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Fallout 2 is the best by far

Posted: Sat Mar 22, 2003 6:31 pm
by Spectral Fire
OK I've been playing fallout 2 for ages now there is so much to do when the game ends but once you finish killing everydamn person on the map it kinda gets limited. I must admit though, it was harder then FO1 and much longer which I enjoyed. What I did not like was the fact that on my PC for some reason {even though it's a P3 700mhz with 120mb of ram and a riva TNT2 graphics card,} it ran real slow on the world map and I had to get the car before it went anywhere near normal speed. This is the only problem I had with Fallout 2 the first time I played it back when it first came out on PC {The day it came out in-fact} this problem was so annoying I took it around a friends house to get further into the game then saved the save game to disc and took it home. Now I've recently replayed it and completed it and I love it! The random encounters are brilliant the satire is awesome and the game is far more interesting then the first. But I was disappointed by lack of The BOS which didn't even really become part of the game. The lack of children did not bother me to be honest I had no desire to kill any. But having used the patch they do add some interesting sub plots to the game. This game was so realistic too in means of weapon management targeting what have you.

But the NPC's were much better the evolution of the towns from the first town were spot on the car was a great extra and the weapons were insane. The ability to fuck your boss over was also a bonus. The new perks were awesome. Things like been able to rob things from graves was just surreal and the ability to get perks such as Expert Excrement Expeditor was funny.

Fallout tactics was a farce I thought it was taking a very good idea and spin on Fallout 1 and 2 too far it just seemed a quick way to make money to fund a possible fallout 3 which I notice hasn’t happened, bastards!

Anyway I've yapped on too much I also love the mods keep em comin

Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2003 11:45 pm
by Meths
...thanks for the story (???).. or whatever :?

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2003 1:41 am
by SFH
I just wished there was some kind of conflict story plot with the Enclave and the BOS.

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2003 2:14 am
by Arbgun
just wished the brotherhood finished makin vertibirds and we could like pilot a vertibird in fallout 3. that would be cool! or have ur followers change appearance to when you give them the power armor or you would meet that bishop child as the new bishop boss or get to the place where the tribals and vault 13 guys settled or ...( possible plots are endless in fallout 3, just hope black isle's reading this, hey guys give us FALLOUT 3)......blah,blah,blah

Spectral Fire,

wait till you try fallout 2 in A P4 2.0 Ghz, 256 RAM, 64MB Geforce II PC. My walk across the map was almost as fast as my highwayman when i was still using a celeron 333 megahertz pc.

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2003 3:54 am
by Red
Um, the ticks of the game are locked to the refresh rate, so once the game reaches its peek it'll be just as fast on any faster machine. At best the 2/3+ Ghz machines will make the load screens much shorter which is a good thing anyway.

Take Fallout 3 lame-ass wishes to the Fallout 3 forum, thanks.

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2003 4:58 pm
by Kashluk
Good that you liked it, Sprectal :) Keep it up and rolling for Fallout! Heil, heil and whatever :P

Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2003 8:36 pm
by Dragonetti
Yeah. He was Kashluk was being nice, and you cast him to the ground. Shame on you.

Can you see my Avatar? I can't see it anymore, but them my ISP is crap.

Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2003 8:46 pm
by Strap
save the av from your isp, then upload it directly to DAC, then you dont have to worry about it dissapearing

sorry man

Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2003 9:01 pm
by Spectral Fire
Kashluk wrote:Uh, I was trying to be supporting here. What did I do wrong?
Ah sorry man I had no intention to piss you off I was merely been sarcastic mysef sorry :(

Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2003 9:17 pm
by nexus
Spec-> try downloading some of the mods - that way you can revitalize your FO2 experience.

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2003 12:22 am
by Strap
some of the mods are all glitchy...

when people make their mods, do they use the 1.02 patch as a base, and then make modifications, or do they just apply it to the base 1.00 version?
it sucks when glitches that are fixed by the 1.02 patch are present in fun mods, it makes it less fun

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2003 8:12 pm
by nexus
IMHO modding the patched version is by far the easiest way to make mods since you have the updated version of the master file easily accesseble.

As a matter of fact I just finished a mod but I haven't had the time to playtest it yet.
But it's basicly a weapons mod with some sprite changes and some sound changes - nothing much but fun to do.

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2003 3:46 am
by Fang_Teng
Okay quick question:

Are YOU the Spectral Fire over at forums?

alas no laddy

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2003 3:42 am
by Spectral Fire
Fang_Teng wrote:Okay quick question:

Are YOU the Spectral Fire over at forums?
Nope, I named myself after my band's name. It is taken from a line in that song "Quarantined" by At The Drive In

"a single spark can start a spectral fire"

Posted: Sat May 31, 2003 7:56 pm
by 17th Warrior
Hi here FALLOUT loving fans!
Someone send me an e-mail where can i download the FAME pacth!!!!!!
The Hungarian Fallout lovers greet everyone!

Posted: Sat May 31, 2003 8:59 pm
by Zbyram
You mean this? Just take it slowly and you'll find everything... :wink:

Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2003 4:33 am
by 17th Warrior
Fallout 2 would be greater if you could just create your own wasteland. :)
ok there's the mapper but a built-in would have been better! :))
after you finish the quests you can't do anything just cruise around, kill , barter......
i know it is long enough but if your a Fallout fan like me you know what i mean!
there could have been more quests aftergame too.