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Post by Megatron »

I'm thinking of buying some new speakers for my computer, as my current ones keep crackling and fuck up all the time. Plus I want some new ones :D:D:D:D

Anyway I don't really know much about speakers, but I want liek..5? and that bass-box thingy. I dunno. Anyway, could someone give me HINTS AND TIPS too look out for or something thnx

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Post by Smiley »

Creative/Cambridge speakers...

I got my 4.1 for £45.. they play loud, and in *nice* quality. Since you want a 5.1 make sure you have a compatible sound-card oterwise the effects are wasted.


My system: ... p?prod=335

These are 6.1: ... p?prod=372

The different bunches.. : ... asp?cate=3

As for a sound card I wouldn't bother giving the world for it... : ... p?prod=264

Remember you can buy both in a bundle, I'm just posting the different ones in case you already have a soundcard which you're satisfied with...

Hope you find what you're looking for.
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Post by Lynxer »

I bought Philips 5.1 surround set for 100 euro this week. My soundcard is compatible with the installation, but my experience was that it is rather disappointing in despite.
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Post by Megatron »

cheers mates, I think I'll look over the speakers and think a little. It's mostly for movies if that makes any difference.
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Post by Wolfman Walt »

How big of speakers do you want exactly? I'll keep a look out for any good ones.
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Post by SuperH »

I just so happen to sell home audio systems for a living, so I know a bit about them. First and foremost you need to get a soundcard that's capable of 5.1 surround, (that's 5 speakers, and a subwoofer (the base box thing)). I don't think that a sound card is going to have actual speaker clips on it, but then again, I know home audio not the computer specifics, so there may be. What you probably will find is either a coaxial digital out or a fiber optic digital out, which will give you the connection you need to go from your computer to a reciever which is set up to handle the speakers. You can go a couple routes as far as getting the actual sound equipment though - either buy a home theater system pack, they usually come with a reciever, a dvd player, 5 speakers and a sub, or you can buy the parts you need seperately. Usually buying them separately (at least in a store, donno about online) will end up costing you more, since you'll be getting higher quality stuff. Donno if you wanna be hooking up a tv or anything to the speakers, but you'll be able too. Seems like a waste of the speakers too if you don't hook them up to more than just the computer no? Anyway... at Circuit City where I work, you can get a cheap ass home theater system with a dvd player for like 200 bucks. If you wanna go high end though, nab an Onkyo reciever and some Infinity speakers. Subs... hmm I'm not sure about subs... you'd probably wanna do a search online to find out what you need.
Yeah I know this is a long, confusing, rambling post. If you've got any questions about any of it, feel free to ask.
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Post by Insane Koolaid Man »

I just bought a new set of Logitech Z-640s last week, and they're rather good, far better than my old set of Creative 4.1s. Pretty good deal for 79.99.
But anyways, if you're looking for speakers, we'd need to get an idea of your price point. Something like the Z-640s if you're working on a tight budget, or if you want to spend like, 300-400 dollars on speakers to get top of the line, you could get Klipsch Promedia 5.1s or Logitech Z680s or even Creative Megaworks THX 6.1s.
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Post by iohkus »

i hev too speekers.
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