Ack! Item editing problems

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Hero of the Glowing Lands
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Post by Red »

Guess it's FIME then, sorry.

Noids site might have some info but I don't recall his site...

The site used to have it (in english!) as a ZIP.

Otherwise it's in FIME.
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Post by Doyle »

The answer was so simple I should smack myself for not seeing it earlier. I just changed something with FIC, and checked on what changed in the hex! I got it that way, thanks for your help.
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Scarf-wearing n00b
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Post by nexus »

OK - now I'm intrigued!! I'm having the same prob with the firing mode (the FIC program switches the modes when you save the file) - only I would't know what to do with a hex editor.....

I downloaded a hex editor and read the manuel and the beginners guide and I found out it's operating whit 0-9 + A-F (10-15) and you have to mutipli factors and stuff, no prob, I know my math.
But I don't think I'm capable of decoding endless streams of data ala Matrix, and furtehmore, after looking at the file (some *.pro file) I couldn't make any sense of the it whatsoever - it's just a bunch of codecrap i can't understand (GGRRR........)

Maybe someone would be kind to elaborate little for me

Thanking you in advance
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Hero of the Glowing Lands
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Post by Red »

Did you check FIC or FIME's "offset list" (I can't rememebr which application included it).

Anyway, it lists which offsets mean what, and sometimes what values mean when not a a number.
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Scarf-wearing n00b
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Post by nexus »

Ehh There's no offset list with FIC (i can't find it in any case) and i can't get FIME to work on my machine. any suggestions??

Do you have to hack the prg. or something.
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Hero of the Glowing Lands
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Post by Red »

No, it's in the zip with one of the two editors, I can never remember which. There's also some information about it available on the net but I can't recall the sites offhand either. Sorry for not being much help right now but I don't have the time to look into it just yet.
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