Political Correctness to the Extreme

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Political Correctness to the Extreme

Post by Menno »


"Demonstrators gathered outside Fort Benning to protest a military school were hit with a sonic barrage Saturday: patriotic music Army officials had blaring from the main gate."

Leaders of School of Americas Watch, which has protested at Fort Benning every year since the early 1990s, said they planned to sue over the noise tactic and accused the Army of a "psychological operation."

[Songs that were played: "The Army Song" and "God Bless The USA"]

Haha, have we actually reached this point in society? Does this mean I can sue my local radio station for playing rap, accusing them of trying to make me "ghetto"?
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Post by Stainless »

heh, that's a pretty good idea to deal with protestors. The only way I can see them getting anything out of sueing because of something like this is when the music/sound causes actual physical harm (deafness, etc) or to property (broken windows). Knowing how the world is though, they'll probibly win and get lots of money.....
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Post by Jawz II »

i guess i could tell u about the peoples right to demonstrate in a free democratic society and the involvment of cia in south america,countless civil wars,death squads,torture etc

but wtf would be the point?

i might as well go preach to my dog,he wont get nothin into his head either,but at least he will listen
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Post by Grey Fil »

Or the right to entertain "guests" with "excelent" partiorticz muzik and shtuff.
Carpe jugulum.
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Post by avenger69ie »

land of the free, home of the ignorant? demo's are done for a reason, maybe not everyone agrees with the reason, but obviously the demonstrators want to be heard and their demo's are falling on deaf ears and idiots that critisize them for no apparent reason.
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Post by Stainless »

Not too sure about the demos in the US, but I find that demos over here are done by people with little clue or grasp of realism. The recent anti-commercialism of 3rd world countries comes to mind. They may indeed be getting a tad exploited, but it does give that country much needed commerce.
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Post by S4ur0n27 »

Big, 3rd world exploiting companies point of view :
Hey, we give em money, what's wrong with that?
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Post by Slave_Master »

Jawz II wrote:i guess i could tell u about the peoples right to demonstrate in a free democratic society and the involvment of cia in south america,countless civil wars,death squads,torture etc
Just like it's my right in a free democratic society (which the United States isn't) to say that the protesters are fucking retards! Didn't see that one coming, did you?
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Post by Menno »

Jawz II wrote:i guess i could tell u about the peoples right to demonstrate in a free democratic society and
but wtf would be the point?

i might as well go preach to my dog,he wont get nothin into his head either,but at least he will listen
Who the fuck said they couldn't protest? I said it's amusing they're suing for "psychological operations" over two songs. If these protestors had any brains they wouldn't be protesting at Fort Benning (for the past 13 years) because the troops at Fort Benning don't decide where they're deployed. It's called writing letters to your local fucking politician and speaking with your vote (by voting for someone who agrees with your views) instead of clogging up streets, the city having to waste millions of dollars with police officers that could have actually been on doing REAL work. These monkeys usually cause some property damage and litter the area with their garbage. If soldiers can be accused of being child-killers (as alot of these protests do), which is slander (and get away with it), then these same protestors should be able to handle two fucking songs blaring over speakers.
Jawz II wrote:the involvment of cia in south america,countless civil wars,death squads,torture etc
Yeah, like that hasn't ever occured without CIA involvement? [Pablo Escobar]

Fact of the matter is most of all that occured decades ago. Oh I see, Amerikkkans should be blamed eternally for one's mistakes/struggles. I guess we should continue to blame Germans to this day because they're all evil Nazis right?

Just as the protestors have the right to protest, I have the absolute fucking right not to bother listening. Its as if a group of Americans gather around your house protesting you and blaming you for all the cocaine in the world because you're hispanic, even though you have nothing to do with it. Even when they leave, they end up damaging your property and littering your yard with trash. And when you bitch and complain about it, they end up suing you. After a decade of it, you telling me you wouldn't be fed up with it?
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Post by Forty-six & Two »

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Post by Mandalorian FaLLouT GoD »

if they just shot a couple protesters they wouldnt protest.
they should shoot people who protest useless garbage.
School of the Americas Watch holds the demonstrations every November to mark the killings of six Jesuit priests, their housekeeper and her daughter in El Salvador on Nov. 19, 1989.

Some of the killers had attended the school, which moved to Fort Benning from Panama in 1984 and is now under the jurisdiction of the Defense Department as the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation.
how in the fuck does that end up being the schools fault?
i dont think the teachers sat around and planned on indoctrinating a bunch of retards to kill jesuits.
Blargh wrote:While the way in which the stance is made could be done with at least a pretense of civility - being far more conducive to others actually paying attention than copious swearing - it just wouldn't be Mandy otherwise.
S4ur0n27 wrote:Dexter is getting MFG'ed for the first time D:
Koki wrote:He must be Mandallorian FaLLouT God'ded ASAP :salute:
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Post by Hammer »

land of the free, home of the ignorant? demo's are done for a reason, maybe not everyone agrees with the reason, but obviously the demonstrators want to be heard and their demo's are falling on deaf ears and idiots that critisize them for no apparent reason.
Hey that's fucking rich, ya know what happens if I go on to somebody's property and protest because I don't like that they eat meat? I go to jail. You say we're ignorant because we follow common sense rules and have above 5th grade educations?

This was a military school where people FREELY sign up to go to, not forced. For some limp-wristed, vegetarian, cock-sucking hippy to essentially get in my face and tell me that I am preaching "psychological operations" with songs essential to the Esprit DeCorp the military aims for is fucking STUPID, we may be ignorant idiots in your eyes Avenger, but you're a stupid fucking asshole with no grasp of reality in mine.
i guess i could tell u about the peoples right to demonstrate in a free democratic society and the involvment of cia in south america,countless civil wars,death squads,torture etc

but wtf would be the point?
I could tell everybody you're a fucking moron, but what would be the point? we already know.
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Post by Megatron »

The army should get the addresses of everyone then put picket fences around there door! HAHAHAHA TEH US HAZ U NOW!

But yea, political correctness is silly. Examples of it in this thread is silly, examples of it in real-life is silly. silly cunts :P
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Post by iohkus »

that comic was teh funny.
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Post by S4ur0n27 »

Yah shoot em up.
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Post by avenger69ie »

well hammer, its that kind of attitude that the army breeds, and maybe you should go fucking back to it and train some more 16yr olds to kill arabs, or maybe you could stay here and actually read my statement again, there was a question mark after ignorance you blind from masturbating dimwitted clown. Grow up and take it like a man, AMERICA ISNT ALWAYS RIGHT! same as your not.

anyway, the last time i disagreed with you, You called me a dumb paddy... or Patty, jesus you couldnt even insult me properly. Big Fuck you! LOL twat. :lol:
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Post by S4ur0n27 »

avenger, where the hell is that in your location

Post by Kashluk »

Ireland, arrrr.
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Post by atoga »

This decade needs more hippie-style protestors, as opposed to these boring new avant-garde protestors who think they're so kewl or something (but don't actually accomplish anything, and end up pissing everybody else off in the process).
Last edited by atoga on Mon Nov 24, 2003 9:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
suppose you're thinking about a plate of shrimp. suddenly somebody will say like 'plate' or 'shrimp' or 'plate of shrimp', out of the blue, no explanation.
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Post by avenger69ie »

yup, to be more precise, its the As gaelige for the city of Dublin. :)