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Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 1:00 am
by Locke
it's natural semi-sweet red. Georgia have it, but it also happen in the ravine villages of Adyghea, and you sure gotta taste that inimitable awesome beverage. it's light and have the scent of famous Suskind perfume, you begin to make extravagant gestures and confidently investigate the vault of heaven for some old-hat constellations, because your very girl is near and everything is so sweet, including fireflies that alight on your stretched hand like microcosmical cordial stars.

as some georgian old fucker said: "there are two different types of wine, Georgian wine and everything else".

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 10:35 am
by PiP
Gimp Mask wrote:If I was an offspring of a penile colony, I'd probably keep my mouth shut.
tho he isn't :rolleyes:
Subhuman wrote:Neither. I generally know fuck-all about wine, but I'll check it out. Is it red or white?
site for you
Locke wrote:it's natural semi-sweet red. Georgia have it, but it also happen in the ravine villages of Adyghea, and you sure gotta taste that inimitable awesome beverage. it's light and have the scent of famous Suskind perfume, you begin to make extravagant gestures and confidently investigate the vault of heaven for some old-hat constellations, because your very girl is near and everything is so sweet, including fireflies that alight on your stretched hand like microcosmical cordial stars.
as usual, your 'act' goes somewhere between affected poetry and incomprehensible babble D;
as some georgian old fucker said: "there are two different types of wine, Georgian wine and everything else".
that's probably the reason I only drink Italian wine. Well occasioanlly Spanish and French, and if I visit a coutry like Croatia I taste the local specialities, ofcos. I have yet to go to Georgia it seems D:

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 11:09 am
by Dreadnought
PiP wrote:that's probably the reason I only drink Italian wine. Well occasioanlly Spanish and French, and if I visit a coutry like Croatia I taste the local specialities, ofcos. I have yet to go to Georgia it seems D:
And "KICI KICI" or "BYK".

@ Wimp Mask:

I'm just living there (oztralia) but my origin is the european continent.

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 3:55 pm
by Jeff
Dreadnut wrote:I'm just living there (oztralia) but my origin is the european continent.
do accept my apologies then
Subhuman wrote:Is the wine any good? I've never tried the home-made variety.
Well it's no Chianti, but it gets the job done, cost-efficiently too! The smell is a bit awful but the taste is very bearable. Good for getting drunk. Whenever I want to actually enjoy a wine I still go to the liquor store. No reason to bother if you can afford to drink real wines - you can get good stuff for ten bucks too.

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 5:55 pm
by PiP
Dreadnought wrote:And "KICI KICI" or "BYK".

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 7:02 pm
by vx trauma
yummy. not only does it have 17%, but it also has the most beautiful label my couged eyes ever skip-danced on.


brown nectar.

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 9:06 pm
by Locke
PiP wrote:affected poetry
incomprehensible babble D;
well maybe you should try not reading it, at least not before bed. you see if you have a bug up your ass (which is not good for your health anyway) then I won't be able to continue getting my jollies :hug:
that's probably the reason I only drink Italian wine. Well occasioanlly Spanish and French, and if I visit a coutry like Croatia I taste the local specialities, ofcos. I have yet to go to Georgia it seems D:
mate you sure should go to Caucasia, drop in on some secluded aul; wine-testing is where it's all at.

btw, I only tasted adyghean original wines, "georgian" ones in our liquor stores are either faked or prohibitive.
vx trauma wrote:yummy.

I'll drink to that.

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 9:59 pm
by PiP
BTW "czar teściowej" roughly translates into "mother-in-law's charm"

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 7:42 am
by Jeff
sounds remarkably fitting

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 8:44 am
by Dreadnought
Polish "wine" is legendary!

You see groups of people everywhere in Poland, mostly the guy's names are JUZEK, MARJUSZ, ROMEK, PAWEL and WOJTEK, hanging around on corners, bus stops, small bridges, parks and such stuff and drinking these... beverages... everyday all day long.

They sort of look like the people on the following pictures.


(They drink "BYK" [bull]. I mentioned it in one of the threads above. A classic.)


(This one suddenly felt... "tired".)


(The Polish Matt Hoffman, also known as Mateusz Hofmanski)

"PIJACZKI" (pee-yatsh-ki)

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 10:06 am
by PiP
Dreadnought wrote: everywhere
lol shudup or they think it's for realz and never visit :hahano:
Anyhow you last saw Poland what, 15-18 years ago? And your home Slask region is also special in this respect ;)

I dunno this thread now about (Polish/general) cheap drinking? I think DACers would get :bored: to death

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 11:01 am
by Jeff
by all means, carry on, I for one find this very :caffine:

Unfortunately I can't find any decent pictures of wines favoured by Finnish drunkards, but let me assure you, the labels, at least, are no match to that mother in law shit

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 6:56 pm
by PiP
Ye labels are just great, I remember my friends in the dorm bought a cheap wine called 'odlot' (bird migration/plane take-off/daze/getting high - ye lots of meanings) with a cartoon flying stork on tha label (storks are traditionally associated with flying away to the south in winter)

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 7:26 pm
by Frater Perdurabo
Gimp Mask wrote:by all means, carry on, I for one find this very :caffine:

Unfortunately I can't find any decent pictures of wines favoured by Finnish drunkards, but let me assure you, the labels, at least, are no match to that mother in law shit
Next time I go back home (to Estonia) I can take a whole load of pictures of dead drunk Finnish tourists xD

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 6:31 am
by Dreadnought
PiP wrote:
Dreadnought wrote: everywhere
lol shudup or they think it's for realz and never visit :hahano:
Anyhow you last saw Poland what, 15-18 years ago? And your home Slask region is also special in this respect ;)

I dunno this thread now about (Polish/general) cheap drinking? I think DACers would get :bored: to death

I was there last year... some walkways were fixed and all shops have heaps of cameras now.
But nothing else has changed.
And it's true, Slansk, I think it's called Salisia or so in english, is known for it's hardcore alcoholics. I think they're frustrated that they're a part of Poland. :eyebrow:

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 10:10 am
by box
What about that Polish vodka, Gvori? Wonderful stuff, smooth as silk.

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 10:28 am
by Dreadnought
There is some extremly good vodka in Poland.

But I saw cunts mixing it with Red Bull. I'd like to kill people mixing vodka with other crap!

(Same with scotch)

I like Grasowka (zubrowka). It has this really nice herbal taste. But i don't like to drink lots of it. Just a shot or two. After a while I stop liking the herbal taste and I switch to non-herbal vodka.

Speaking of herbs:

I saw people using Jaegermeister for mixes. What the fuck? It's a crime to mix Jaegermeister!

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 11:02 am
by Frater Perdurabo
I like Belvedere. Best thing to have come out of Poland.

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 2:39 pm
by PiP
Dreadnought wrote:I think it's called Salisia or so in english
it's 'Silesia' and I doubt many people know this; in fact I thought you wouldn't know this name :chuckel: so I used the Polish 'Śląsk'.
, is known for it's hardcore alcoholics. I think they're frustrated that they're a part of Poland. :eyebrow:
yea I guess it might be one of the excuses for some.. I recon Silesia has some separatist sentiment but I've always thought it's bullshit stirred up by some small circles of unhappy losers rather than a genuine feelings pervadingthe the whole region. I dunno..
box wrote:What about that Polish vodka, Gvori? Wonderful stuff, smooth as silk.
I'm not really a vodka afficionado, but it seems Polish products are good (ofcos Absolut and Russian stuff is good too or even better sometimes maybe?)
if you're up to Polish vodka try these

BITTER-SWEET Digestive Vodka - try to get the original one (first on the list) not the mint / spice flavoured variations, at least for the first time..

"KRUPNIK" honey vodka (scroll down a bit)

żubrówka / BISON VODKA (what Drednut propsed - zoobroovkah :)) with this herb inside (great with apple juice, drinking straight the taste might be too much after a few..)

SIWUCHA - real old school..

list of links for Polish vodka producers

you shouldnt have problem getting Polish vodka if you live in NYC, Chicago, London, or any other Pollack - city.
Dreadnought wrote: I saw cunts mixing it with Red Bull.
I hear it enhances the effect of both vodka and red bull, so combined it rocks. I'd go for pot + A-vitamine tho.
Frater Perdurabo wrote:I like Belvedere. Best thing to have come out of Poland.
I'm not sure it's that good, but I'm no vodka sage..
if you want pure, unscented vodka try this potato vodka perhaps

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 2:54 pm
by Dreadnought
Silesian people are like dwarves. They're basicly all miners ;) and drink a lot :drunk: and have a strange humor :lol:.
And they're slightly bigger.

About the vodka-red bull story:

I prefer the classic way. Getting drunk by pure stuff not girlish beverages.

And for anything special there are still good ol' drugs!