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Post by Jimmyjay86 »

Sounds pretty good, you should definitely make a poll for that one Killz.
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Post by S4ur0n27 »

we are all trekkies!!
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Post by Sammael »

Odds for

BIS being sold off before FO3 is completed.
0%. Who'd buy BIS anyway?

IPLY closing it's doors before FO3 is completed.
75%. And that's being optimistic.

FO3 being rushed out as a buggy mess in a box.
50%. They've already started cutting features because of resource problems.

FO3 being everything we expected and more
Define "we." I have yet to see two FO fans who have the exact same opinion on what FO3 should be like.

JE Sawyer going drag and singing that ella fitz tune in front of Troika's offices hoping to jump aboard Timmy's newest PA rpg (here's hoping)
Sorry, buddy, Timmy is now working hard on making Dee and Dee games, his lifelong goal.
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Post by axltrauts »

Sammael wrote:Odds for

BIS being sold off before FO3 is completed.
0%. Who'd buy BIS anyway?
i have 10 dollars, i need one of those computers.
"From the greed of the Campbells,
From the ire of the Drummonds,
From the pride of the Grahams,
From the wind of the Murrays,
Good Lord, deliver us."
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Post by Jeff »

BIS is a company not a computer?
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Post by axltrauts »

Lasse wrote:BIS is a company not a computer?
noooooooooooooooooooooo, serious???

i was talkin about one of THEIR computers...
but i wrote it wrong
"From the greed of the Campbells,
From the ire of the Drummonds,
From the pride of the Grahams,
From the wind of the Murrays,
Good Lord, deliver us."
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Post by S4ur0n27 »

BIS is the same
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Post by DarkUnderlord »

Don't you hate it when you make a joke and it goes WHOOSH, right over everyone's head!
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Post by 4too »

Are humor associations learned or in the DNA soup?
Or is this a fuzzy nurturing situation!!!! Group Hug!!!!!

Tom Lear: ""Once the rocket goes up, who cares where it falls down, that's not my department....""

Or is it: Cluster technology?

Either way it's the best kind of humor.

A random synapase strike, or.....

Little bomblets lurking in the weeds, ready to "educate" the innocents.

Are your's orange or mellow yellow?

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Post by iohkus »

Mad Max RW wrote:I was playing around with the cars pic, trying to clear it up a bit


The blue car seems to have a double barrelled cannon mounted on the back.
the blue one isn't a truck, it's a normal car frame, something like the highwayman with big tires and large suspension...
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