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Brainstorming: Low Tech Mission

Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2002 9:05 am
by Cranberry
Having pretty much finished my 'Balanced Weapons' mod, although unreleased (nobody downloads those anyway, heh), I'm moving on to making a map. It's going to be a Mad Max type of map, with mostly spearguns and stuff, with the most basic of firearms highly prized.

The plot: You live in a stockaded village in the wastes, made unique because it has caves underground where hydroponic farms have been set up. These caves are also the source of fresh water, so the village is prosperous (although these caves are really the remains of a bunker, with an operational water recycling system). It's in the centre of America, removed from the location of the main plotline.

So, your nice little village trades with other villages and nomads for what it can't produce.

One day, you and your buddies return from trading to find that a rabid bunch of raider bastards have taken control of the village. You must go in and kick their asses.


Weapons: Six varied firearms on raider leaders, with scarce ammo. A flamethrower on one of the defense towers near the fuel dump but it's so heavy it's not a practical weapon.

I'm considering adding crossbows, and several types of speargun (heavy, crude, etc). There are molotov cocktails hanging about.

Most people will be using spearguns, spears, or other low-technology weapons.


I'd like opinions, suggestions, anything you've got.

Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2002 9:22 am
by Jimmyjay86
I like the idea of making the wasteland more primitive - definitely do it! The plot sounds suspiciously familiar - what movie was that from? Was it with Jan Michael Vincent?

Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2002 9:27 am
by Cranberry
I just made up the plot as I went along. I might do second instalment in which a squad of BoS arrive toting M16s (this is why the raiders were fleeing east) and try to 'pacify' the town in order to get to the bunker beneath.

Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2002 10:44 am
by Max-Violence
Sounds like a good plot for a map - singleplayer, right? :D

I also like the idea of having lots of low-tech stuff to play with. I'm definately looking forward to playing the map!

This one, Quartz, OTB's demo, whatever pops out of Endocore's head next, WalterN's next one if he makes one, etc.

Basically, I'm lookin' forward to every FOT SP map :mrgreen:

Oh, a question for ya, CB:

When/if the BoS comes to the village, will the player control the BoS or the villagers? I think a low-tech, highly-strategic defense vs. the might of the BoS would be a thrill and a half to play :D

Anyway, good luck and have fun makin' the first map!

Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2002 10:56 am
by OnTheBounce
Jimmyjay86 wrote:Was it with Jan Michael Vincent?
If it was it was most likely a "straight to video" affair. :lol:

Oh shit! I have the Air Wolf theme stuck in my head now!!!


Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2002 11:13 am
by Cranberry
Villagers' side, of course. I think it'll be a learning experience from the other guy's point of view, as it were, when a hummer full of BoS bastards pulls up in the town square and out pours a full squad in metal armour with M16s -and your best weapon is that UZI you took from the raider leader, and you only have 25 rounds left.

Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2002 11:17 am
by OnTheBounce
Cranberry wrote:...your best weapon is that UZI you took from the raider leader, and you only have 25 rounds left.
I like that a lot. Ammo management has never been a serious enough issue in the FO universe.

BTW, are you going to take steps to ensure that the PCs don't get much ammo like setting most of the Raiders' supplies to "Non-Lootable"?


Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2002 11:26 am
by Cranberry
The raiders will have limited ammo too; I don't want them spraying randomly and indefinately. "Wait until he's out of ammo" will be a valid tactic, although then you don't get any of the ammo, either, which sucks. Also, you need to be in harm's way to attract his fire, and since your armour will either be Leather Mark 1 or not there at all, you'll probably be dead before his gun is empty (yes, my firearm raiders will be able to aim, shock-horror, and these weapons will kill in two-three hits at most).

There will be two beretta pistols and an UZI, with maybe 75 rounds of 9mm, total, and most of that on the guy with the UZI*. One M1911A1, with maybe 14 rounds maximum. A Hunting Rife with no more than 12 rounds, and a Silverhawk shotgun with no more than 8 shells.

*The raider leader. He'll be a bitch, since he'll be in the Elder's tent with a crony, who'll have a beretta. You won't be able to 'nade him out, since you'd chunk the Elder in the process.

Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2002 6:09 pm
by Forty-six & Two
OnTheBounce wrote:
Oh shit! I have the Air Wolf theme stuck in my head now!!!

Ive had that tune on my cell phone for ages, been to lazy to change it.... Hmm actually im starting to like it :? . Daaa dada da daaa dada daa.... DADADA Da da da. Hehe.

Anyways. Sounds cool, me myself have been doing something alike it for awhile. :)

Posted: Thu Aug 01, 2002 12:19 am
by Walks with the Snails
Sounds fun. I'll definitely try it. Plentiful ammo is one of the reasons melee never really had a chance to shine IMO. It can be a lot of fun when you have to make every bullet count. Don't forget to leave lots of guns but no bullets if you're really going for the Mad Max feel.

Posted: Thu Aug 01, 2002 12:33 am
by Cranberry
It might be interesting to replace the 'club' sprite with a gun sprite; since you don't have any ammo, you go around beating people over the head with it :D

Posted: Sat Aug 03, 2002 2:53 am
by sniktch
The movie is Steel Dawn, Patrick Swayze.... :D

Posted: Sat Aug 03, 2002 4:39 am
by Jimmyjay86
Yeah, that's the one! That was one hell of a bad movie IIRC :)

Posted: Tue Aug 06, 2002 7:28 am
by Grand Lord Penguin
Now, out of boredom, I cam to the FOT board. I read this topic. As soon as the map comes out, I'm grabbing it and reinstalling FOT. Its sounds like it can save my FOT CD from the mircowave (I tried selling it. They wouldn't take it. Damn Piracy protection policy).

Good luck and make more like it.

And yes, Steel Dawn was horrible.

Posted: Mon Aug 12, 2002 1:56 am
by Strap
if your not done yet, add some bow and arrows, cause they are relatively easy to make, and are primitive. or sling/slingshots, that would be cool. the sling whould have a high chance of nocking them out

Posted: Sun Aug 18, 2002 1:01 am
by Cranberry
Just an update.

The map is coming together okay (first real one; I'm having to figure some stuff out as I go).

To address points, I'm not putting in bows/slings/other medieval era weaponry (the crossbows are going to be modern, naturally.) This is because while the villagers are not modern-level, they aren't dirt-sucking, brahmin-humping savages. They would certainly be able to make spearguns, and would favour them over bows for range, ease of use, and power.

Incidentally, I'm trying to flesh out the village's culture (although not much will be apparent in game). 50s names suggestions (such as Marilyn) would be appreciated.

Posted: Sun Aug 18, 2002 3:57 am
by OnTheBounce
Cranberry wrote:Incidentally, I'm trying to flesh out the village's culture (although not much will be apparent in game). 50s names suggestions (such as Marilyn) would be appreciated.
How 'bout "Tuesday", as in Tuesday Weld?


Posted: Sun Aug 18, 2002 4:59 am
by Jimmyjay86
Annette, Martha, Tina, Mary, Linda, Patricia, Karen, Barbara, Sharon, Susan, Nancy, Kathleen, Debra, Sandra, Deborah, Cynthia, and Pamela.

Need any more?

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2002 6:48 am
by Cranberry
Another update.

While I do still exist, I'm dealing with other stuff in the dreaded Real Life right now and will be for quite a while. This project may be on the back burner for several weeks before I get around to putting in some serious time on it.

Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2002 5:20 am
by Viktor
Cranberry wrote:Villagers' side, of course. I think it'll be a learning experience from the other guy's point of view, as it were, when a hummer full of BoS bastards pulls up in the town square and out pours a full squad in metal armour with M16s -and your best weapon is that UZI you took from the raider leader, and you only have 25 rounds left.
Now that would be an ambushing, molotoving, guerilla warfare tactics bit of fun!

I can almost see lone (and horny) BoS troopers being lured down dark alleys by comely village maidens to meet their doom, sleepy sentries getting garroted with rusty barbed wire and female sappers throwing home made satchel charges into APCs packed with wounded Bos troopers....
