Booing Enforcer?!

Like Tactics? Found a cool mod for another game that reminds you of Fallout? Playing those crappy spin-off console games called "Fallout"? Discuss here.
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Booing Enforcer?!

Post by Da Man »

Now wait a minute. I can understand why fans of the PC series (I'm right there too) might be a little antsey over an addition to the best fururistic RPG out there coming on a console system, but think of it from Interplay's perspective: They have a massive hit of a product that is limited to only a certain group of consumers.
By introducing Fallout to console systems, they are broadening Fallout's horizons as a gameplay experiance.

Also note that Enforcer will be the first 3-D Fallout game. While most standard PC's can destroy the common XBOX and PS2 in processor speed and graphical capability, the consoles don't have to run any large, resource-draining programs in the background, allowing the processor to concentrate on the game.

But don't get me wrong. I think that, because Enforcer is featuring a load of new things not on any Fallout game before, this gives the game an even likelier chance to ruin the series for an entire audience that has not before experianced the unique qualities of Fallout.

People should look at the positives AND the negatives, not just the negatives.
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Post by Demon-X »

Someone, Im sure will tear this thread to shit,

ppl here dont like the way weve been kicked in the teeth time after time on this subject.

I for one dont give a shit about graphics, I like the way all u FO:ENF "optimists" point out the 3D graphics, and the fact its on console...its the story that really gets ppl's shit up around here, Good old Chuck fucked us over for a few extra dollars, giving a crappy cliched story, aimed at an audience of predomiately stupid & horny teenagers, that pisses me off....

And when we voiced our opinions at interplay, none other than Chuck closed the forums and deleted all our posts, including the constructive ones,

Its not just the FO community who's slated it either, every gaming news site, and mag has complained.

As far as Im concerned this FO:BOS forum is here to keep this crap out of the rest of DAC.

You chose the wrong forum to complain about disgruntled fans buddy.
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Post by Da Man »

I'm not so much complaining, I just don't understand why everyone is ripping Enforcer apart. I can understand that it's kind of a slap in the face of loyal Fallout fans to swap game platforms, but if sucessful, will most likely go the way of GTA3 and Vice City and go to PC.

All I'm saying is give it a chance. And I'm definitly not kicking anyone in the teeth. Especially not the Fallout community.

But if you've trusted Fallout designers to give you good storylines up to now, then what makes you think Enforcer will be so bad? And when you look at the reviews for Fallout 1 & 2, most people saw sleeping with prostitutes as a ploy for "horney teenagers".

And besides, what's so bad about Enforcer other than it being on a console?

I agree, too. I'm bound to have many people who'll disagree.
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Re: Booing Enforcer?!

Post by Ghetto Goose »

They have a massive hit of a product that is limited to only a certain group of consumers.
So they should listen to those consumers, and do it the way they like it, instead of shutting out all input from them, and TELLING them what they like.
By introducing Fallout to console systems, they are broadening Fallout's horizons as a gameplay experiance.
Broadening the horizons right into the world of crappiness.

People should look at the positives AND the negatives, not just the negatives
If there WERE positives, we'd look at them. And We're not counting huge breasts on every creature as a positive.
I just don't understand why everyone is ripping Enforcer apart.
Because they're ripping Fallout apart.
And besides, what's so bad about Enforcer other than it being on a console?
Well, theres the pyromaniac leather fetish clad chicks with bad attitudes, Mr. T in Rollerball garb, diner-running southern bell's with big breasts and more makeup than a hooker on valentines day, dinosaur deathclaws, and crappy futuristic weapons that look like they were made from kitches appliances and children's toys. Also, the lack of story, bad graphics, and complete disregard of any input my the Fallout Community.

...for a start.
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Post by Mad Max RW »

Forget about Fallout for a minute and look at the game by itself. A top down 3d action game with graphics dating back to the original Playstation, a boring story, stereotypical characters (slutty white chick, trash talking black dude), and linear kill everything arcade gameplay. Even standing on its own the game would be torn to pieces. Games like this are made in assembly lines by chained monkeys whipped by Mexican transvestites.
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Post by Demon-X »

Da Man wrote:And when you look at the reviews for Fallout 1 & 2, most people saw sleeping with prostitutes as a ploy for "horney teenagers".
example of FO:ENF target audience wrote:Look! that thar games got boobies in there, have no idea what its about but all that matters is its got tits in it! And WOA! look at those kewl weapons! Plasma Saw!? I cant wait to use it on that there Dino-Claw critter!
Theres having a game with brothels and prostitutes, and theres having a game which blatantly uses sex as an incentive for buying the game.

Ghetto Goose wrote:Well, theres the pyromaniac leather fetish clad chicks with bad attitudes, Mr. T in Rollerball garb, diner-running southern bell's with big breasts and more makeup than a hooker on valentines day, dinosaur deathclaws, and crappy futuristic weapons that look like they were made from kitches appliances and children's toys. Also, the lack of story, bad graphics, and complete disregard of any input my the Fallout Community.
Nuff said.
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Post by Spazmo »

Word of advice: You'll do quite a bit better over there.
How appropriate. You fight like a cow.

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Post by Da Man »

"So they should listen to those consumers, and do it the way they like it, instead of shutting out all input from them, and TELLING them what they like."

To whom are you referring to?

"Broadening the horizons right into the world of crappiness. "

That's not fair. There are many accomplished console games, most notably Grand Theft Auto, Halo, Final Fantasy, the Dead or Alive fighting series, and many others. Of course, the PC has more, but that doesn't mean that consoles are crappy.

"Because they're ripping Fallout apart."

Maybe, maybe not.

"... futuristic weapons that look like they were made from kitches appliances and children's toys."

In a post-apocolyptic world, there might not be anything else to make a weapon out of.

But, I do have to say that you're right about the rest. And I give you credit for being blunt. But I will still at least rent a copy of Enforcer. I'll give it that.

Mad Max RW, thank you. You may be "against" me on this, but you said what you did with some intelligence
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Post by Demon-X »

Da Man wrote:That's not fair. There are many accomplished console games, most notably Grand Theft Auto, Halo, Final Fantasy, the Dead or Alive fighting series, and many others. Of course, the PC has more, but that doesn't mean that consoles are crappy.
He said FO:ENF was crap not consoles you fuckwit.
Da Man wrote:"... futuristic weapons that look like they were made from kitches appliances and children's toys."

In a post-apocolyptic world, there might not be anything else to make a weapon out of.
listen to yourself, The origional fallout was retroised, even down to the weaponry the game tried to follow what was available in the fifties.

Face it, FO:BOS is gonna play like a bad gangsta movie, take Spazmo's advice and chat wiv Chucky in the Iplay forums.
Ghetto Goose
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Post by Ghetto Goose »

To whom are you referring to?
I'm talking about C.C. telling US what we want. understand?
That's not fair. There are many accomplished console games, most notably Grand Theft Auto, Halo, Final Fantasy, the Dead or Alive fighting series, and many others. Of course, the PC has more, but that doesn't mean that consoles are crappy.
I never said console were crappy, FOBOS is the crap factor here.
Maybe, maybe not.
Nice retort. You make a very good case.
In a post-apocolyptic world, there might not be anything else to make a weapon out of.
Nothing strikes fear into inhabitants of Post Apoc worlds like a cheese-grater strapped to a Tickle Me Elmo.
Mad Max RW, thank you. You may be "against" me on this, but you said what you did with some intelligence.
I don't think you can be a judge on intelligence when backing FOBOS.

"Nothing connects with my intellectual fancy like Hookers with Flame-Throwers, and Toy Wielding Raiders.
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Post by Human Shield »

But if you've trusted Fallout designers to give you good storylines up to now, then what makes you think Enforcer will be so bad?
We trusted Fallout 1 designers and continue to trust them, but they left near the beggining of Fallout 2. Tactics and this trash coming out isn't even made by Black Isle.

This game has no relation to what Fallout, everything in the game goes against the Fallout universe.
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Post by Spazmo »

Which is why it's not officially a part of the Fallout universe.
How appropriate. You fight like a cow.

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Post by Slave_Master »

The reason I hate FO:POS so much is because it's a run-of-the-mill shitty third person action game filled with all sorts of cliched and sexist idiocy and a total skullfucking of one of the best PC RPG's ever, all in one package! Sign me the fuck up!
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Post by Foldy »

Instead of explaining and re-explaining the situation to those who create this exact topic time and time again, I've come up with something that might paint the right picture for them...

You know consoles, yes? You know of the Metal Gear series, yes?

Remember that second Metal Gear game released for the NES that wasn't made by the original developers and had pretty much nothing to do with Metal Gear? The ill-conceived attempt at cashing in, the "black sheep" that gamers today won't touch with a ten foot pole and like to pretend never existed? FO: BOS won't be all too different.
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Post by Human Shield »

Hell, remember Twisted Metal 3 and 4 and how they totally sucked compared to TM 2.

Then the original studio had to start a whole new timeline with Black because 3 and 4 completely ruined it.
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Post by Da Man »

You know what? Since I started this thread, I did some second-looking at Enforcer, and, as much as I hate to admit it, it does look pretty bad. I guess it was my high hopes for a new Fallout game that clouded my judgement.
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Ghetto Goose
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Post by Ghetto Goose »

Praise the lord! He has seen the light!