Wolfman Walt's "Dirty Bomb" editorial

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Wolfman Walt's "Dirty Bomb" editorial

Post by Saint_Proverbius »

<strong>[ -> Editorial]</strong>

A fan of our site, <b>Wolfman Walt</b>, has sent us a rather interesting editorial called <a href="/features/fobosdirtybomb.php">Fallout Enforcer AKA Dirty Bomb</a>, which details the recent announcement and offers a perspective on the recently announced <A href="http://www.interplay.com/games/product. ... 4">Fallout Enforcer</a> game that <A href="http://www.interplay.com">Interplay</a> is shovelling out. Here's a taste of the love:
<br><blockquote>There have been afew people who say, "If you support Fallout and want Fallout 3, buy this game regardless". This is just disillusionment as an excuse to buy the game. Although you will be supporting Interplay, you will not be supporting Fallout 3. The best evidence of this can be seen within Interplay's own interworkings
<br>and Fallout: Tactics ((Which I felt was ok...not as good as Fallout 2, but still alot better then it could have been)) which sold very well for it's first few weeks. Fallout Tactics 2 was then planned ((I don't know if it was officially announced, but Interplay did have alot of rumblings about it)) and then it was canned in the next few weeks when the game did not do as well as planned. The "so what?" of this is that even if Fallout Tactics had been the biggest success that Interplay had ever seen, plans would have been made for another Fallout: Tactics, not Fallout 3. So, even if every fallout fan buys Enforcer because they'll be "supporting fallout", they'll be supporting Fallout: Enforcer, not Fallout. Going along with this example, lets look at Capcom's Megaman Legends, a game that's set in a megaman alternate universe. The first Megaman Legends garnered enough success to generate not only a sequal, but another side story involving the character Tron Bone. Although the game contained the characters of Megaman and such, the game has yet to really further along another game in the Megaman series. It instead, just promoted a sequal to Megaman Legends. Obviousily, the differance here is quality, but the argument is still the same. By supporting Enforcer, you're supporting an Enforcer sequel, not a new Fallout.</blockquote>
<br>Thanks for the editorial, <b>Wolfman Walt</b>!
<br>If anyone else wants to write one, <A href="mailto:news@duckandcover.cx">send it in</a>.
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Post by Mad Max RW »

That's gotta be the smartest thing I read all week even though it's already been said a thousand times.
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Post by Zetura Dracos »

I was just thinking a short time ago though that since all the pleading weve done over the years hasnt done any good then what will. Im not sure because I cant tell what the hell goes on in those interplay folk's minds but perhaps if Fallout Enfucker does as badly as we all expect then Interplay may just toss out the license entirely. Maybe though. If we were to get the price of the license down enough DAC could buy it and we could make our own game. Hmm. I like that idea. Not likely to happen but I like it.
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Post by Mad Max RW »

I'd rather they toss out the license and never fuck it up again.
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Post by Briosafreak »

Very interesting editorial. So what do you guys think of this statement made by Briareus of BIS?
What is the basis for this belief? BIS has nothing to do with FOBOS. If FOBOS tanks, BIS will have nothing to do with it. If FOBOS sells millions, BIS will still have nothing to do with it. If the game is a success then I too would assume a sequel to FOBOS. Going by the argument that IPLY likes to ride the success of previous titles, I'd also assume that a successful FOBOS would only serve to increase management's desire for a FO3 so as to continue "milking the franchise for all it's worth".
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Post by axelgreese »

What is the basis for this belief? BIS has nothing to do with FOBOS. If FOBOS tanks, BIS will have nothing to do with it. If FOBOS sells millions, BIS will still have nothing to do with it. If the game is a success then I too would assume a sequel to FOBOS. Going by the argument that IPLY likes to ride the success of previous titles, I'd also assume that a successful FOBOS would only serve to increase management's desire for a FO3 so as to continue "milking the franchise for all it's worth".
Why go to all the trouble of making a canon rpg when you can spend a few months cranking out fobos crap?
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Post by Saint_Proverbius »

I think we heard all of that before with Fallout Tactics, then were fairly stunned when MCA claimed that the NCR had hundreds of working cars, that hairy deathclaws are correct, and so on. Feargus also used FOT in a post about why Fallout could have real time combat, which I remember Gareth replying, "That's only because we had to have a multiplayer mode for it."

I think the funny thing about this is that BIS has had to distance itself from everything Interplay's done with the license that isn't a CRPG though.

As for the subject at hand, think about it this way. If this is Interplay's vision of Fallout.. Well, Interplay owns BIS, basically.
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Post by Dan »

Mad Max RW wrote:I'd rather they toss out the license and never fuck it up again.
I agree. I doubt we'll ever see something worthy of Fallout.
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Post by Zetura Dracos »

I have to agree. Id really hate to have to live through Fallout Encorcer 2 and 3 before we got an actual Fallout 3. By then thered be a whole new generation of fans that grew on those games and would make as big of a shit storm about something that isnt Fallout Enforcer as we do about its creation now. Damn logic.
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Re: However.

Post by Wolfman Walt »

Zetura Dracos wrote:I was just thinking a short time ago though that since all the pleading weve done over the years hasnt done any good then what will.

I'de still like to hope politics and good planning work. Unfortunetly that doesn't seem to be panning out. Oh well, there's always another war to fight and another editorial to write. Now if you'll excuse me, I'll be chipping away at buying 3% of Interplay stock a month so I can sell it to some homeless bums and thus have their card board boxes impounded.
Harriers for the cup.
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Re: However.

Post by Stevie D »

Good post, Walt. I hadn't known how truly fucked we were until I read it.
I'd rather they toss out the license and never fuck it up again.
Sure, or at least make the license public and let everyone have access to the FO CRPGs code and editors.
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Post by Mad Max RW »

That doesn't necessarily make the license public. If they release the editors and stuff used to make Fallout 1/2 Interplay will still have control of the franchise. You can bet they will come with a nice little EULA just like everything else.

The best realistic scenario is if they release everything then decide Fallout isn't profitable and never make another again. That's what I hope for. We know a Fallout 3 will suck. None of the original people would be working on it, and everybody in Black Isle/Interplay is out of their mind. They lost focus years ago.
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Post by Stevie D »

Mad Max RW wrote:The best realistic scenario is if they release everything then decide Fallout isn't profitable and never make another again.
I'm sold. :)
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