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Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2007 12:44 pm
by S4ur0n27
Thor Kaufman wrote:
Tingel Tangel wrote:I'm in the US right now. I've got no idea where to go to get the goods. A little less then three weeks, I'll be back in the DK and I'll get high and all right, yay!
Just go around and ask every maximum pigmented person if he has some chocolate
lol D; that made me choke on my coffee :(

Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2007 2:45 am
by Megatron
"If organized religion is the opium of the masses, then disorganized religion is the marijuana of the lunatic fringe."

Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2007 6:55 am
by Subhuman
Megatron is the LSD of coherent thought.

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2007 3:10 pm
by mola
I'm currently hooked on the typical coffee/cigs/alcohol don't need nothing that's going to mess my mind, got a girlfriend for that :clap:

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2007 3:43 pm
by Megatron
I'm currently hooked on the typical coffee/cigs/alcohol

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2007 5:21 pm
by Redeye
Megatron wrote:"If organized religion is the opium of the masses, then disorganized religion is the marijuana of the lunatic fringe."

Marxism is the opiate of intellectuals.

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2007 5:27 pm
by edhead
Falloutism is the opiate of klaxons.

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2007 5:32 pm
by Megatron
youtube is the salvia of psychosniper :O

and so on.

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2007 11:31 pm
by atoga
what brand of cigarettes are you guys loyal to

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 4:42 am
by Redeye
atoga wrote:what brand of cigarettes are you guys loyal to
Mary Jane's


Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 5:39 am
by Cthulhugoat
Marley Green.

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 9:22 am
by edhead
Mostly Bond Street, sometimes Winston Silver.

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 8:14 am
by Nameless_One
Cigarette: Winston (Short Box) ; and if we speak about rolling paper for marijuana it`s OCB.Well,that`s my all brands for ciggie like thingies.

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 7:46 pm
by PiP

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 8:50 pm
by Dogmeatlives
I smoke Crack Rocks, perhaps you've heard of them.

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 9:16 pm
by Megatron
I usually smoke mayfair, though I'm finding recently they aren't strong enough. Lucky Strikes and Camels are pretty good, but a bit more pricier in england. I also roll my own sometimes, golden virginia tobacco because all the others are dried out bark shit. I'm going to have to quit soon though due to having pretty much no utter money whatsoever. It has an extra bonus though of since the smoking ban being enforced in all pubs and clubs, I tend to drink less (so spend less money?) and it's also easier to talk as there isn't shitty loud music. You can also sometimes dodge the entry fee by just standing outside then migrating in, as silent as a moth.

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 2:00 pm
by Shagnak
Right now I'm drinking some posh (or so I have been assured) red wine. I have no idea what it is, what winery it's from, or how much it costs.
My wife has a relative that works for a bottling factory (it services several wineries here in New Zealand).
We get occasional drop-offs of boxes containing wine bottles that have no labels on them.

I ask no questions.

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 5:08 pm
by cazsim83
F'ing smoking ban. I don't even smoke and it's wrong. That's why people own their own business. So if they don't want you to smoke there, they can say "get the fuck out". If you go into a place and the owner doesn't care, then I say to the people who don't like smoke - "get the fuck out."
Bullshit legislation.

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 7:15 pm
by Blargh
Am both glad and unsurprised that you smoke. :drunk:

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2007 4:19 pm
by popscythe
Blargh wrote:Am both glad and unsurprised that you smoke. :drunk:
Where's the hood at?