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Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2002 3:15 am
by BigJack
*BigJack hides afraid of such powerful demonstration (actually he's just lighting up his heavenly powered ray gun)*

Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2002 3:39 am
by TheReaper
*Reaper watches the events unfold from on high, he looks round to see GG sitting there with a bucket of popcorn.

"So this is where you have been hiding. Where'd ya get that popcorn?"

*GG points to a popcorn vending machine, Reaper goes over to it and gets himself some popcorn and goes back to watching.

Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2002 3:42 am
by Umpa
a low roar flows over the arena

Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2002 3:46 am
by TheReaper
*Reaper sits forward with his poopcorn (not a typo BTW) and watches closely.


Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2002 3:50 am
by Ghetto Goose

hmm, getting wet...

*inflates a hugh plastic loung chair and hops on. then paddles himself over near reap*

wish we had some sodas...

Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2002 5:24 am
by bloodbathmaster2
Suddenly, a bolt of lightning streaked across the arena, acing from bloodbath's fingers. As the bolt passed through a plant, it whithered and died. All of its energy was sent to the cloaked one. The bolt neared theReaper, and as it smashed into him, he was robbed of his power. Bloodbath cackled, oblivious to the tital wave that was obvoisly nearing.

Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2002 5:54 am
by Umpa
out of the crack something emerges.

its gnarled hands clench a longsword asn its fiery hair is slung back.

out of the sky something else comes. A horse flies out, its six legs beating the air. its rider has an enormus blade slung across its back and a spear in its hand. Its black armour and heavy set helmet hide hide his face.

The beast on the ground jumps.

Then the wave hits

Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2002 9:42 am
by Ghetto Goose
*the waves caused by this disruption cause Goose to drop his popcorn*

...awww damn...

reap, can i have som of you-

*reap activates his lightsaber infront of GG's reaching hand*

"get your own"

uhh, the popcorn machine was destroyed

"too bad"


Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2002 3:53 pm
by Stainless
Stainless looked up at the sky....past the forming his fleet. Two ships drifted silently, wreakages.....

"What makes you think I only have 1 supply and med ship?"

Stainless cackled madly and and signaled to the sky. The cloud parted as projectiles thudded into the Arena, anniahlating the remains of the popcorn vending machine.

"HA! and theres more where that came from!"

Stainless then sends out a broadcast to all his crew, informing them of what the other Arena fighters look like and should kill them with extreme happiness

Stainless then hovers in to a command ship, and looks relaxed through the bridge window.....planning his next move

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2002 2:02 am
by TheReaper
*Reaper gets up from the drain of power and passes the poopcorn to GG. He looks around and sees the entity, Reaper's mouth drops open, he knows what's happening.

"Holy shit! Someone is summoning Odin! Everyone! Prepare to be in two pieces!"

*Reaper brings out his rune sword and sees the horseman, Odin, nearing him, Reaper stands waiting, the horseman gets closer still. At the last moment Reaper leaps up and slices through Odin, knocking it off it's horse and killing it but in a last gasp, Odin slices Reaper's helmet off, revealing his face. Reaper looks up again and sees BB about to get knocked over by a wave.

"(To himself) He may be an enemy but it would be a shame for his to die like that. (Out loud) Hey BB!!! Tidal wave behind you!!!"

*Reaper turns to Stainless' fleet. He sees the many more supply ships and med ships. Reaper smiles and takes off the remains of his helmet. He stands still and talks to Stainless.

"But do all of your supply ships contain your favourite beer on them? I don't think so."

*Reaper grins evilly and awaits another monster but he suddenly seems to remeber something and puts his rune sword away as some small monsters come out. Reaper faces them and makes a few strange motions with his hands and a shard of ice comes out of his hand and flies though one of the beasts, killing it. Reaper summons up two fireballs and hurtels them above the water level to the other monsters, immolating them.

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2002 2:15 am
by Umpa
as reaper gasps for breath he feels a sharp pain in his chest. Looking down he see's Ifrits claws poking through

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2002 2:25 am
by TheReaper
*Luckily, Ifrit missed Reaper's heart but got a lung. Reaper gets of the claws and heals himself quickly, he turns to face Ifrit and puts his hands together and makes a slow motion with his hands. Behind him he sees the remains of Odin get up but it is dressed in a red robe.

"Damn, Gilgamesh! My turn!"

*Out of another hole in the ground two monsters rise, one is a blue woman and the other is a long, snake-like creature. They proceed to protect Reaper and attack Gilgamesh and Ifrit.

"Meet Shiva and Leviathan. I shall introduce you to my best two ever, here's Knights of the Round and Bahamut Zero!"

*A vortex opens in the sky and a huge armoured dragon-like creature comes out, Bahamut Zero. Huge figures with enormous weapons come of from various places, Knights of the Round.

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2002 2:46 am
by bloodbathmaster2
Bloodbath staggers to his feet and ponders how in the hell theReaper can copy Final Fantasy summons without his powers.

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2002 3:12 am
by TheReaper
*As Reaper powers up another spell, BB sees the runes on his sword flaming. The rune sword is his source of power. Reaper feels a presence behind him and grabs his rune sword but his hands were still charged with magical energy. The rune sword acts strangely and sends an energy bolt coursing through Reaper, the blade shatters and the pieces dissapear. A line of red energy coils round Reaper's right arm, he and the rune sword are one. Reaper looks up, he still looks the same but his eyes have taken on a red colour but not glowing.

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2002 3:56 am
by Umpa
umpa summons something crazy: A Supernova.

Nothing can survive this awesome power, not even the summoner

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2002 4:16 am
by Ghetto Goose
why do you guys keep summoning stupid stu-*sizzle*

*every one respawns*

hey, wheres my popcorn?

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2002 4:20 am
by Umpa

no more summons from me!

Umpa uses the moves Ghetto taught him with a sledge on Ghetto

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2002 4:24 am
by TheReaper
(Warning, this post contains many rips from other games!)

*Reaper respawns

"That was stupid! My Knights are going but the other three are staying as protection."

*Reaper re-summons Bahamut Zero, Leviathan and Shiva. He stands, waiting for someone to take a swipe at him. Reaper realises he has no weapon. He opens his right fist and a red blade of energy comes out of it from the spiral of energy round his arm. Reaper retracts the blade, he can call it at will.

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2002 4:25 am
by Umpa
*drops nuke*

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2002 4:30 am
by TheReaper
Ok, everyone ignore Umpa's posts until he starts being sensible and not trying to wipe the entire arena out every post.