The Arena!!!

Role-play any post-apocalyptic scenario to your heart's content or discuss unofficial Fallout PnP games.
Ghetto Goose
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Post by Ghetto Goose »

*GG stops running, back facing ravenclaw and shadowrunner*

*GG raps the ground with his spear and the two fall into a dozen peices*

*takes a deep breath*

wheew...that force stuff really takes it outta ya...
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Post by Stainless »

Stainless hoasted himself to his feet. He swung his sword in a semi circle above his head, and the blade slotted easily into the sheath. He looked up. Although a large amount of his fleet had been decimated 3 of the command ships and many of the friages and millions of fighter craft still remained. By Stainless would call them back another day.

Stainless punched in a command on his wrist and the ships soon departed from the Arena's dimension.

He pulled the Shelid Of Delete from his back strap and flung it across the arnea at Reaper. Reaper saw it coming a mile away, and leaped from his throne. The sheild banged against eh throne, deleteing it into oblivion.

TheReaper jumped down and stood in front of Stainless, unaware of the pain he would soon face.

Stainless gazed over Reaper's shoulder, and the sheild of delet thudded into Reaper's back. A lud crack from his spinal cord was heard, and Stainless kicked Reaper in the face, and onto his back, increasing the pain.

Stainless then walked off to study for exams.

"Don't worry. With all your 'jedi' power you should be healed in no time. In the mean time, I'm outta here to study for my Bio and Chem exams."
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Post by Ghetto Goose »

*regains his compsure*

woo! what a rush!

whos next?

*notices hunter*

ooo, i remember you. you're that white-tiger-person-thing, arent you?
whats the specific name for what you are anyway? were-tiger?

*ultra-mad-dashes past Hunter* :scrambleup: :scrambleup: :scrambleup:

*a slight wound opens up on Hunter's left arm*

*bottles the blood that he obtained from Hunter*

heheh, i can save this for later. Reap knows why :wink:

be right back hunter, heal yourself i want you at full capacity.

*goes off to the Hub R&D*

Post by TheReaper »

*Reaper lies on his back in agony after Stainless' relentless attack. Reaper stabs the rune sword into the ground and uses it as a lever to pull himself up. His back hurts like the devil. He goes up to an unnamed fighter. Reaper uses force drain on the fighter and takes all his life and puts into Reaper to heal himself. Reaper turns round.

"Who's next?"

*GG speeds past and grabs Reaper's sword. GG holds the sword and throws it at Reaper, the sword pierces through Reaper's chest and he falls, impaled on the rune sword. GG starts doing a victory dance for he has killed Reaper!

GG: "I am the champion, I killed Reaper!!!"

*What GG is unaware of is that Reaper is pulling himself up the sword and off it while it is still stuck in the ground (People who have played Devil May Cry will know what I'm on about) Reaper gets up after having the blade go through him and grabs the blade behind him and swings it around.

Umpa: "Cool."

*Reaper goes up behind GG and slices his arm off. GG turns and looks to see Reaper standing there, holding his sword.

GG: "You couldn't have respawned that quickly, I killed you!"

*GG swings the sword at Reaper and it cuts his arm but no blood comes out. Reaper grins evilly :twisted:. GG shits himself as he sees Reaper raise the rune sword. Reaper brings the rune sword down on GG, slicing him clean in half.

"Make sure you finish the job next time GG."
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Post by Ghetto Goose »

Ghetto Goose wrote:*regains his compsure*

woo! what a rush!

whos next?

*notices hunter*

ooo, i remember you. you're that white-tiger-person-thing, arent you?
whats the specific name for what you are anyway? were-tiger?

*ultra-mad-dashes past Hunter* :scrambleup: :scrambleup: :scrambleup:

*a slight wound opens up on Hunter's left arm*

*bottles the blood that he obtained from Hunter*

heheh, i can save this for later. Reap knows why :wink:

be right back hunter, heal yourself i want you at full capacity.

*goes off to the Hub R&D*
*runs back into the Arena*

and make sure you are fighting someone whos actually here! :P

Post by TheReaper »

I assumed that you had already come back, well, just ignore where that post is and put it where this post is, okay? You are now dead after trying to kill me.
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Post by Ghetto Goose »



k, im here now.

reap, im not fighting you right now. STOP TRYING TO GET ME TO FIGHT YOU! it always results in a ritualistic severing of my limbs. :D

Hunter gets to fight me first, then you. :twisted:
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Post by Hunter_Legionous »

Hunter blinks as Goose approaches him, simpily nodding at what he says. As Goose then zips off, a wound suddenly appearing on his arm, he growls and turns in the direction which he went. His eyes narrow slightly as the wound on his arm quicky begins to close up on it's own, his right hand reaching to the tear that the man made on the sleeve of his coat, obiously more upset with that rather then getting cut.

"Ah, is that so.. When ever your ready then..." he growls and pulls his coat around him a bit more before bringing both of his arms up, folding them gently across his chest.

( eh, sorry i took so long to post, been having some problems here )

Post by TheReaper »

*Reaper watches the battle between GG and Hunter. He holds the ultimate rune sword at his side ready for use.

"I'll wait until you have finished GG, then I shall slice you to pieces. I sever limbs because it's very painful but not immediately lethal."
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Post by Sir_Funkalot »

Which types of weapons are we fighting with now?
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Post by Ghetto Goose »

well, reap's got 2 lightsabers and an "ultimate rune sword that trials fire, ice, and can cut though space and time"....overkill in my opinion.

i have a spear and a desert eagle.

i think Hunter's got a couple swords.

eherm, now! where we we hunt? starting this off? alrighty.

*slashes the ground infront of Hunter, kicking dirt into his eyes*

*while hunter is momentarily stunned GG slashes Hunter's kneecaps*

*while hunter still struggles with his eyes goose stands up*

little rusty, are we?

*Hunter swings a paw wildy and strikes GG, sending him a good 10 feet*

...maybe not as rusty as i thought...*wheeze*

*kips up*

oh well...

TBC (to be continued)

Post by TheReaper »

Ghetto Goose wrote:well, reap's got 2 lightsabers and an "ultimate rune sword that trials fire, ice, and can cut though space and time"....overkill in my opinion.
Not really, before you joined, everyone was using really powerful weapons and having a smite-fest. It was fun. I keep my rune sword. I use either the lightsabres or the rune sword but I am thinking of removing my lightsabres from my arena character to be a little more fair.
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Post by Ghetto Goose »

..the Arena's kinda slow lately.
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Post by Sir_Funkalot »

Then what weapon shall I chose, a dual lightsabre (like Darth Maul's) or dual Vindicators (Fallout edition)?

Either way, someone's going down, going down to Chinatown!
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Post by Ghetto Goose »

dual vindicators? are you a human turret or something?
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Post by Hunter_Legionous »

*watches himself get powerplayed a little bit and ponders just kicking everyone's ass* Least I think it is..

Post by TheReaper »

S_F, dual miniguns is a bit excessive even for the arena.

*Reaper stabs the rune sword into the ground and leans on it, considering the blade is as long as Reaper (Reaper is 6ft). Reaper is alert to the arena's surroundings using the force and waits for a opponent to appear.
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Post by Ghetto Goose »

powerplayed? you weren't here when Blarg was here. He was just doing a kill per post.
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Post by bloodbathmaster2 »

"Powerplay? Did somebody say powerplay?"

With a blinding flash, the imfamous cloaked one appeared in the arena centre. His tattered white cape spattered with ink and his eyes bloodshot from long nights spent writing and playing TDZK, bloodbathmaster the second grinned. To any passerby, one would think him insane, which he, infact, was. The real clue wasn't his smile, however, it was the gigantic firearm he was wielding.

The gun jolted, sending a slug into theReaper's leg. Blood splattered across the tile, and the rune sword dropped to the ground. The blood ran into the engraved runes of the blade, staining it red. As he looked up to see his opponent, he almost screamed. He didn't have the chance, as the shell in his leg exploded.

"Behold! Explosive rounds!" cried the madman, running to the aid of the playmate weretiger.
One day...
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Post by Ghetto Goose »

see, thats acceptable.
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