOT

4. they level up when they gain experiance just like you. you can not pcik their perks, but you can see them level up and you get a message that says that they ahave gained some abilities.

5. <sorta spoiler>in new reno, there is an arms dealer. although i always kill him and just take his loot, you could in essance sell some items for all the money he has, then leave new reno, come back and his money should be there agian. you cant then kill him afterword. i always end up having 2 much and just dumping most of it.

6. yes, it is part of the plot...

7. i think that you should put it into either energy weapons or big guns(depending on your strength). it will really help you out later in the game... you cant fight some of the latter opponents with pistol of anykind...

8. the sniper rifel isnt the best weapon agianst turrets. try usng explosives of some kind, and god SNEAK MAN... lol. try to get as far away around the turrets as possible. they will rip you a new one...

hope i could be of help.

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2003 9:04 am
by Ice
In fairness, FOT is beautiful in terms of graphics. In terms of gameplay, it is a good action game, but squad control to the smallest detail is very hard sometimes. Would have been cool if the squad members had AI's of sorts that you could assign to them, like they follow their own intiative unless specifically ordered by the team leader (you).

Anyway, in my FO2, I am off to enclave. I tried getting rid of as much material as possible, giving me 99,000 chips on the car plus 35K on me. I went to the enclave bringing only first aid/doctor stuff, stims, the GECK, and ammo. I found an Adv.PA MKII, so my squad is now of Sulik (Adv.PA), Vic and Cassidy with Hardened PA, Skynet and Myron the moron in a PA. I talked to the President already. Question is, is there SOMETHING to do in enclave aside from KILLING them all? Thanks!

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2003 9:21 am
by Ninja Penguin
Ice wrote:In fairness, FOT is beautiful in terms of graphics. In terms of gameplay, it is a good action game, but squad control to the smallest detail is very hard sometimes. Would have been cool if the squad members had AI's of sorts that you could assign to them, like they follow their own intiative unless specifically ordered by the team leader (you).

Anyway, in my FO2, I am off to enclave. I tried getting rid of as much material as possible, giving me 99,000 chips on the car plus 35K on me. I went to the enclave bringing only first aid/doctor stuff, stims, the GECK, and ammo. I found an Adv.PA MKII, so my squad is now of Sulik (Adv.PA), Vic and Cassidy with Hardened PA, Skynet and Myron the moron in a PA. I talked to the President already. Question is, is there SOMETHING to do in enclave aside from KILLING them all? Thanks!
1. FOT graphics were too...bright and new. There were by no means bad, but they weren't Fallout.

2. Earn yourself some Jagged Alliance/XCOM. XCOM == JA > FOT

3. Aside from slaughtering everyone on the Rig, there's the killing Horrigan, setting the Rig to blow and running like a scared little girl as it goes up in flames.

Posted: Sun Jan 26, 2003 4:39 am
by Bloodgeon11
Since i went wacko, hacked, and walked into San Francisco at level 1, i needed money and item. I stole, and walked around until the cash and items restocked. I'm happy to say that around the middle of every month, the merchants in San Fran restock....

Posted: Wed Feb 26, 2003 4:57 am
by Arbgun
Well, if your done with the game. Try downloading patches which changes your hihgwayman into an ENZO Yellow FERRARI or change its color to "really rusty" or "LImo Black." While your at it get the patch where you get frank horigans armour. ...then show them to your friends who dont know about the patches . . . ... ..hear tham say . . .. holy shit, howd you get that. c'mon u gotta tell me . .. . ..then tell them its a bonus special encounter. theyll spend days .weeks tryin to figure out where...LOL