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Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2003 12:17 pm
by Briosafreak
OnTheBounce wrote:
requiem_for_a_starfury wrote:...ship the game with an easy to use editor...
Word on the IPLY forums was that VB/FO3 will not be mod-friendly. :(

Check the news forum, I'm sure they posted something on it when the item was spotted.

Or check the FAQ in my sig, not mod friendly at all

Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2003 8:30 pm
by Wolfman Walt
airsoft guy wrote: I don't know what cops were using .22's or why they were talking about using them, that's just crazy talk.
I think it was from a variety of tests the conducted, but I imagine that undercover cops keep a .22 with them just in case. I'm not really an undercover cop, so I wouldn't know. Just relaying the information. The book was called something like "Combat handguns of the 20th century". I'll look for it when I go home next time.

Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2003 5:54 pm
by Carib
What is the big fucking deal about us not getting an editor for Fallout 3? I mean haven't they denied us add-ons? Why can't we be creative and do our own shit?

Regardless of ammo changes.

I mean, I personally love, .45 Auto and .44 Magnum ammo. 9mm is okay to. Hell, the 10mm rounds were sweet. I suppose they could have them all. But we'll complain when the game is done and if it works or doesn't.

Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2003 10:10 pm
by Wolfman Walt
Rama Stryfe wrote:What is the big fucking deal about us not getting an editor for Fallout 3? I mean haven't they denied us add-ons? Why can't we be creative and do our own shit?
Maybe their afraid we'll do better then them or outcreate them on some plane? Actually its probably more of something that has to do iwth finicial problems and such. According to the programmers though,
Blackisle wrote: Creating a suite of editors for the gaming populous is far more of a challenge than creating them for game developers. Game devs are used to using command line tools, and esoteric interfaces. Plus it's our job. We have to use the tools given us. If we release those tools as is (assuming we decoupled the editors from the database and fileserver) the percentage of gamers that had the desire to use the tools AND of those had the time to use the tools AND of those had the drive to learn to use the tools AND of those that actually finish a mod...
When asked if there might be one further down the line, they said that they will only answer "maybe" for now.

Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2003 8:37 pm
by Carib
Bastards. But I suppose you may have a point. It all comes down to finances. But from what I have seen, Fallout was a very popular game, locally in the US and international (Remember or Polish and Russian Comrades).

Anyhow, I guess it will be left to us gamers to meet our own demands. But at least they left us an editor. :D

Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2003 8:20 am
by InfinityBall
OnTheBounce wrote: Kashluk, one thing about hit points: the vast majority of them don't actually represent physical damage capacity. The ca. 30 hp you start off with is the vast majority of your character's physical damage capacity. The rest of the hp your character gains are metaphysical, such as superior skill at dodging attacks, luck, etc. Basically, the character w/30 hp who has takes a wound for 15 points probably just took a nice gut wound that has put him very much closer to being killed, while a character w/108 hp who takes an identical wound has managed to dodge at the last instant and was only grazed by the bullet, or skinned his knee on a rock instead.
now that makes very little sense to me. The guy whwo just scraped his knee is significantly closer to death than he was before. I dont think 7 more scraped knees are going to kill him, either. Even getting wounds wouldn't make sense; you're not gonna fall over dead immediately after getting that 8th minor gut wound.

Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2003 8:56 am
by InfinityBall
Also: A) who's saying that it's the same 10mm round? I mean, we know it is because someone asked, but there's no reason to think they wouldn't have developed a 10mm.
B) after reviewing the picture of the 12 shooter revolver... the picture shows that it's only gonna hold 12 rounds. go figure.

Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2003 9:02 am
by Doyle
InfinityBall wrote:Also: A) who's saying that it's the same 10mm round? I mean, we know it is because someone asked, but there's no reason to think they wouldn't have developed a 10mm.
If we were going to speculate, it sure could be a different 10mm round. Of course, that still doesn't work as well in the setting for the very reason OTB mention.

Of course, we don't have to speculate, we know that Chris Taylor chose 10mm for a dumb reason.
B) after reviewing the picture of the 12 shooter revolver... the picture shows that it's only gonna hold 12 rounds. go figure.
I'm not sure what you're trying to say. 12 rounds is a lot of rounds when you're talking about a revolver, especially when you're talking about a 10mm revolver. Looking at the picture and judging by the number of holes we can see in the cylinder, I personally don't think it would hold more than 6 or 7.

By the way, that's not the only thing wrong with it. Judging from the picture, it looks to have the automatic style grip, and manufacturers simply do not make revolvers with that type of grip. I think there might be a safety reason, but I'd have to check on that. Additionally, it looks like there's a guide rod under the barrel of the gun. Guide rods are something found on some semi-automatic pistols, but there is no reason whatsoever to have such a thing on a revolver.

It's just a poorly designed addition to the game overall.

Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2003 3:55 pm
by InfinityBall
erm I meant 6 rounds. oops.