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Posted: Mon Aug 12, 2002 10:30 am
by GooChunks
Lorigosolo thanks for all the info, i appreciate it thanks.

Posted: Mon Aug 12, 2002 4:31 pm
by Flamescreen
Btw, Section8=Gareth D. You'll find him on credits or the manual.

Posted: Tue Aug 13, 2002 8:16 am
by Ed the Monkey
I should go and ask him some questions about the modelling process of FOT.
That's what we've been doing, that's what the forum is there for, stop by... gather information... you may have some questions to ask that other people hadn't even thought of... and you can bring some experiance that is very much needed.
Hey Ed you want to make new sprites am i right?? I like your idea, but how could we change the sprites??
Sprite changing functions on two ends, the modeling/rendering end, and the filebuilding end. First one of us builds a model and animates it, then we render it (in the forum Section8 tells how to get the proper lighting, camera angle and shadow). From rendering we get a number of sets of tga or pngs (tga is the file format that Red is wanting to use, so it seems that's what we'll be using) they are then put into a file called a sprite, put in order, and we're done. From there someone adds it to an ent, and we have a new creature, armor, vehicle, etc...
With Red!viewer you can view the sprites as they are and see what animations are neccicary.

As far as what to do, I've been working on a number of things (most of which are unimpressive, but hey...) A new buggy, a few new vehicles that I won't name, because I'd rather have them be a surprize if I ever can acutally build the raider campagn I want. I've spent around 30 hours trying to build combat armor.... unfortunately I ran out of memory while saving once and it ruined both the auto-recover and the file I was saving to, so i'm starting from scratch again.... bah...
people want to see the old power armor, metal, and probabbly the old leather (which was cooler than the new leather armor)...

I've been wanting to push it even farther than just adding to tactics, by making a commando tactics mod. maybe include tanks and soldiers, only modern guns, etc... but first it'd be nice to get what should have been in tactics, in tactics.

Posted: Tue Aug 13, 2002 8:33 am
by GooChunks
Ed the Monkey-I've got a few questions if you dont mind?
1.) How many of those armors have you made or currently making or is it just the combat armor?
2.)When will you start realesing your stuff?

Posted: Tue Aug 13, 2002 1:10 pm
by Ed the Monkey
I'm making several... I'm new to mapping so I havn't finished any yet.
So far I'm looking for a head for my metal armor guy. It's a good thing this is gonna be a small render because I'm really not very good. I'm learning though. I'd like to make my models good enough to acutally render sceenes with... but I don't know that that will happen...
I was thinking about releasing the raider sprites with a campagn I, and a guy named Wetwire are working on... but I really don't think I could deprive you guys of this shit that long, since I want 5 or 6 maps and I've got like 1 or two done. Instead I think I'm going to send them for posting as soon as they're complete... this would include the FO1 power armor, FO2 combat armor, FO2 metal and leather raider armor, and hopefully a good leather jacket sprite... I'd also like to post one or 2 of the 4 planned vehicles (although 1 of those will probabbly get cut from my planning, it won't be one of the ones I'm planning on posting). So, as I progress, I will post. My projection is that I'll post all of these, and be done with my campagn somewhere in 2009.

Posted: Tue Aug 13, 2002 1:35 pm
by lorigosolo
lol 2009!!!

Well you got alot of work to do man!! You are planing to do it all alone (modelling, animation,etc)?? This is going to be tough!!

I´m new to mapping too, i hate using the 2D programs but i need to learn it, as uvmap is the best way to achive real textures...baahh i think so.

Hey Ed are you modelling with high polys or with low polys?? Squares or triangles??
You said that you are going to model the power armor from FO1, have you got any references for this one??
unfortunately I ran out of memory while saving once and it ruined both the auto-recover and the file I was saving to, so i'm starting from scratch again
I hate when this happens, you spent alot of time building something and in 2 secs you lost everthing!!! :x :x

Could you post a preview of one of your models?? Without texture, only to see the modelling process.



Posted: Tue Aug 13, 2002 7:03 pm
by Ed the Monkey
I'm working on finishing my first good model...
I'm not experianced or tallented... just dedicated....err... maybe bored.

Posted: Tue Aug 13, 2002 7:45 pm
by Flamescreen
Ed, and everyone else in modelling, except the stuff you're planning, it would be great if you could make a sprite with animations of the Vault Dweller carrying a pistol or something. That's the mostly needed FoT graphic, I think.

Posted: Tue Aug 13, 2002 9:56 pm
by VasikkA
Cool cape, some blood stains would be nice. :)

Posted: Tue Aug 13, 2002 11:28 pm
by GooChunks
Ed the Monkey are you serious 2009 or is that an exaggeration considering your the only person working on this stuff.

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2002 4:23 am
by Lynxer
I think that way he like....expressed his feelings on the progress of his artwork....

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2002 9:17 am
by Ed the Monkey
well... that was an exaduration I guess... I'll probabbly be done closer to 2005...uh... yeah. The Vault dweller might be the easiest one to do... If that's what you're looking for I could start on that. I just wanted to work on the metal and leather armor because I like the raider look... I miss it... But I don't know how many evil raiders there are here, I might just be making old-school metal armor for GG.
The more people who build models, the faster it will go, and the sooner I can get back to building my raider campagn (although I'm having more fun with the modeling, acutally...). Right now I've got one other person learning to use MAX and the FOT editors, I think the opimal number would be around 4 or 6.... Then again I doubt you guys are as interested in the raider campagn I'm we're working on as the models, so I'll leave that aside for now... If you are interested in some info, or helping ask in the modelling forum.
I think it's about time to put up a sprite request thread in modelling, so if you'd like to see something I'm gonna start a thread and you can post there. Honestly I don't know what good it will do, I'm not a much of a modeller so, unless Lorigosolo is willing to help, it may just be a wish-list.... but hey... A wish-list is better than nothing, right? Anyway, I've jacked Lorigosolo's thread long enough, he's a damn fine modeller, and I hope comes over to help with modelling for sprites and not just for art, although his stuff is more art worthy than sprite worthy (sprites are lower poly, thus it falls below his ability...). Any further questions or comments on modelling, please defer to the modelling forum.

Btw, flame... there are the sprites of the vault 0 dwellers... you just want something with a 13 on it?

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2002 9:24 am
by Strap
did anyone hear that i made a fish!?
it moves...

oh, and i made some legs, for fun, gonna make the body tomorrow. they look pretty good.
~500 tri's with both legs and the pelvic area. my first human model...

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2002 9:34 am
by Ed the Monkey
well.... get Red! check out what you need to make it do... animate it... and the first sprite ever completed for FOT by a fan might just be the Abomitable(sp, Wtf ever) Fishman.

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2002 7:23 pm
by Flamescreen
Ed the Monkey wrote:
Btw, flame... there are the sprites of the vault 0 dwellers... you just want something with a 13 on it?
Whatever suits you best, I prefer vault suits without number 13(thus you can use as a generic vault dweller not only V13's) but whatever you can do would be fine. The existing Vault Dwellers sprites unfortunatelly lack animations for any type of weapon/armor(except thrown, but you can't see them carrying that), you can check it in a test map, it gives you that horrible "cannot use" message...

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2002 8:30 pm
by Ed the Monkey
wow... I didn't realize that... Ok... well... I'll see what I can do... It might be easier working from something I can really examine up close. BTW all the sprites are VERY well built technically, no matter how much one might agree or disagree with their content/style. If you want a really good looking sprite, it might take a while, but it's just time.... As far as having 13 on them or not... it's easier not, however, once the model is built one could map on any number you wish, then just run the rendering sequence again over-night (once section8 writes the script... remeber to thank him..hehe).

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2002 8:37 pm
by Flamescreen
Really? That would be so cool!!

Oops, lorigosolo sorry for abusing your thread, Ed I think we should continue this in FoT modding forum threads...

Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2002 7:20 pm
by Ed the Monkey
I'm planning on working on a minigun tonight, I'll post it somewhere and link it to you when I'm done if you'd like... can you import .max or .3ds files? if not I might be getting a file converter from flamescreen... dunno when though

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2002 12:43 am
by lorigosolo
Hey Guys!!!
can you import .max or .3ds files?
Yes I can.
I'm planning on working on a minigun tonight
Great I can´t wait to see it finished!!
Oops, lorigosolo sorry for abusing your thread
No problem Flamescreen!!!! I like it, i got news from the modelling forum through your posts, and i know what you would like to see in "the future" keep doing it!!!!!

did anyone hear that i made a fish!?
Yes Strapon2 did you post it somewhere?? I would like to see it!!
unless Lorigosolo is willing to help, it may just be a wish-list.... but hey... A wish-list is better than nothing, right? Anyway, I've jacked Lorigosolo's thread long enough, he's a damn fine modeller, and I hope comes over to help with modelling for sprites and not just for art, although his stuff is more art worthy than sprite worthy (sprites are lower poly, thus it falls below his ability...).
Well Ed I´m willing to help you with the wish list and with the modelling proccess for the new sprites, the sprites are made with the high poly models am I right?? (I think that it was made like that). How many modellers are "working" in the modelling forum right now to build new sprites??



Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2002 1:14 am
by GooChunks
I got two questions-
1.) Lorigosolo how much longer until your powerarmour is finished?
2.) (Sorry Lorigosolo for using your thread for this) EdtheMonkey are you going to create a brand new gatling gun or just reskin the old one?