Viktor wrote:A fellow Kurosawa fan, eh??
Now you know where he got all 'his' ideas for the original Star Wars moive from!
Yes, I most certainly am a Kurosawa fan. Currently I have
The Seven Samurai,
Ran, and
The Hidden Fortress. The first two on VCD, and the last on DVD. I
need more...
I think it's fitting that Lucas and John Williams collaborate, you know. All Williams does is to graft together pieces of music in the public domain, make some minor alterations, and calls it "his". I had a Music Theory teacher way back in high school who took pains to show us where all of his music came from. Lucas does the same thing, only w/everything from Kurosawa to De Mille. (Don't tell me that the opening sequence for the Pod Race in Episode 1 wasn't taken from the '59 version of
Ben Hur.)
Flamescreen wrote:Nice Screenshot by the way. Hm, it looks like a Vault, but it can't be...
Unless it's the entry part.
Thanks, but don't pay any attention to that map, Flamescreen. That would be rangeC.mis, which is one of four maps I use for experimentation. The vault tiles are just on there from when I was figuring out how to get the vault tile windows to work properly. The speech file is a modified version of one from the actual missions, but I just use it to experiment with. I can't tell you how many people have been butchered on that map.