LOL, god that makes me sick, laugh and other things all in one!
Chucky Cuevas wrote:Please understand that this is not an attack, merely another viewpoint.
It's like me going up to a guy, punching him in the stomach and saying "it's just a view point"
Chucky Cuevas wrote:
That being said, how many folks own a PlayStation 2 and have never heard of Fallout? Which one do you think is larger?
Chuck favours the majority.... apparently anything small can just be squashed by a finger, and left alone. Go Chuck!
Chucky Cuevas wrote:
I realize that the company has seen some hard times, it is in good hands now.
yea, it sure is!
Chucky Cuevas wrote:
Moving forward with that, what do you classify as 'bombing'? You stated that the last 3 of our 5 titles had bombed. How can you be so sure? Is bombing not selling 800,000 units? If that is the case, then most of our titles have 'bombed.'
when something "bombs" it "sux"
and not good sux, like a woman sucking dick
Chucky Cuevas wrote:
however tenuous, still making ames we think are fun.
haha, just because YOU think games that you are making are fun, doesn't mean we think so.... we aren't Chuck now are we?
Chucky Cuevas wrote:
We respect your opinion, even cherish it,
Hah, no you don't :P Otherwise this crappy fucking pitiful excuse for a fallout game wouldn't even be made...
Chucky Cuevas wrote:
Of course we hate to lose you as a fan, and yes, hate to lose your dollar at the counter,
You just hate losing that "dollar", as for fans, "FUCK EM!" eh Chuck?
Anyways, that's my cents right there....
I hope Chuck enjoys playing with his pikachu running across the wasteland while people are lightly beat with inflated boxing gloves because anything else would be too violent
Oh, if anyone doesn't know, I used pikachu as a reference of Magic: The Gathering vs Pokemon, where Magic has character cutting themselves up, spewing blood, while pokemon characters don't even "die", they "faint"
which is probably what would happen to you in this fallout!