Feels good to complain dont it?ExtremeDrinker wrote:I don't throw my views on other people...I'm just ranting here. There has never been a time in my life that I've tried to convert people....Christians have a MISSION to convert people. It's fucking insane. As for blanket statements...Christians are full of them, too...I've been told I'm going to hell because I don't believe in God...I'm going to hell because I have sex...I'm going to hell because I masturbate...Those are blanket statements...Do you know anyone who doesn't masturbate? If they say they don't, they're damn dirty liars with an unhealthy view of their bodies. (Other than young children...But after puberty...It's self-love time).
The reason I got worked up about this today is not only because of the post in another group, but also, some Christian dicks came to my door at 7AM...."Have you found Jesus?" I didn't even bother..I told them to leave, that I had better things to do than listen to them...They told me I was going to go to Hell if I didn't have Jesus in my life..I told them to fuck off before I got my gun. They started cussing me out...So I got the gun....They got the point...They left...And I was pissed off.
Also...SlaveMaster...That'd make you an Agnostic, not an Atheist..Atheists don't believe in any type of religion/gods/spirits/demons/etc. If you think there's something out there, but you don't worship with a given religion, you'd be an Agnostic.
And Agnostics are not hypocritical....What's there to be hypocritical about? There's no rules to being an Agnostic...You believe in a higher power..You don't follow a bible, so there are no sins...You do what you want, you don't worship if you don't want to...You're the average Joe.
BTW-ExtremeDrinker....what college did you study religion at, wasnt in the USA i presume. If you even say Jesus these days in our country, theres like a hundred lawyers and judges on your ass!