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Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2002 4:01 am
by TheReaper
"Yeah, seems that way, thanks for the help."

*Reaper grins at Funkalot and they both continue down the dark passage until the darkness ends suddenly and the path splits into three ways.

"Which way do we go?"

*Reaper decides to sit down and have a think about their situation.

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2002 6:35 am
by Stainless
Stainless elemental suit falls to the ground, beside his EMP'd Hellion. He punches through the visor and slowly crawls out. He checks his gear... Sheild of Delete...check....Blaster of editing....check.....Sword of banning....where the hell is it?

After nurmous seconds (not to many places to look) he relises that it's lost forever...(or until he can be bothered making another one). In the meantime he will have to use THIS. Stainless pulls out his Cannon of Smiting and shoots a cannon ball at Arch.

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2002 9:02 am
by bloodbathmaster2
TheReaper flipped a three-sided magic coin. Tails. He stumbled through the third path and into darkness, finding his way into an open area. This massive cavern was suddenly illuminated by a solitary flickering light. The light hit murky tanks and electrical wires, casting long shadows to the face of the intruder. As he shielded his eyes from the sudden flood of light, theReaper heard a mechanical hum sputter into existance.

"Welcome to my lair," said a farmiliar voice from a nearby speaker. "You have fought hard, but now you will die!"

A slight cracking sound could be heard from elsewhere. "What the hell is going on?" thought theReaper. As he looked to his left, he saw one of the murky tanks become lighter. The water shone a brilliant white and the glass shattered. A strange figure rolled on to the floor. as it looked up, theReaper gasped. It was... himself?

"We are the master's slaves," said theReaper's clone, "and you will be our first meal."
TheReaper scoffed. "You and what army?"
"Be a dear and look behind you."

His head turned and theReaper froze in fear. Several clones were staggering to attention. Their faces were all farmiliar - Archchancelor, Stainless, Blarg, and Sir_Funkalot. The clones are grinned foolishly. Something was diffrent about them. They all gave a strange aura, casting fear upon the weak minded.


The clones scattered into the tunnels, all except for theReaper's. The two stood face to face. The clone laughed.

Sir_Funkalot was walking slowly, looking everywhere. Faintly, he swore he could hear a scream. Then a rush of footsteps. Where they behind him? He turned. Once again, some sound was behind him. It was the sound of harsh breathing. And as he turned, he saw the clone as it lept upon him.

Stainless was sweating, bracing himself from a shot of the Cannon of Smiting. Something appeared out of the corner of his eye. It was his Sword of Banning. But who was wielding it? The strange grin screamed bloodbath, but the face was too farmiliar. It was as if it were his own.

Everyone was facing themselves, a true test of their roleplaying abilities. They must remember that their enimies are just as crafty as themselves, and just as hard to kill.

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2002 9:45 am
by Archchancellor
THe cannon ball hits Arch in the leg with a devestating crunch. "Oh great now i have to deal with That peice of metal" motions to stainless "and a broken leg". WIthdraws the XT-50 assault cannon. and fires an incandescent ion beam at the ground beneath stainless. The ground soon becomes magma

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2002 12:21 pm
by Stainless
Stainless quickly switches on his jetpack, and hurtles through the air away from the Magma. The Stainless clone's head, slowly tracked Stainless's movement before switching on his own jetpack to give chase, SoB drawn. Stainless had a masterfull plan. He span around on the spot to face the incoming clone (this just screams Episode 2, BB!). he reached to his jetpack and rested his hand on the release clasp, with his other hand holding his BoE at his downed elemental suit. His clone was growing ever closer, and just as he was in sword swinging distance, he pulled his sword back to strike.


Stainless fired off his BoE at his elemental armour, and released his jepack clasp at the sametime. Stainless dropped from his hovering position in the sky, leaving his jetpack still hovering. Stainless's clone brought his sword down upon the jetpack with no chance to stop. The blade and the pack connected and exploded, totally obliterating the clone, and Stainless's jetpack. Stainless plunged freefall to the ground, hoping his plan would be successful.

From the corner of his eye, Stainless spotted the elemental armour arise. It's jumpjet's flared and it lunged towards Stainless. It reached Stainless and rapped it's arms around him and slowed his decent....until the SoB came crashing down upon the elemental armour, banning it from the current plan of existence. Stainless gripped the sword firmly and placed it in his sheath, as he again plummeted to the ground. he only had one hope.....then Stainless hit the ground with an almighty thud, concussing him, and killing him (then whats the point of the concussion!?).

But Stainless had reclaimed his sword, and destroyed his clone in the process.

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2002 12:32 pm
by Blarg
*opens fire on Archchancellor and Blarg's clone with a
GAU-8 Avenger cannon, vaporizing them in a hail of 30mm DUAPI/HEI shells*

*forgets to take into account the Avenger's enormous recoil*

*is propelled into the back wall of the Arena and smooshed*

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2002 12:46 pm
by Sir_Funkalot
*Sir_Funkalot, knowing his own weaknesess for being slayed so many times can quickly dispatch his clone.*

"Reap! Where are you?"

*S_F screams out in despair, but suddenly hears a cry for help. S_F runs towards it.*

*S_F comes just in time to see Reaper's clone raising his sword in a final strike.*

"Don't even think of it Reap2!" *The clone turns, facing S_F's sword.* "This will be your doom S_F!"
"No, you know I will win!" *S_F screams, the real Reap crawls to his feet, grabs his rune sword and cuts his clone's intestines out.*

"Where are you BB, stop playing and come fighting" *Reaper screams as they continue into the lair...*

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2002 10:01 pm
by Umpa
as BB laughs evily he feels a sharp pain in his gut. looking down he sees a longsword sticking through his chest. spinning round, blood dripping from his mouth and wound he collapses to the floor

he utters a barely audible sylable "why umpa?" and with that he dies... for now

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2002 2:19 am
by bloodbathmaster2
As umpa withdrew the blade, he noticed something... strange... about bloodbath's corpse. There were no scars. Bloodbath had been notorious for his scar collection, as repawn creates you just as you were before dying. His face went pale. It was a clone.

The real bloodbath was nowhere to be seen. But Umpa looked up to see something else. Dozens of bloodbath's second generation clones were nearing. Their ghoul like appearance marked the fail experiment, but they staggered forward with bloodthirsty fangs.

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2002 2:23 am
by Umpa

and then umpa was dead.

as bb felt a tap on his shoulder he turned to see a first smash into his nose.

i respawned you slimy bastard!

as umpa continued to pummel BB into the floor he realised something. he was surrounded by clones

"truce BB?"

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2002 2:33 am
by bloodbathmaster2
bloodbathmaster2 wrote:The real bloodbath was nowhere to be seen.
Why was Umpa hitting the already dead bloodbath clone? No one was quite sure. All that they did know was that he was in one strange situation.

Meanwhile, above ground, the sky clouded over slowly. Something was comming, and it was riding wings of lighting.

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2002 2:40 am
by Umpa
umpa turns in a full circle slowly, drawing a pancor Jackhammer umpa gets ready

"bring it on"

as the first clone leaps it takes a shotgun blast to the head, round after round is pumped into the endless suply of clones closing in. umpa draws a rope gun and fires it at a conveniant air vent. clambering in umpa plummets many floors finding the real bb.

no way to escape now.

BB pushes a button on his evil chair of doom but umpa leaps away from the trapdoor.

as Thereaper and S_F rush in they both draw there weapons

"I'll kill you you scurvy leper!

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2002 2:43 am
by TheReaper
*The blow to Reaper's clone was not enough to kill it but it slowed it down a treat, Reaper backed away, ready to unleash and immense attack upon the clone.

"What the fuck are you??!!"

*Reaper does not let the clone reply, he uses his werewolf speed and strength to launch a fury of sword swipes upon the clone, cutting him to shreds. Reaper found it strange when the clone disappeared with no blood, so no rune level 5 yet. Reaper indicates for S_F to follow him down the path that leads deeper into the laboratory. Reaper once again holds his rune sword for the illuminating aura it provides

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2002 2:46 am
by Umpa
too late umpa realises that it is another bb clone.

using his science skill and a nearby DNA sampler, umpa creates an army of good umpa clones to fight BB's evil clones

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2002 2:51 am
by TheReaper
"Umpa, have been watching the first Pokemon movie? It sounds like you have."

*Reaper and S_F reach a small opening and decide that it is safe enough, Reaper goes to sleep with S_F on watch and then S_F goes to sleep with Reaper on watch, after S_F wakes, they continue.

"You snore really heavily S_F!"

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2002 2:56 am
by Sir_Funkalot
"What? I don't snore!"

*TheReaper turns around and sees a big ugly something comming towards him.*

*The monster hits S_F as he takes a strike that was meant for Reap.*

"Reap... activate that fifth rune... will you?"

*S_F gets up, slicing the monsters arm of. Suddenly several more monsters appear.*

"Watch out, Reap. Let's fight back to back!"

*S_F and Reap covers each other as they fight the monsters. After a while five monsters lie dead, but there's still eight left... Thing are beginning to look bad...*

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2002 2:59 am
by Umpa
a figure drops from high above and lands infront of S_F

"Umpa!" says S_F


as Thereaper and S_F continue a loud explosion and many screams, some human, some not, are heard

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2002 3:05 am
by Sir_Funkalot
*The three manage to reach the entrance of the nest as the whole place explodes.*

"What the h--- did you do, Umpa?"

*But there were no time for explanations, as they saw BB stand in front of them.*

"So you survived my test?" he said, then he disappeared...

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2002 3:09 am
by TheReaper
*As they run, Reaper turns to S_F and says to him:

"Damn, I didn't get to activate the fifth rune, plus you do snore it's just you are never awake to notice."

*Reaper and S_F leave the laboratory just in time to take cover and see the whole thing blow up, catapulting BB and Umpa away from the blast. BB lies on the floor defeated saying, "Why did this have to happen? I only wanted to create pure evil, is that so wrong?" BB falls to the floor once again, he has died.

"Come to think of it, his plan wasn't so wrong, there can be no good if there is no evil! Might as well get the last rune on my sword!"

*Reaper stabs BB's corpse with his rune sword and watches the blood run down into the fifth and final rune, rune level 5, the sword is now at it's most powerful, enhancing Reaper's spells and skills. As Reaper swings the powerful sword, bolts of electricity, fire and ice fly out of it and a void is left behind it for about five seconds, it can slice through the very fabric of space and time!


*Reaper looks down to see S_F struggling to get up and helps him to his feet. Reaper stands blod in the middle of the arena.

"Come on, anyone who thinks they can take me, give me a one on one fight, anyone."

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2002 3:26 am
by Sir_Funkalot
*S_F looks at the horison, waiting for someone to stab him in his back, letting him be worthy of his title, and get to fight some more.*

"Anyone alive, except me an Reap?"