Fallout Enforcer media BLOW OUT!

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Post by NumberZero »

i liked gauntlet legends, sure it wasn't gauntlet, but it was pretty close.
hello, if your fallout idea starts with "Wouldn't it be cool", then i hate you, and i am very saddened by the fact that technology has not advanced to the point where you can reach out and touch other users, because i would strangle you.
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Post by Sykotik »

Now them be some really fuckin' ugly screenshots. You're insulting the aborted fetuses of the world, Mr Carrot.
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Post by Ghetto Goose »


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Post by Mr Carrot »

Young man! No need to be down

I said Young Man!

Il see you in the YMCA, itl be ok in the YMCA
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Post by axelgreese »

Lasse wrote:This was posted on the rpg codex forums :D
After looking at this picture, that screenshot becomes so hilarious.
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Post by Saint_Proverbius »

The best part has to be that October is the release date for this thing. Everyone count down with me.


So, what was this crap about how they can fix this game to make it Fallout canon before they ship it? They have five full months to basically redo the entire game. Anything think that's possible? Anyone?

Judging by the movies, thongs are still in, the sound track is heavy metal, and so on.

These are the people who claim to be big Fallout fans, yet they know less than Micro Forte did when they made Fallout Tactics. In fact, they sound like a bunch of plebes who show up for the first time on a forum and make jackass suggestion like how hookers should play a bigger role, how some modern era Punk/Heavy Metal/etc band should do the theme song, etc.

It's cute that they've started tossing "1950" in their PR now, though. Unfortunately, what's shown in the media blow out just released proves they toss that in with no regard to it, just like they're making this title with no regard to what Fallout even is.
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Post by DarkUnderlord »

Look on the bright side. Just imagine all the fun we get to have when FO:BOS is released and the first few "This game is bullshit" reviews start coming out!

The sad thing though, is the chuckle-heads don't get why spin-offs don't work. People play "Quake" (1, 2, 3) because it's known for being cutting edge 3d technology and a great first person shooter. If they made "Quake the RPG" it'd kill the series. Even if it remained canon, people wouldn't get why "Quake" needed to be an RPG. People would see "Quake the RPG" in the store and think "3d shooter" when it's actually an RPG. They'd buy it and then wonder what the hell was going on.

People play "Baldur's Gate" because it's (apparently) "one of those RPG things". If they saw "Baldur's Gate: Enforcer" again, they'd wonder just what the hell it is they bought. Spin-offs don't work because games with certain names create mind-sets in the gamers that play them. The name brings back memories to people who played "the original" of whatever game that was and so they purchase that game, hoping for some more goodness.

If what they get is NOT what they were expecting, you start to create problems. In fact, there's absolutely no reason why any game should "cross genres". It defeats the purpose, that is: Making good games that people will buy. If you want to start another genre, use a different name.

If FO:BOS was given some stupid typical action name like "Nuclear Fighter" (for arguments sake) they'd have more luck selling it then they're going to have now. At the moment, all that happens is all the Fallout fans will see the game say to themselves "That's not Fallout" and leave it on the shelf. Those same people would probably then go on and pick up "Tekken 3" or some other action game instead. Something that they know will fit what they expect.
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Post by avenger69ie »

Ghetto Goose wrote:Image

neon signs are extremely hard to make, i know this because, i made a few when i was about 17, i worked for a small company who made the things and sold them to the likes of Budweiser Miller and marlboro, etc..
the frames are easy to make, but the glass blowing needs to be done extremely precisely even for a relatively simple sign....they are also extremely fragile, and i doubt any would survive more than a year after a nuke war.

yet another reason in this picture why this game is an unrealistic vision of a post apocalypitic future.

that minigun looks rusty too. :D
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Post by Stevie D »

Fallout Junkie wrote:Image

WTF Is that guy wearing, the one with the hat. He looks like he owns a fish shop.
It's fucking Stalin, I'm telling you! :D Go get 'em, comrade!
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Post by DJ Slamák »

1) Where did the bastard son of Robocop and a Mad Max biker come from?
2) Why is he waving the minigun around like a feather-duster?
3) Why are they having sex in the middle of a battle?
4) Why are they using the Shar Pei as a combat breed, or is that supposed to be a pig rat?
5) The fire effects still suck
6) The UT bot is still there (he's even wielding the Piston), and so is the Gas Guy. Does that mean the thongbitches aren't out either?

Other than that, though... the graphics are starting to look better (except for the fire). I actually like the difference between the bar screenshot from the first batch and this one. But that's still where my sympathy for this game ends, though.
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Post by Section8 »

Hah. That screenshot with the policeman versus the sailor is gold. I'm willing to bet theres a cowboy or a construction worker in there somewhere too, so FOBOS shall now be known as FO:YMCA
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Post by DarkUnderlord »

Section8 wrote:Hah. That screenshot with the policeman versus the sailor is gold. I'm willing to bet theres a cowboy or a construction worker in there somewhere too, so FOBOS shall now be known as FO:YMCA
HA! That's gotta be the best name for this game I've heard yet.
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Post by Jeff »

Section8 wrote:Hah. That screenshot with the policeman versus the sailor is gold. I'm willing to bet theres a cowboy or a construction worker in there somewhere too, so FOBOS shall now be known as FO:YMCA
<Ausir> a song about Fallout Bible: "Why, MCA?"
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Post by BlackDog »

Section8 wrote:Hah. That screenshot with the policeman versus the sailor is gold. I'm willing to bet theres a cowboy or a construction worker in there somewhere too, so FOBOS shall now be known as FO:YMCA
I'd prefer it be FO:YMCA than FO:BOS - b/c its just one big googly gayness game.
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Post by Rosh »

HomeLAN suddenly goes retarded.
Fallout&#8217;s RPG roots haven&#8217;t been completely forgotten in this new console game. You will be able to chose between two playable characters in the game, each with their own attributes, and be able to equip them with an assortment of weapons and armors, including pistols, machine guns, and other bits.
Scratch them off the "have a clue" list.
During our play time we not only blasted our way around the levels but also got help from some AI teammates as well. Brotherhood of Steel uses an auto-targeting system that should make firing weapons a bit easier to handle.
So it's an automated shooter. Redefine "pointless", anyone? Most of the fun in an action shooter is having to target, now it's done for you and is made insanely easy? It's probably done in that brain-dead way so the suits at Interplay might actually be able to play one of the games the company puts out.
The mix of third person action and RPG with the Fallout universe seems to be an odd mix when you first think about it, but after playing the Xbox build of Brotherhood of Steel we think that Interplay is on the right track towards making an entertaining and even funny console title. The game is currently scheduled to be released for both the PS2 and Xbox later this fall.
Clueless as hell, or are sucking up for more info.
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Post by Saint_Proverbius »

Yeah, I kind of guessed that's what they were talking about when they mentioned their targetting system in the previous interview. Select a target, then run around like a chicken with it's head cut off, hoping your auto-aim is better than theirs, which I'm guessing it will be so you can win the game. So, it's a Fallout action game that gets Fallout wrong and where the action is moving around while holding the fire button down..

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