Radiated Wasteland

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King of Creation
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Radiated Wasteland

Post by King of Creation »

<strong>[ Game -> Preview ]</strong> - More info on <a href="http://www.falloutwiki.com/Radiated Wasteland">Game: Radiated Wasteland</a>

<p><a href="http://www.radiatedwasteland.com"><em><strong>Radiated Wasteland</strong></em></a> is a new browser-based MMORPG. Check out the press release:</p>
<p><em>&ldquo;Post-apocalyptic browser game Radiated Wasteland in open beta on the 11th of February 2013&rdquo;.

<a href="https://www.facebook.com/RadiatedWastel ... a></em></p>
<object width="425" height="350" data="http://www.youtube.com/v/aVVPfEqi-bk" type="application/x-shockwave-flash">
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Browser game studio Pixel Pandemic announced that it will open up its free beta of Radiated Wasteland the 11th of February 2013.

Radiated Wasteland is a post-apocalyptic, free-to-play browser based MMORPG. The ambition of the development team has been to adapt classic gameplay features from the great RPGs of the past two decades to the browser format.

&ldquo;We feel that there are way too few challenging browser based RPGs for gamers like us who are or at least used to be hardcore gamers. In my opinion the market is flooded by cute farm animals and boring linear gameplay. We wanted to develop a complex MMORPG with a complex skill and character customization system. We also wanted a game that featured tactical turn based combat gameplay and exploration of a huge map with multiple NPCs, story driven missions and other things to engage in. We feel that we have achieved that with Radiated Wasteland and hope to develop things from the open beta with a focus on what the game community wants like we have been doing to great extend with our 1st game www.zombiepandemic.com&rdquo;, says CEO Thomas Jacobsen.

The storyline is set a few decades in the future. A giant comet has crashed into Earth causing massive destruction and turning what is left of the world into a giant radiated wasteland.

The player's character is a young adult, who has spent his/her entire life in the confines of Oasis 4, a sheltered underground village. This tiny community has survived for almost three decades, well-protected from the radioactive clouds that suffocated the surface of the earth. Although there has been news of other underground cities migrating to the surface, the people of Oasis 4 know that the surface world is rife with danger. Mutants and raiders rule the surface, and anyone who tries to pioneer into the wasteland is met with lethal opposition.

As the scavenging parties find fewer and fewer resources, Oasis 4 is faced with the difficult decision to finally migrate to the surface. You are among those sent to explore this strange new world and carve out a new path for your people.

Radiated Wasteland is developed by Copenhagen based Pixel Pandemic and the 2nd game following on up on the survival horror MMORPG www.zombiepandemic.com.

Sign up at www.radiatedwasteland.com to get an early pass for the open beta.</em></p>
<p>Click the image below to view more info, images, concept art, and to sign up for the open beta:</p>
<p><a href="http://www.radiatedwasteland.com/"><img src="http://pixelpandemic.net/wp-content/upl ... lands2.png" alt="" width="630" height="408" /></a></p>
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Post by Splatterpope »

Bastion seems to have inspired more than a few indie developers when it comes to hiring narrators and voice actors who don't live in dumpsters.
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Post by Splatterpope »


You can play now, and the name has changed to Mutant Badlands, probably to avoid any future issues with Wasteland 2.
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