What exacly has Obama done that he hasn't promised?

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Elite Wanderer
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Post by Username »

First of all its not good for the economy or society to have large corporations just growing and growing. Its better to have small local businesses, at least when it comes to farming and retailing and restaurants etc. So I don't even see the point in constantly re-investing. See post above for reasons why.

Secondly if the money is to be re-invested why not keep the money "inside" the company. That means less taxes, less problems. If you take the money out of the company you clearly want to do something else with it.

So obviously 250 000 is not much for a restaurant owner if we are talking about the money he gets and uses for all the company costs. But from what I know about the bush tax cuts the cuts were aimed primarily at income taxes of various forms.

Also so what? They own over 90% of all the assets (and I'm playing it safe here). Probably far more. And it gets even worse at the top. Something like 10% of that 1% own 80%ish. I have the stats somewhere...

And those fat cats probably got even more in foreign bank accounts and assets hidden from the US treasury. So I'm not impressed at all with their 33% out of which they drag off at least half by donating to charities they own that buy istuff and services from their friends or their own corporations :chew:

The one computer per one child (in Katrina) thing with Bushs cousin or something was hilarious. The charity was getting tons of money from a bunch of giving republicans that in turn was buying computers from a firm owned by Bush jr's cousin. Brilliant.

edit: Ah it was Neil Bush.
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Post by Yonmanc »

I just masturbated to a video of a Japanese girl, was she

a) Being Raped
b) Being Raped
c) Being Raped

You get 5 guesses.
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Post by Megatron »

people always say my room smells 'musty' but i just think it smells like me + animals generally. also theres some dead leaves on the floor as i dont bother sweeping up.
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Post by Mismatch »

Mkay, I'll keep this short since I'm in rural areas and must use my phone which is a pain.
Username what the Fuck is wrong with you? I get the feeling that you have no grasp of economics, no grasp of reality, and no bloody morals.
You were Swedish eh? Sounds about correct.

I'll try to find a computer and develop my thoughts with a proper keyboard.
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Post by Username »

Do so. Let's see if there are any thoughts in that penisbrain of yours ^^
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Post by Yonmanc »

The answer was F) by the way.
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Post by Frater Perdurabo »

Mismatch wrote:Username what the Fuck is wrong with you? I get the feeling that you have no grasp of economics, no grasp of reality, and no bloody morals.
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Post by Username »

It's ok guys. I understand it's to much to take in for your bitsy witsy small brains. Go on slow...into the light!

Post by Kashluk »

It's funny how people can actually be against 'free' health care. Oh well, I'm truly enjoying our system and wouldn't have it any other way :chew: ( http://www.newsweek.com/feature/2010/th ... tries.html )
Mad Max RW wrote:Iran. They haven't done a fucking thing and are practically encouraging them to build nukes.

Jerusalem. Obama originally said it should be left untouched and today says it should be split.
Because America should be the one to tell the rest of the world how to live their lives :salute:
Mad Max RW wrote:The top 1% in America already pays over 33% of taxes. The bottom 50% pays 3-4%.
... and that top 1 % earns more than $500.000 per year, while the bottom 50 % earns less than $30.000. The minimum living expenses are the same for all, though.

Not to mention that 'earning' X amount of money as an entrepreneuer does not mean you pay taxes from that amount. Your expenses are deducted from that - if your business is going bad and you're making no profit, you won't be paying (income) taxes either. It's not the turnover, it's the gross profit that counts.
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Post by Mad Max RW »

Kashluk wrote:It's funny how people can actually be against 'free' health care. Oh well, I'm truly enjoying our system and wouldn't have it any other way :chew: ( http://www.newsweek.com/feature/2010/th ... tries.html )
It "works" in other countries because it was slowly built up over the course of decades. What they want to do in American is tear everything apart suddenly and hope it all works out in the end. They completely disregard the fact millions of people who already have good health insurance will be dropped because of the new law and then forced into this shit government run heathcare. It wasn't designed with the intention of covering so many people, only the few who didn't have it before the law was written. In the end taxes will have to go up for all in order to pay for it. This is something the democrats tried to feed us all along, and assholes bought it.
Because America should be the one to tell the rest of the world how to live their lives :salute:
I say fuck it and let them fend for themselves, but that kinda thinking got us all into World War 2. You also have the same assholes who bitch about our meddling bitching even louder when we do nothing.
... and that top 1 % earns more than $500.000 per year, while the bottom 50 % earns less than $30.000. The minimum living expenses are the same for all, though.
Not true if you go state to state.
Not to mention that 'earning' X amount of money as an entrepreneuer does not mean you pay taxes from that amount. Your expenses are deducted from that - if your business is going bad and you're making no profit, you won't be paying (income) taxes either. It's not the turnover, it's the gross profit that counts.
The lovely thing about this is today if you fail miserably the government will swoop in and "bail" you out. Where do you think they get the money to do this bullshit? Meanwhile, legitimate companies doing well are forced out by new government run competition through insane regulations, then the failed companies are in a state of shit for years while the taxpayers are forced to dump even more money into them to keep it all afloat.

You know the most amazing thing about all this is during the last 50+ years while America was ontop, doing our own thing, you all said any day now we'd be in a state of collapse. Now we have an administration modeled after your ideals and ridiculous reforms, we're collapsing under massive debt brought on by these reforms (yes, the Iraq and Afghanistan wars forced us into debt, but not a fraction of what Obama has created since), and you see it all as sunshine and lollipops.

Now you have all sorts of European countries on the verge of bankruptcy because they realized their perfect system was totally fucked up. And when they try to do something about it you entitled brats riot in the streets. Even the UK is starting to wake up to reality, and they're the most arrogant assholes in the world.
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Post by Stalagmite »

Funny how both sides have "good" points but at the end of the day it's still utter fail.

#4 = no recession :dance:

Post by Kashluk »

Mad Max RW wrote:you entitled brats
I get really fucking annoyed when Americans pretend to know what they're talking about when it comes to EU politics.
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Post by Blargh »

Better by far to make a list of things that do not really fucking annoy you. You will be able to keep it in your back pocket, rather than five bathtubs.

And really, there's no need to be so specific. The pretense is everywhen. :drunk:
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Post by Mad Max RW »

Kashluk wrote:
Mad Max RW wrote:you entitled brats
I get really fucking annoyed when Americans pretend to know what they're talking about when it comes to EU politics.
Yeah, shouldn't you go back to being a student for the rest of your lives? That's all Europeans seem to know these days. How to be in a constant state of schooling and living off mommy and daddy and the government. You know, instead of actually working and contributing to society you expect everything to be handed to you. Oh what's that? The plan isn't working so great anymore? You're fucked. Go riot some more.
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Post by Wolfman Walt »

Unrelated to anything, but I missed you posting here Max.

Post by Kashluk »

Mad Max RW wrote:
Kashluk wrote:
Mad Max RW wrote:you entitled brats
I get really fucking annoyed when Americans pretend to know what they're talking about when it comes to EU politics.
Yeah, shouldn't you go back to being a student for the rest of your lives? That's all Europeans seem to know these days. How to be in a constant state of schooling and living off mommy and daddy and the government. You know, instead of actually working and contributing to society you expect everything to be handed to you. Oh what's that? The plan isn't working so great anymore? You're fucked. Go riot some more.
Congratulations. You managed to completely miss the reference to the comment on page 1.

You are building up this huge, huge stereotype of Euro-trash, but get all pissed when someone dares to suggest something similar of USA. How cute.

Read my post about 'free' health care and foreign relations again. Read it out loud, perhaps, if you're having trouble comprehending it. From my point of view, it just seems rather silly how you're objecting free health care. From my point of view - coming from such a socioeconomic and cultural context where we've built a welfare society out of snow and rocks, while people with much better possibilities (for example, you Americans) just keep on bitching how difficult things are. Finland was pretty much a developing country 100 years ago and has been a pawn in the game of super powers for most of its existence.

You've never done anything else for us, except left to fend for ourselves. So fuck off.

I have no idea why you brough up government 'bail-out' when we were talking about entrepreneuers' income tax. Entrepreneuers as in those (private people) who earn $250.000 per year, not Exxon, Chrysler or whatever. It's more of a question of governmental corruption and lobbyist power than taxation mathematics or social equality.

I also have no clue where you pulled the sunshine and lollipops out from. Probably your ass.

Mad Max RW wrote:Yeah, shouldn't you go back to being a student for the rest of your lives? That's all Europeans seem to know these days. How to be in a constant state of schooling and living off mommy and daddy and the government. You know, instead of actually working and contributing to society you expect everything to be handed to you. Oh what's that? The plan isn't working so great anymore? You're fucked. Go riot some more.
What the hell are you talking about? Have you any idea where I come from? Riots? What riots? The riots I've seen are the ones on TV where Americans loot each other's homes whenever there's a flood or a hurricane. 'Constant state of schooling and living off mommy and daddy and the government'? I've been working, both physical and white collar labor, since I could hold a shovel in my hand and my parents are below average earning, hard-working farmers. The only government tit I've ever been sucking on are the universal services offered by the society, which we gladly pay for in form of taxes: health care, college education, high-quality infrastructure and safety. The first thing that comes to my mind about 'instead of actually working and contributing to society you expect everything to be handed to you' is American post-modern neocolonialism and arrogance. Oh, what's that? The plan isn't working so great anymore, you're getting your ass kicked by people wearing towels and wielding half-a-century old weaponry? Go fuck yourself in the ass some more and feel happy about it.


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Post by Username »

Mismatch, have you found a computer yet so that you can explain why buying 100 cars and having them in your home because you're a rich cat and CAN do it isn't a net-waste to the economy?

Or any of the other points for that matter of fact.
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Post by Mismatch »

Username wrote:Mismatch, have you found a computer yet so that you can explain why buying 100 cars and having them in your home because you're a rich cat and CAN do it isn't a net-waste to the economy?

Or any of the other points for that matter of fact.
Not quite yet lad, I'm still popping in with my phone. I'll prolly have some time tomorrow, or on thursday.
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Post by Username »

You need to get one of those mini-keyboards. They do come in handy! Hate writing on my phone to. Even Sms.
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Post by Stalagmite »

The problem with America (and the UK for that matter) is that the high horse they bestow themselves upon has never been knocked from under them, leaving them in a perpetual state of arrogance regardless of how bad both sides of their political spectrum (democrats and republicans) fail.
They still worship their constitution (created several hundred years ago lol) like it was created yesterday, making it a serious obstacle for any kind of practical progression (though it does have significant good in it, they tend to not think that there's anything bad in it and just blame the other parties for attempting to ruin it).

Australia is a nation with people born low (we were convicts ffs), so we've never managed to beacon ourselves into world dominating ego jerked beings, leaving us in a state of humbled crocodile hunters who laugh whenever we use our own flag to wipe our arses with. Such humility and acceptance of fail has allowed us to trudge along and manage to create a "no worries, mate!" type of nation, whilst still maintaining traditional values to a healthy degree. It somehow landed us a #4 spot on the list (though I am kinda surprised to be honest haha)
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