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Does Eldridge deserve to live?

Posted: Wed Feb 26, 2003 11:22 pm
by Radoteur
Eldridge's got some killer guns.
He's the owner of New Reno Arms, if you don't already know.
I saved, then killed him and found an M60 and Bozar on his body, not that I'd use 'em, but they look fancy like. And the Voice Recognition Chip was on this body, too.
He doesn't have any good ammo or guns to trade away. The only new ones I saw were the Grease gun and the Tommy gun. Both completely horrible compared to my solar scorcher. I use a combat shotgun in the dark or .44 caliber Magnum with speed load.
Anyways, he keeps Algeron in his basement. That jerk.

I'm thinking that I'll kill him and someone will tell me he has something I really really need. Like super rare ammo or something.

Posted: Wed Feb 26, 2003 11:25 pm
by axelgreese
No you can kill him if you want.

But the bozar rox and so Algeron. Especially since that's a pop refernce to "Flowers for Algeron" which is a wonderful book btw.


Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2003 12:10 am
by Duc
If you become a made man for the Mordino's, or possibly Bishops, you get access to those better guns that he has on him. So instead of killing him for them, you can buy them as a made man.

Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2003 3:02 am
by Arbgun
Yeah, u can sick em. but sometimes he sells the Guns Magazine. He seems to have a new one when i trade, dont know if he's like flick where he always has a cats paw mag every 3weeks, i think. The mags good if i want to spend my other skill points other than small guns.

Also got an energy weapons upgrade after completing the 10 cats paw mag quest. The bitch chik then gave issue No.5, it has the energy weapons article.

Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2003 6:01 am
by Lunchmeat
would it kill you to spell something correctly every once in a while?

Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2003 3:48 pm
by Warlord
Eldridge, that asshole. I just deliver the Laser Pistol to him and then ice him. That place (the gun shop) is only good because Algernon is there. If there only would be a way to move him somewhere else......

Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2003 3:16 am
by Arbgun
duh, ok , SOMETIMES it is, Happy smartass?

Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2003 3:19 am
by Arbgun

Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2003 3:20 am
by axelgreese
Arbgun wrote:man, using mobile text messaging is making me dumb. i can't even spell sometimes right!
AND you double post TOO!!

Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2003 4:06 am
by Lunchmeat
actually that does make me happy

Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2003 10:13 pm
by Radoteur
I don't need gun mags. I do need 2 cat's paws.
I don't really need any of his guns, and he has cash, so I think I'll let him live.

So, after I become made man, I can get the good guns, but I still have to pay? Right... And if I'm not made man I can just shoot him in the balls and take his guns, and nobody will care. I think I'd rather kill the guy, if I actually wanted those guns. He charges way too much.

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2003 7:01 pm
by Lynxer
This ... Algernon, is it a dog..? If so it explains why i cant find this Algernon.

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2003 8:14 pm
by jerman999
He's the guy in the basement of the shop who gives you free weapons upgrades.

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2003 8:16 pm
by Lynxer
than....where is the staircase? man, how could i have missed that, i even meticulously scanned the place for it once.

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2003 8:17 pm
by Dragonetti
Spoiler for algernon.

He is a man (If you can call him that). In the back room of NRA there is a staircase hidden by a bookshelf. He is down there. Make sure ot search the floor and table. BTW can you use the howitzer shell fro SAD on the howitzer dowh there??

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2003 8:19 pm
by jerman999
Lynxer wrote:than....where is the staircase? man, how could i have missed that, i even meticulously scanned the place for it once.
It's in the back room with the dogs in it.
Dragonetti wrote:BTW can you use the howitzer shell fro SAD on the howitzer dowh there??
No, it's just for decoration.

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2003 2:43 am
by SeanDMan
It's really hard to see. I was back there, killing dogs and looting, and missed it entirely. Eventually I found it, but only once I knew it was there.

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2003 9:36 am
by Tank
jerman999 wrote:
Dragonetti wrote:BTW can you use the howitzer shell fro SAD on the howitzer dowh there??
No, it's just for decoration.
Yeah, but that would've been soooo sweet though! A large BOOM and half thre neighborehood sinks into the ground as the shell blows up the buildings' bases... Hehe!

I would wait until after beating sinking the Oil Rig to kill

Posted: Wed May 07, 2003 2:17 am
by I Must Be Crazy 2
Eldridge is indeed a tough bargainer during the course of the game, but I can still manage to afford his stuff because I like to tag Barter or Gambling and run around the desert for random encounters of Press Gangs or Hubologists if I get low on stuff to trade (very rarely happens for me though).

I like the fact that his store restocks ammo every 3-4 game days or so, so I like to trade for ammo everytime I visit.

However, Eldridge really screws the player over after (s)he sinks the Enclave Oil Rig. He congratulates your character for becoming a hero and promises a SPECIAL DISCOUNT. However, when you try to trade with him, his prices are SKY HIGH!!! Furthermore, if you ask him to upgrade weapons, he will attack you. This POs the h*ll out of me so I then waste him with a Turbo Plasma Rifle, Vindicator, or Bozar!

Posted: Wed May 07, 2003 3:28 am
by Red
And then get the upgrades for free from Algernon, heh.