car question and artist question

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car question and artist question

Post by pillbrain »


and im back with another fairly simple question, where the hell are the scripts that control the car? I mean all the towns have things about it generally involving its creation assuming your using it, but surely it must have a script itself ( and probably one for the trunk as well ), but I cant for the life of me find it. So if anyone could point me in the right direction id appreciate it.
edit: oof, found it, damn putting it in random places, <feels sheepish> sorry about that.

Also, me and another bloke are looking at creating a mod, we have already started preparing the plot and everything, but we could kinda use someone with any artistic ability to edit some splash screens and perhaps a few critters as well as some weapons.
So if anyone is interested, could they let us know.

thanks a lot
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Post by phoenixxx »

You actually thought it was an artist didn't you pill? If you didn't then it isn't such a funny joke.....<sigh> I'm so friggin bored.......
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