Why Sawyer Hates Us

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Post by Saint_Proverbius »

Yoda ceased to be cool in Episode 2 when they made him a l33t j3d1 4ssk1xx0r. He was much more cool when he was a wise, green lump on a log.
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Post by spyder07 »

Yeah that whole uber lightsaber master was a load of shit. Anyways, here's another:

The oil rig or the death star?
Lo Pan or Yoda?
Light Saber or the ripper?
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Post by swordinstone »

its so nice to see another interesting topic degenerate into this.
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Post by S4ur0n27 »

Lets resume this to : Fallout or Star Wars?

Same shit! Both are sucking now!
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Post by Zetura Dracos »

Saint_Proverbius wrote:I can't think of too many things less cool than midichlorins. Maybe Star Wars fans who still defend Lucas after the two prequels.
I should probably keep out of this disscusion lest I get burned but would you blame Star Wars fans for still defending Lucas for his work with the original trilogy? Taking RPG's and just games in general from today and comparing them to the games of five years ago is like comparing the classic and prequel trilogies. Theyre certainly different and for the most part not very good but they do have their points and are attempting to adapt to a drastically changing market. I know people who loved Episode 1 but hated The Empire Strikes Back in the same way that there are people who hate the original Fallouts but really like FOBOS. Its just society changing and the industry changing with it, theres nothing we can really do about it except go alon with it and hope that it rises back to the point where it's producing games that are comparable to those of five years ago.

As for the thing with JE. I can in a way understand where he's coming from, noboding likes to get insulted for their veiws, but what he's doing is is continuing the cycle of steadfastly ignoring the major fans and supporters of Fallout in favor of fanboys who want to have his child. Its been happening to Fallout fans for years and is quite possibly a way of things that will never change. Hopefully though, somday someone over at BIS will listen and the game will be made the way the fans have always envisioned it. That, short of terroist activities, is all we can do about it though. Kepp posting our veiws on the matter in a civil way, and hope.
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Post by satanisgreat »

Sawyer hates me because I used the word "jewed". That's the only post from me he's ever responded to. Since then, I think he put me on his ignore list.
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Post by Sammael »

satanisgreat wrote:Sawyer hates me because I used the word "jewed". That's the only post from me he's ever responded to. Since then, I think he put me on his ignore list.
Keep making derogatory Jefferson comments and you'll be on my ignore list as well.
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Post by Sol Invictus »

Wouldn't it be great if the term 'jewed' were synonymous with 'owned' rather than 'made to shit'?

I'm sure less people would mind the term if it were used that way, not that I'd use it, of course.

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