My map

Mapping & modding Fallout Tactics and reviewing maps thereof.
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My map

Post by zousug »

Hail fellow FOT players..

just anouncing the arivel of my new MP map.. (well.. soon to arive :D)

it is almost finished and is much better then my first one which was more of a "get to know the editor" map....

any ways its name is Wookieville and i have put my sole into it... its taken a long time in planing and taken up a lot of paper in draweing it before i went to the editor.. but.. apart from that :D

i have had a few ppl (my beta testers) say it is a good map..

it is a MP map for online play.. or network play.... i may convert it to single player mode to.. but i havent even explored that area of the editor yet so :D..

any ways.. when it is 100% done (it is currently 99.9% done) i will post the URL here so u can download it for ya self..

oh and for those who may have seen my first map called The Old West... it will be getting a make over and will not look like it dose now. it will be a proper western map with only the weapons / armor that would have been in the western days..

ok.. i had better go.. cya
sadly, BOT has died.. as i have not been on FOT for a while now :'(
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Post by Jazzmanstereo »

Look forward to checking it out. Whats the theme of the map? The style, and features?

I know what you mean about puring your soul into maps. Im only working on a town map at the moment, and its taking years!
Ive got something to put in you ;)
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My maps

Post by zousug »


sorry about the delay, but things come up and i have not been able to post any messages here for a while.

but, the good news is...

i have two (yes 2) maps out.. (ok they may not be 100% mine (i had to cheat in some places) but i dont have much time so i had to to finish them)

any ways.. they are called

The Old West ver 1.5 (this is an old western one)

and wookieville ver 0.9 (old abandond town that has been re-built from scratch.)

to find out more about them.. and download them goto

goto the my maps menu and select one..

(note they have been bug tested online and there may still be a few bugs in them, if u find any let me know and i will try and fix them asap.)

if i get a lot of good replys from the maps i may make newer ver's..

thanx, and cya
sadly, BOT has died.. as i have not been on FOT for a while now :'(
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