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A few crappy paragraphs of fan-fiction

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2003 1:01 am
by Genghis01
Ok, I wrote these few paragraphs out of pure boredom if anybody thinks it's any good I might continue with it if I can be bothered.

A Heroes Last Adventure
I’ve left finally. Before I left the village, my village Arroyo the village I created, which had been my home for the past few decades. The Elder my doughtier and leader of the Village begged me on her hands and knees, literally, to stay and teach them more but I just couldn’t it was probably one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do. I spent many days sitting on the high hill looking down on Arroyo thinking about the future but I just couldn’t stay I could feel something further North ‘they’ the spirits, gods or maybe I was just feeling cramped. Whatever, it didn’t matter, I’m leaving now. I took one last look back at Arroyo. The sun was rising and the villagers were beginning to tidy away the remains of my going away party. As the sunrays were reflecting off my Power Armour, I put my Combat Shotgun to my shoulder turned north, away from my little paradise and headed into the hell of the wastes…

God it must have been what, a month or maybe even two? Surely there must be some life out there other than the occasional tree? I’m running out of water, so that’s my destiny, to die out here in the wastes? How ironic, I should have stayed and died in a dignified way surrounded by friends and family just like, like…Ian did. Who am I kidding, I would have just dropped dead of boredom…
Wait… what was that? I heard something and turned toward the sound, wisps of smoke were coming out of a nearby valley, that I would never have seen if it weren’t for the smoke. So I ran, a small group of traders’ warring no armour was being attacked by bunch of raiders clad in metal armour. I clambered down the cliff into the valley finishing with a jump. Pumped my rifle, aimed and opened fire, the projectile slammed through one of the raiders back. The raiders looked at me and decided to make a quick exit taking pot-shots at me as they went which ether missed or bounced off my power armour and I returned the sentiment, few of which missed and none of which bounced.

The raiders were gone leaving behind a few bodies and taking with them most of the equipment from the traders’ caravan. Most of the traders were dead or almost dead except for one, she was crawling away quickly trying to look inconspicuous I shouted too her “stop!” obviously frightened she then got up and tried to run but she couldn’t. Her leg had been badly wounded and she must have collapsed from the pain. I ran to her took out and opened up my doctors’ bag taking out a few Stim packs and a roll of bandages then lifted up her arm to put in a Stim. She suddenly pulled her arm away hit my helmet and tried to kick me with her good leg “fuck you Enclave bastard!” I was stunned by the vicious attack “look lady I’m just trying to help you…” she was unconscious. I took the opportunity to put in the stim packs and put on the bandages, When I lifted up her arm I noticed two large helmet shaped bruises, not even a raider would require that kind effort. What is the Enclave? Is it the name for the Brotherhood of Steel here, they live in a sort of underground enclave don’t they? I thought to myself as I began looting the bodies.

After looting the bodies it was getting quite dark I moved her and myself of the beaten track. Then removing my helmet so the first thing she saw in the morning wasn’t a robot lying next to her, made a small fire out of boxes from the caravan and used a bunch of relatively clean rags for a quilt. It was the first time I got a good look at her. She was filthy with greasy black hair it was difficult to tell her age but she was quite petit but obviously a slave there was a small ownership mark on the right of her forehead. I moved another rag over my legs put my rifle to my side and began to scan the wastes for threats…

I awoke to see a knife was being pressed into my throat, ‘falling asleep on watch! I’ve never done that before, I’m getting to old for this’ I thought, “ok tell me were the hell I am and I might let ya live!” the girl snarled, the chances were she would kill me weather I told her or not.
Jerking my body forward the lip of the Power Armour slammed into the knife, which promptly broke in two. Using the power armours strength I jumped on top of her grabbing her shoulders to hold and calm her down but she un-holstered my SMG wriggled from under me and leaped up kicking me twice round the head. My vision became fuzzy and finally settled down focusing in on my SMG now under the girls control from this distance she couldn’t miss and my Shotgun was way to far away to dive for.
Still lying on the ground I opened up my satchel and removed a box of Cheesy Puffs™.
I threw them up in the air she dropped the SMG leapt up and grabbed the box falling on the floor she curled around the box ripping it open and taking handfuls of the sponge-like crisps.
I picked up the SMG and holstered it, then picked up the Shotgun. “So what’s the plan, you gonna sell me to some slaver now?” she said with a mouth full of crisps and with a certain amount of resignation “What the Hell would I want to do that for? You’re free to go.” I responded with surprise.
“So that’s it, your free now, on ya way!” she sneered “Course not, you can come with me if you want” I said as I started putting away my stuff “I need some water.” She demanded, I removed one of my water flasks and tossed it to her “So, what’s your name?” I asked casually, “I was 5 when I was captured by slavers I’ve forgot it.” She stated wiliest unscrewing the flask top then whilst putting some water into her cupped hand, she saw her reflection in the water and noticed her diamond shaped slave mark. “You can call me Diamond if you like” Diamond said before dabbing the water against her lips then drinking what was left. “Ok Diamond let’s go before the midday sun gets up,” I said pulling on my backpack.
I set off following the traders’ tracks with Diamond following closely behind…

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2003 2:05 am
by Bloodgeon11
Brava! Bravissimo! The fan fic section is sadly neglected by the greated part of the community, due to the fact that most of the writing is pure drivel. However, you do get the occasional gem, one of which this obviously is...keep up the good work!

Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2003 12:00 am
by Genghis01
Ah but is it worth continuing? I’ve written a few more paragraphs so if you think it’s worth it, tell me and if it’s not also tell me!

Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2003 12:30 am
by Bloodgeon11
Post it...from what i've seen, you're good.

Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2003 12:54 am
by Calal
Same here, I' m intrigued.