<strong>[ -> N/A]</strong>
<html><body><P>Composer John Powell is set to write the music score for <I>Fury Road</I>, the next installment in the <I>Mad Max</I> series. His latest work includes the score to last year’s <I>Bourne Identity</I>. Here’s the full story spotted at <A HREF=http://www.musicfromthemovies.com/ target=_blank>Music from the Movies</A>:</P><blockquote><em>John Powell now joins the ranks of Brian May and Maurice Jarre: the popular Mediaventures composer has been signed to write the score for the new Mad Max movie, Mad Max: Fury Road. In the fourth film in the series, star Mel Gibson and director George Miller reunite for new post-apocalyptic adventures down under. The film is set to premiere next summer.</em></blockquote><P>This should be good. Beats the hell out of Tina Turner, that’s for damned sure.</P></body></html>
Fury Road Score
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