<strong>[ -> N/A]</strong>
Arthur has been kind enough to shed some more details on his project, MEGATON: The Mysterious Stranger v. The Despot King of Kalifornia (say that five times fast)... Here's a snip: <blockquote><em>
With the first announcement out of the way, it's time for details. Before we start, I want to clarify something - Megaton is NOT set in "Fallout" universe! So I reserve the right to have flying cars, laser swords, akimbo miniguns, rivers of oil and fountains of gasoline if a fancy strikes me (it didn't yet, so be cool). The style is more of a 70's-80's B-grade post-apoc movies and science fiction, and since I'm not much of an artist a lot of the responsibility in style department will lie on the shoulders of the artists who are really fascinated by that period in entertainment history. </em></blockquote>
Read more over <a href="http://doomsayer.duckandcover.net/despotking/main.htm" target=_blank>here</a>.