It's called "Not being a moron." Let me explain, I am a Catholic, and similar to Hammer I'm not one of those die hard "If you don't believe you shall burn in hell" views. For all I care, you could worship anything you want and I most likely wouldn't say anything as long as you A. didn't try to force your beliefs on me and B. didn't say anything about my religion. So how can I not believe every word in the bible? Simple, because I wasn't born yesterday. I have the ability to pick out crap from what I believe is true.Franz_Schubert wrote: How the hell can someone claim to be a Christian, but not believe the Bible word for word?
Not to break anyones views, but I'm pretty certain we can all agree that man wrote the Bible (Wether it was through neccesity, heavily vision, whatever). As such, men are prone to mistakes, and I'm sure that some got into the Bible. Ontop of that however, you can't accept something that someone else who was a normal human being wrote as a the ultimate way to live. You have to choose that for yourself. It's not that "I choose to be a christian whenever it suits me," but more of that I choose to interpret Christianity in my own way that suits me.
So is Terrorism and Crime.Neon Dingo wrote: Nihilism is a byproduct of a faulty society.
Don't know about you, but some of societies greatest innovators don't really seem like they could defend themselves against a pack of house cats. Benjamin Franklin was overweight and although probably considered very smart, was a quite a womanizer and probably would have gotten into alot of fights with the wrong people without much inhibiting those people from bashing his skull in. Newton was a lanky fellow who is now considered having a form of Down Syndrome. Edison was a deaf guy, which isn't too handy when it comes to crossing the street. Steve Hawkin is considered to be the most brilliant scientists around, and he's in a wheel chair on life support talking through a computer. These people would have probably had no chance to survive under Nihilism, but they gave use some of the inventions that allow society as we know it to exist, and I don't know about you, but I rather enjoy being able to see at night without a fire.Alphawulf wrote: Oh yeah and the part about how weaker people should be killed or left to die? There are plenty of people who have contributed great things to the world from the safety of society.
I don't think the point was to dethrone you as the king of survival as much as to emphasize that you don't want that to happen. Anyone can buy a gun and shoot you right now, for the most part, the only thing stopping them is the law. Since nihilism promotes survival of the fittest and the fittest being those who shoot first in this case, you'de eventually lose. Losing means dying. Dying is never healthy for you.neon dingo wrote: "I bet pleny of stupid poeple could kill your ass in a straight out fight."
Sure, I'm not denying that. That's why we have guns. Guns are an equalizer. Hell, someone could kill me right now. Are you seriously thinking that I am saying I'm the survival king of all humans?