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by Tofu Man
Sat Feb 22, 2014 9:30 pm
Forum: General Gaming
Topic: Game you're playing. How far you are.
Replies: 2490
Views: 1307048

There's a good Edith Piaf joke in Thiaf, somewhere

So it turns out we were wrong about Thiaf.

Gentlemen, I present your game of the <strike>year</strike> decade.

by Tofu Man
Sun Feb 16, 2014 7:45 am
Forum: General Gaming
Topic: Game you're playing. How far you are.
Replies: 2490
Views: 1307048

Did I use to fill these?

Blargh wrote:Ahahahaha. :drunk:
Ain't no laffin matter.


Notice the CTs. Oh joy. :drunk:
by Tofu Man
Fri Jan 31, 2014 3:36 am
Forum: General Gaming
Topic: Game you're playing. How far you are.
Replies: 2490
Views: 1307048


So State of Decay is half decent, for a lowbrow 3rd person shooter version of Zombee Stait. And that's about everything un-shit for the past 4 or 5 months. :drunk:

Oh and how could I forget Wasteland 2? 3 ctds for 5 minutes of play! It's practically release ready!
by Tofu Man
Fri Jan 31, 2014 3:29 am
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Happy New Year you absent people
Replies: 36
Views: 61333

I'm from Los Angeles and I say- fuck it, let's go bowling.

Megatron wrote:Hola from Buenos Aires (...) Another thing that I have discovered: that there is an extra planet in our solar system
That planet's not called Klendathu, is it? 'Cause you might want to think about movin'. :duckie:
by Tofu Man
Sat Aug 17, 2013 12:38 pm
Forum: General Gaming
Topic: Game you're playing. How far you are.
Replies: 2490
Views: 1307048

Also, Origin.

Corporate Makeover: Extreme Arts Edition :duckie:
by Tofu Man
Sat Aug 17, 2013 12:27 pm
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: The Wall of Missing Members
Replies: 1204
Views: 828395

Most fun I've had all week.

Let's see... Too obvious; Too overplayed; Ugh, realism . Is that Ray Ramone?
by Tofu Man
Tue Aug 13, 2013 2:44 am
Forum: Sex, Jet and Rock 'n' Roll
Topic: Whatchu listening to?
Replies: 419
Views: 309264

Pretentious prog (when the liner notes for each musician are longer than the summary of Mozart's life on a Deutsche Grammophon edition of Requiem, you know it's a whole new level of pretentious. Also, it's prog. Stratospheric levels reached. Stand by for vacuum induced-headsplosion) by Sky. It's go...
by Tofu Man
Tue Aug 13, 2013 1:44 am
Forum: General Gaming
Topic: Game you're playing. How far you are.
Replies: 2490
Views: 1307048

Former Soviet borders or modern day airports???

Accounts describe it as not random enough to be replayed. It doesn't really matter. The single playthrough of Papers, Please is still the best thing that's happened in gaming all year, Gunpoint in not-so-near pursuit. Perhaps one could argue that the repetitiousness brought on by further playthrough...
by Tofu Man
Mon Aug 12, 2013 5:53 am
Forum: General Gaming
Topic: Game you're playing. How far you are.
Replies: 2490
Views: 1307048

"My blogdom for a white knight!"

Just fingerprint-ed Anita Sarkeesian at the checkpoint for not donnin' a 'fro like it said in the paper. The prints didn't match. She was all uppity and I went from "Papers, Please" to "Feminazi, Please!" faster than you can say "Oh no she di'n't!". Then I hit the big r...
by Tofu Man
Wed Aug 07, 2013 10:24 am
Forum: General Gaming
Topic: Game you're playing. How far you are.
Replies: 2490
Views: 1307048

Hey uncah Fargo, betta step up yer gaem!!1one

So was Shadowrun so disappointing you lot all decided to jump off an overpass and into heavy traffic? Pics plz. :drunk:

Also, saw Hipster Drama: The game: The movie. Don't make the same mistake.
by Tofu Man
Sun Jul 14, 2013 1:50 am
Forum: Sex, Jet and Rock 'n' Roll
Topic: Good Movies
Replies: 8
Views: 18561


Por supuesto. Mira, chaval, tienes eso y eso . Cine de calidad en español es siempre una puta sorpresa. Also, Boyle's latest is okayish if you can tolerate the dude's music video editing. Half of it is spent building up this smart plot just so one character can break it down in exposition in the la...
by Tofu Man
Wed Jul 10, 2013 12:55 pm
Forum: Sex, Jet and Rock 'n' Roll
Topic: Whatchu listening to?
Replies: 419
Views: 309264

Now that I'm a part of Cimmerian's age group and am forced to listen to corporate rock FM by law, I thought I'd start in the mid-dle. Weird, I don't remember the lyrics making this much sense. :drunk:
by Tofu Man
Wed Jul 10, 2013 12:41 pm
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Hey jerks
Replies: 43
Views: 44914

Hindsight isn't just 20/20, it's also fucking hilarious.

Megatron wrote:I'm saying I don't want any shit posts because they are shit, what's wrong with that.
It's like they made Paris Hilton the pope. Minus the silly hat. Nessie bless him. :lol:
by Tofu Man
Wed Jul 03, 2013 10:31 pm
Forum: In The News
Topic: That Cute Radioactive Couple to run again
Replies: 3
Views: 44579


SenisterDenister wrote:dark grey background
Wut. You people don't use bubblegum white?
It's almost perfect but for the absence of ponies. :drunk:
by Tofu Man
Wed Jun 26, 2013 1:39 pm
Forum: General Gaming
Topic: Game you're playing. How far you are.
Replies: 2490
Views: 1307048


And this-holy fuck-this. Fuck. Holy. This.


Also, shit you not, this was the banner when I posted this. HAHAHA "better". I think not. And I'm not even thinking about the spiders (or the dreadnaughts). :drunk:
by Tofu Man
Wed Jun 26, 2013 1:14 pm
Forum: General Gaming
Topic: Game you're playing. How far you are.
Replies: 2490
Views: 1307048

Das überkommando und sein kleine affectation

David Cage Really, old bean? Took you all of 2 words to dismantle that idiotic image? Young Blargh woulda done it with 1. I'd suggest a video instead . Yeah, mate, give her some of that artistic integrity ! Better call Roper Ebanks*, tell 'em we're postponing gaming's significance as an artistic me...
by Tofu Man
Tue Jun 25, 2013 1:37 pm
Forum: General Gaming
Topic: Game you're playing. How far you are.
Replies: 2490
Views: 1307048

C-c-c-c-crumbo maker?

Crankshaft Filibuster wrote:us

On that note:


by Tofu Man
Thu Jun 20, 2013 5:47 am
Forum: General Gaming
Topic: Did anyone watch E3?
Replies: 7
Views: 14523

What? Power = custom death tune? Bah.

I like the fuck you shirt and the spoiling your own game's symbolism attitude. Gaming needs more characters like this. And less dude-bro "journalists". :chew:

Also, yay, moar M O O O O 0 O N and Perturbator.
by Tofu Man
Thu Jun 20, 2013 2:54 am
Forum: General Gaming
Topic: Did anyone watch E3?
Replies: 7
Views: 14523


pleaseletthatbeaduckmaskpleaseletthatbeaduckmaskpleaseletthatbeaduckmaskpleaseletthatbeaduckmaskpleaseletthatbeaduckmaskpleaseletthatbe aduckmaskpleaseletthatbeaduckmaskpleaseletthatbeaduckmaskpleaseletthatbeaduckmaskpleaseletthatbeaduckmaskpleaseletthatbeaduckmaskplea seletthatbeaduckmaskpleaselett...
by Tofu Man
Sat Jun 15, 2013 2:04 am
Forum: General Gaming
Topic: Game you're playing. How far you are.
Replies: 2490
Views: 1307048

Headshot = 40XP

I suspect the answer will be : no. You would be correct. More of a disappointment was how taking the last mission from the Mrs rather than the Mr gives you the exact same level with only the one difference. :frownyfaec: Still, 999/1000 odds it's a better Thief game than the actual rebootquel . Quo ...