Freedom Fighters Q&A

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Mad Max RW
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Freedom Fighters Q&A

Post by Mad Max RW »

<strong>[ -> N/A]</strong>

<html><body><P>IO Interactive's Jeremy Petreman answered some questions for <A HREF= target=_blank></A> about <A HREF= target=_blank>Freedom Fighters</A>, their upcoming alternate history tactical shooter type deal. They talk about mission structure, the engine, and some other stuff. Here&#8217;s a bit on the game&#8217;s influences:</P><blockquote><em><B>The game has an unusual story, could you explain it a little, what was the thinking behind it?</B>

<B>Jeremy:</B> The story takes place in a slightly altered reality &#8211; wherein the Soviet Union essentially won World War 2 and since then have spread their political influence across the globe with ruthless aggression. As such, the United States is in a much weaker position than it is today. Essentially we have taken a &#8220;what if...&#8221; scenario and blown it to high proportions. What if the Soviets had invaded the US? What if people fought back?

In a way, what we were going for was the slightly campy but still cool feeling you get in one of those big-budget action films like &#8220;Escape from New York&#8221;, &#8220;Die Hard&#8221;, or &#8220;Red Dawn&#8221;.</em></blockquote><P>The <A HREF= target=_blank>interview</A> closes with a handful of new screenshots from the Xbox version. Spotted at <A HREF= target=_blank>Blue&#8217;s</A>.</P></body></html>
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