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Posted: Wed Nov 13, 2002 5:31 am
by Megatron
Do you think FO3 should go back to bottlecaps?

Posted: Wed Nov 13, 2002 7:18 am
by Spazmo
Probably. Money in FO2 didn't make that much sense. Since everyone was bickering over everything (NCR vs. Vault City vs. New Reno vs. other, smaller towns), one must wonder how they all managed to agree on a certain currency. It would probably be best to go back to bottlecaps.

Posted: Wed Nov 13, 2002 7:32 am
by jerman999
They should. The money in Fallout 2 was really screwed up. What really is a "chip" anyways?

Posted: Wed Nov 13, 2002 9:52 am
by OnTheBounce
jerman999 wrote:What really is a "chip" anyways?
Money in FO2 was gold coins. The same coins were used everywhere -- ostensibly made from gold mined in Redding -- but different places called the coins different things. In New Reno they were often called "chips", just as the substitute currency in casinos is referred to as "chips".

There you go.

I'd only want to see bottlecaps if there is a (more or less) plausible story behind them like there was in FO where the Water Merchants backed them and that was what made them a stable currency.

If at all possible I'd like to see a more diversified economic system in FO3. One where currency had different values based on relations between powers. Two peoples are at war? Ooops! Don't get caught trying to pawn off the wrong money!


Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2002 1:59 am
by Meths
Pyro wrote:Bottlecaps?
I don't mind that. Whatever it will be it won't affect a gameplay anyway. What's the actual difference between bottlecaps and money? The only difference i noticed is image and description.

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2002 3:31 am
by Kashluk
I agree. It'll be called "money" anyways, so who cares? :D

I still call all Fallout-money, whether that be in DAC Saloon or in Fo2, bottlecaps! :wink:

Posted: Fri Dec 20, 2002 10:30 pm
by Bloodgeon11
Personally, i believe fallout should stick with chips. Hey, not that i don't like bottle caps, ring pulls, and brotherhood dollars, but at least the GOLD chips had some kind of inherent value to them...

Posted: Fri Dec 20, 2002 11:09 pm
by Strap
bottle caps kick ass. i would rather have those than coins. unleess you goto some other part of the world map that is much more civilized and has an econemy.

you should be able to find some teaser soda cans, because think of how hard it would be to find an uncrushed/dented can in the wastes, lol.
kinda like dirt in waterworld.

heheh. nukacola must sell for more than 1 cap, because you get one when you drink it!

Posted: Fri Dec 20, 2002 11:24 pm
by Kashluk
It's five caps. How do I know? Trust me, I'm a fanatic :D

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2002 12:37 am
by Flink
Bottlecaps all the way!

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2002 1:14 pm
by Aneurysm
yeah that coins system seemed just too perfect to a post apocalyptic world . The olny problem about bottle caps in f1 , was that you could olny give a maximum of 999 or something ? If they changed that thing it would be better.

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2002 3:49 pm
by Megatron
I tended to horde money and never save it and a lot of the time I'd trade guns for money that I'd never use.

Did anyone else do this, or am I a crazy squirrel person?

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2002 4:11 pm
by Flink
Hehe, Yeah. At the end of Fallout2 I had like 150,000. But thats partly due to the trade system was pretty screwed up in FO2.

San Fran with its two mega weapons stores and their droves of cash. Who the hell came up with that gem?!!

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2002 4:18 pm
by Mack_The_Knife
Alright... 2 centuries after a nuclear holocaust, fo2 has players using ACTUAL METAL for the representative purpose of money... All industrial activity has, for the most part, ceased, and you have tribals who have to fight giant mutated rats with sticks (nevermind the shortage of wood in a nuclear wasteland) using metallic coins... That is definetely a no-no... If gold was being mined in Redding in 2241, than the gold could be put to much better use... gold is a non-oxydizing metal, and in a post-nuclear world full of rusty junk, gold could be put to much better use than coins... especilally in restariting old engines, and even electronics... look at the Incas in Peru... they used gold for a variety of uses that saw the implement of iron and steel in the old world... gold for the Incas was very pragmatic kind of material, and not a luxury at all (gold was an absolute essential)... and that's how it should be in fallout... bottelcaps over coins... definitely...

Yet, even bottlecaps and ringpulls might be a stretch... after, aluminum is useful too... a arrowhead made of a folded bottlecap... or bottelcaps welded to the barrel of an old shotgun to keep the rusty old barrel from splitting open with the next shot... no... money in fallout 3 should be made from natural materials... look at tribal societies today that use money that is sea-shells or polished stones, or beads... coins in fallout should be made out of ivory... sectioned brahmin horns could make money... a horn could yield one thousand coins.. and then, an NCR or MODOC symbol could be engraved upon the ivory... more industrialised towns could use coins sawed off lead pipes... the coin would be a lead ring...

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2002 4:36 pm
by Kashluk
Aneurysm wrote:yeah that coins system seemed just too perfect to a post apocalyptic world . The olny problem about bottle caps in f1 , was that you could olny give a maximum of 999 or something ? If they changed that thing it would be better.
It shows a maximum (some 9's in a row) in the inventory, but if you go to the trade screen you can see that you have much more.

Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2002 4:06 pm
by Snake
I voted for the third option
There has been some good ideas above but the currency has to relate to the game setting
FO1 was the struggle for humanity and bottlecaps was a neat concept
It was a break from traditional money but kind of believeable for the game

FO2 was more about greed and the rekindling of old rivalrys, the yakuaza/mafia and the ending of some old, humans/mutants
Gold coin was the new currency for the new era

I have only played the demo of FOT so I have no idea of the currency there

So what I'm saying is that FO3's currency has to suit the setting, complicated or simple

Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2002 10:09 pm
by Flink
If I'm not mistaken. Fallout Tactics had two different types of currency. Brooderhood Dollars that only worked in Brotherhood shops, and ring-pulls that only worked in "civillian" shops.

Would this be something that might work in Fallout3 also? different currency in differnet seats of power? Maybe NCR Dollars? while the rest of the world still used the trusty old bottlecap? I dunno...

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2002 1:28 am
by Kashluk
Well, it depends... If there were many currencies, there shouldn't be *many* if you know what I mean. Three, four - maximum five. Otherwise it gets too complicated (it's confusing enough with one!) and ruins the gameplay.

My suggestion for several currencies would be as followed

- One currency for all the Wastes (bottlecamps, for example)
- NCR-monn33h, requiring that NCR has a lot of power in FO3 + maybe the best items could be bought only from NCR territory, so it's currency would be certainly needed.
- Brotherhood Credits, or something. They're just so cool that they deserve their own currency :D

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2002 1:42 am
by Snake
Sounds good and too many types would suck
I wonder if you can convert between them, could you in FOT?
Perhaps not as it would highlight any tension between them until you make matters right or something?
Or just hack an atm like in Deus Ex? lol

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2002 4:04 am
by Flink
Heh, Maybe we'll end up with a Post-Appoccalyptic stockmarket.

"The Brotherhood Dollar went down four points today, while the tribal gecko pelts rose six points. The result is that one tribal gecko pelt is now worth 6 BOS Dollars and 34 cents." :lol: