Gamespot S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Preview

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Mad Max RW
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Gamespot S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Preview

Post by Mad Max RW »

<strong>[Game -> Update]</strong>

<html><body><P>It’s been a few days since the last one of these. <A HREF= ... 29871.html target=_blank>Gamespot</A> got a chance to talk about <A HREF= target=_blank>S.T.A.L.K.E.R.</A> with GSC Game World’s designer Alexei Sityanov. He discusses their inspiration from living so close to the actual Chernobyl site, drivable vehicles, the X-Ray engine, and more. Here’s a bit on levels:</P><blockquote><em><B>GS</B>: We understand that S.T.A.L.K.E.R. will take place in a series of large levels, but that the game won't have a specific mission-by-mission structure. How will players advance to the end of the game?
<br><B>AS</B>: S.T.A.L.K.E.R. won't be a linear game. That essentially means that you will have total freedom of movement in the game. Tasks and objectives will be generated as you explore the area, and not all the tasks will be obligatory. However, the game will provide certain incentives for the player to keep exploring deeper and deeper into the Zone to reach its center.
<br>It will be impossible to see everything while playing the game through for the first time. This is the advantage of having a combination of a non-linear storyline and a "life simulation." Every time you play, you'll see a slightly different side of the Zone. Only the major events and certain locations strictly tied with the storyline will be fixed. The dynamics of events will let you take part just as they happen, or after they've already begun, or at the very end, and in every situation, things can resolve themselves differently.</em></blockquote><P>Along with the <A HREF= ... 29871.html target=_blank>preview/interview</A> there’s <A HREF= ... index.html target=_blank>six new screenshots</A> to check out.</P></body></html>
Ghetto Goose
Strider of the Wastes
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Post by Ghetto Goose »

Thems alot of rats right there.

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