Satanisgreat Presents: Movies from Hell

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Post by satanisgreat »

But Cameron went to college and stuff. Tarantino dropped out of high school and worked in a Blockbuster for years. Him making it big gave hope to alot of other independent directors/writers who thought they wouldn't have a chance in hell of making it in the movie business.

Sorry to break up the discussion, but...
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Post by OnTheBounce »

satanisgreat wrote:If it wasn't for Tarantino, there wouldn't be such attention payed to low budget movies...
Yes, you're right. I will certainly give him credit for that.

Like I said, he's not the world's shittiest director. It's not like he hasn't made some very good movies. I just think he's overrated. Google around and you'll see dozens and dozens of cyber-shrines erected to him and his directing virtuousity. The fan-boy-ism that this man engenders is really sickening, but since people haven't seen the things that he damn near remakes he's extolled as some sort of lone genius, lighting the otherwise dark days of the cinema during the '90s. I prefer a more realistic look at the man, and that portrait has quite a few warts on it, just like most human beings.
axelgreese wrote:Wasn't Four Rooms a film about... umm yeah Four Rooms and each one was directed by a different .. umm.. yeah Director?
Yep, sure was. Tarantino should therefore only be credited w/one quarter of the disaster. Even Tim Roth -- who I think is a very underrated actor -- couldn't save that one.

Speaking of Tim Roth, and dragging Gary Oldman into it kicking and screaming, has anyone seen Meantime? It's a TV movie from back in '81 that both Roth and Oldman got their start in. I've been trying to get a hold of it here in the states, but so far it's been no dice.

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Post by satanisgreat »


This movie's about crystal meth, one of the few drugs I haven't tried. It's not big in my area and I've never even seen the stuff so I couldn't relate directly, but apparently it's huge in large portions of the country, almost an epidemic. And every drug craze needs it movie: stoners have Cheech and Chong, dope addicts have Trainspotting, cokeheads have Blow, alcoholics have Jackass, just about any other drug can be seen in Fear and Loathing... and now methheads have this movie.

It has a pretty talented cast: Jason Swchartzman, John Leguizamo, Brittany Murphy, and they're all meth addicts. What I like about the movie most is the cinematography. Like I said, I've never done meth, but the way the movie's shot made me feel like I had. There's alot of quick cuts and wierd angles, and the scenery is appropriately messy, as well as the characters.

Jason is still in love with his ex-girlfriend who dumped him after he stole four hundred dollars from her for the drug, and he calls her from every payphone he sees. But she just wants her money back. He meets up with a chemist who keeps blowing up his makeshift meth labs who sends him on errends and gives him drugs in return. The rest of the story is just drug fueled craziness.

I thought this was going to be one of those dark and depressing anti-drug movies from the first scene and from the previews I saw. Surprisingly, it's basically a comedy, and it's pretty funny. That's not to say it's pro-meth. Not at all. Most of the characters either end up dead, in jail, or with one of their nuts blown off by the time the movie ends.

One thing that bothered me about the movie is that alot of stuff was blurred or bleeped out. There's random swears bleeped out and random female body parts censored. I can understand if they had to cut some stuff out to get an R rating into the theater, but stuff like that is usually added back into the DVD. It wasn't a big deal, but I found myself scratching my head thinking, why the hell did they do that? more than once. And there is alot of vulgar language and sex. One of the best scenes is where Jason ties up a naked stripper in his apartment, ducktapes her mouth and eyes shut, puts on a skipping CD full volume, then leaves her there for days. Then he sees her later with his bulldyke neighbor. Man, that's funny.

So if you're looking for a new drug movie or you're just into wierd comedies, here you go.

Rating: 348
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Post by iohkus »

donnie darko


taxi driver


requiem for a dream


uhg what else.

traffic was good, blow wasn't great....
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Post by Megatron »

ed wood>blow

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Post by T-900 »

Dropping the discussion about tarantino's first job; I seem to have confused memories of this being Sataisgreat's Movies from Hell?

Let's have some more reviews -_-
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Post by Megatron »

you just brought it up again geniud!

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Post by atoga »

Wolfman Walt wrote:Doesn't mean his movies are like Speilburg or anything, just that he's well known.))
Why does everybody like Spielberg so much? He's done maybe two good movies, everything else being very stupid. And his directing style just sucks. He's the master of the blockbuster, but that's about it. And he absolutely ruined AI.
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Post by Megatron »

He directs good kid movies, not very kubrick though. That war movie he did was good too.

Romper Stomper

The movie is about a group of neo-nazi skinhead australians. I think it's set in the 80's, very kubrick. Russel Crowe is in it, yakka-pow!

Anyway, they beat up these chinese kids or something so these millions of japanese peoples have warrior battles. crasy. The movie then goes on from there. It's a bit like clockwork orange and trainspotting, but with nazis. Australia is a bit like England and America, but full of chinese people and nazis.

I don't know if the film had a message, but it doesn't really matter? The camera angles were sometimes side-ways, so this means it's an ARTSY MOVIE! Also they deal with hard-hitting issues like nazis and spaghetti. The fight scenes were good, but some of the dialouge kind of sucked. Also some of the filming was a bit too dark and stuff, and sometimes you didn't know what was going on? Also the bitches were UGLY! But it had nazis torturing people, so this balances out ;)

about 200 mabye? watch american history x or the warriors instead.


The movie is about harley CHOPPER davidson or something based on a real-live ex-con, he's played by the incredible hulk. chopper man is in the prison or outside of prison most of the movie. He's also usually hurting people or shouting, so this means he's tuff, but he doesn't have any one-liners?

I liked this movie, a little bit like snatch mabye, but not really. The mvoie starts with him in prison, then he stabs someone with a shiv, then gets stabbed and stuff. He also gets his dick out in the movie in a bar, so this was HILARIOUS LOL! The camera-work and script and stuff were pretty decent, had some jokes and stuff so it was pretty good? Needed more action scenes though thnx, lead a more intresting life next time plz.

About 430? It seemed a bit iffy in some parts, but was entertaining. It's also set in the 80's, from the 70's to the early 90's? thnx
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Post by satanisgreat »

Megatron wrote:Romper Stomper
That movie sounds sweet.

Now to pay off this thirty dollar debt to Blockbuster...
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Post by Wolfman Walt »

atoga wrote: Why does everybody like Spielberg so much? He's done maybe two good movies, everything else being very stupid. And his directing style just sucks. He's the master of the blockbuster, but that's about it. And he absolutely ruined AI.
I personally only found like Shindlers List and afew of his other movies to be any good. I only mentioned him because he is considered to be the watermark by most film critics.
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Post by T-900 »

Tell me if you've seen Battle Royale 1/2 ^_^

Something about japanese schoolkids being forced by the government to fight each other in arena's. With dog collars containing explsoive charges, so if they break the rules their head explodes in a very satisfying way.
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Post by Wolfman Walt »

T-900 wrote:Tell me if you've seen Battle Royale 1/2 ^_^

Something about japanese schoolkids being forced by the government to fight each other in arena's. With dog collars containing explsoive charges, so if they break the rules their head explodes in a very satisfying way.
Sounds like "The Running Man". Inwhich case, I'll most likely check it out. Biggest question, is it available in English or will I like have to send a monkey to japan to smuggle it back to me?
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Post by the guardian »

The Running Man is much better then Battle Royale. Personal opinion.

Look on Kazaa for BR, though the resources might be a bit... Low.
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Post by atoga »

Speaking of good horror films, review some Cronenberg. The Fly / Naked Lunch / Scanners / Videodrome / etc. Cronenberg is, without a doubt, the master of gross-out and body horror. Movies fit for Megatron.
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Post by Megatron »

the fly kicks ass, like when he arm-wrestles that guy and stuff, hardcore.
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Post by T-900 »

I remember that arm-wrestling scene.. it was the only thing I lked about that film... :\

The Running Man was good.. But battle-royale is a present day setting, with the military forcing kids to just hack at each other and shoot each other to survive, like terminal paintball(I think), but I see your comparison...
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Post by Jawz II »

4 room was pretty good,but i had expected more from a movie with tim roth and quentin tarantino in it
i have a question fer u all

i was reading a review of fight club on a christians parents :) web page and it said the whole tyler durden part of the movie is a fantasy,the whole bit with the club and the skinheads was in his head

i disagree,that marla chick could see the skinheads
and even after he discovered he and tyler r the same person still all that tyler achieved was real

i though he was a schizofrenich with that multiple personality thing but in the end he killed the tyler personality by the symbolic act of eating a slug,thus curing himself

what do u all think?
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Post by Calal »

Well ofcourse it' s about multiple personalities, it becomes pretty clear in the end, not? As for the skinheads, they were undoubtly real. You don' t honestly think he' d do all the stuff on his own. Besides, weren' t those skins recruited from the fightclubs in the first place? I think that christian parents group would rather wave it all away as a fantasy because it would be immoral or something to even think such things could be real. I wonder what they would tell you in a review on a film that handles child abuse by priests?
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Post by Wolfman Walt »

Jawz II wrote:4 room was pretty good,but i had expected more from a movie with tim roth and quentin tarantino in it
i have a question fer u all

i was reading a review of fight club on a christians parents :) web page and it said the whole tyler durden part of the movie is a fantasy,the whole bit with the club and the skinheads was in his head

i disagree,that marla chick could see the skinheads
and even after he discovered he and tyler r the same person still all that tyler achieved was real

i though he was a schizofrenich with that multiple personality thing but in the end he killed the tyler personality by the symbolic act of eating a slug,thus curing himself

what do u all think?
First off, it was schizophrenia mixed with multiple personality. If you read the book, the narrator talks for a few moments if he'll just be a brag item to Marla because she always brings up past boyfriends. Since he knew Marla before the Tyler persona began, we can safely assume she's real. If she can distinguish the differance between the narrator and Tyler, we can assume that he has two personalities within the same body.

As for the skinheads. Marla saw them in the movie and identified them. "I came over and some ape escorted me out." In the book their definetly more real because one of them is the driver during the car wreck scene, not Tyler.

Heres a question I have though. I know there were black guys in the fight club ((The one that beats up the narrator)), but did any of them join Project Mayhem?
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