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Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2003 8:26 am
by Bluepencil
Well, since I'm leaving the Net anyways, just to show there are recriminations against whatever the froging's been happening. ;)


Well, that dose should last a few months. ^_^ I'm more of an overrated placebo than anything, really.

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2003 11:50 am
by Briosafreak
I'm more of an overrated placebo than anything, really.
Yeah right, and i am Mishima ;)

Return soon man, we miss you :cry:

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2003 3:56 pm
by Demon-X
Yay! Bpen!

Its good to see your still here, don't stay away too long.

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2003 4:27 pm
by Kashluk
Un-fucking-believablekjadölkfblo. God damn, mate. You should be hand wrestling with that Briareos dude. Honestly, it would really make a good fight :)

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2003 7:37 pm
by Ghetto Goose
BP! SO GLAD TO SEE YOU! How are you? You need to stop by more often, we were all worried about you!

Great Pic. Thats a spiffy lookin gun. I hope you keep em comin. :D

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2003 9:04 pm
by Smiley
BP, I'd choose your Placebo over any medicine, anyday.

!Return to the net ASAP!

Hey BPen

Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2003 1:50 am
by Dan_Wood
I want to talk with you...

Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2003 6:40 am
by Bluepencil
Thank you. ^_^ And no can do. I'm gone tomorrow... personal matters, you understand.

Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2003 2:07 pm
by the guardian
Great job. Goodbye.

Say, is it just me, or is everything BPen draws has girls in it? Make more damn it

Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2003 3:49 pm
by Smiley
They're more interesting to draw...?
Not mention easier...

Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2003 11:33 pm
by axelgreese
It's very good and obviously made by a skilled hand but it looks kinda scratchy :/ almost what I'd expect from a quick drawing witha Bic pen on a napkin.


Posted: Sat Apr 05, 2003 12:19 am
by Wolfman Walt
excellant picture, you've definetly got more talent then you're apperantly giving yourself credit for. Sorry to hear that you're leaving, don't stay away too long though.

Posted: Sat Apr 05, 2003 1:58 am
by Rad_Man
Wow! great job. Wish I had that much talent. Sorry to hear your leaving for a while.

Posted: Sat Apr 05, 2003 3:36 am
by Strap
draw some more while your gone... the more the merrier

Posted: Sat Apr 05, 2003 10:07 am
by Radoteur
Looks like the beginning to a softporn flick.
Not like there's anything wrong with that.

Although sometimes I like to imagine that the target audience doesn't think like me.

Posted: Sat Apr 05, 2003 6:37 pm
by Phias
You are the master. FEAR HIS LEET DRAWING SKILLS!!

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2003 7:07 am
by Dan_Wood
Radoteur wrote:Looks like the beginning to a softporn flick.
Not like there's anything wrong with that.

Although sometimes I like to imagine that the target audience doesn't think like me.
*ahem* Or just finishing up.

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2003 7:45 am
by Dan
Whow... That's some great work, Bpen...

Re: Nubility...

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2003 5:25 pm
by Megatron
Bluepencil wrote:Well, since I'm leaving the Net anyways

good drawing, you need to draw more monsters and stuff though.