However, all is not lost, I have come up with something useful:
Let's say you want to set up a situation like with Westin in NCR (FO2). For those of you whose memories are ailing/haven't played FO2, Westin is a cantankerous old coot with a weak heart who can be killed with a syringe full of weak poison so as to make it look like an "accident". Here's the solution I came up with:
- Create a Consumable entity. You don't have to enable any of the effects, just set the Random effect to something like radiation or poison points and set the Min and Max to something really low like 1 and 1.
- Set up a tagged actor that will serve as the sacrificial lamb on the alter of Realpolitik.
- Set up a Quantity Unit trigger that kills the tagged actor when he/she/it has exactly 1 poison/radiation points (depending on what you set your Consumable entity to do).
- Set up appropriate objective completion, XP award, etc. based on this occuring. It is also best to have this trip a mission or campaign variable.