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Grand Lord Penguin
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Post by Grand Lord Penguin »

No plot, just some locations. Oh, hi. I'm Wandering Noodle from V13. Go see my insane kung-fu skill(antics?) at the new Thread of a Billion Posts (too lazy for a link). It's in Feelings Online

Anyway: For FO3, I'd really like to see it on the East coast, or the eastern Mid West (like Chicago area, and eastward).

Scrapheap: A small village. It's populated by Junkers, a semi-primitive people who worship technology and try to stick as much technological stuff on their persons as possible. Not much here, although it is one of the towns that border the...

Sea of Glass: A stretch of land that once held nuclear armaments. It was nuked so badly that the nuclear desert left from a single volley (like the deserts in California in FO and FO2) was fused and turned to glass. They say there's an old (really old) militray bunker somewhere in the Sea, but no one will go out and look.

Watertower: A prosperous town near a small lake. It sells (almost) fully purified water, and whatever it can dredge up from the lake bottom. Think the Hub, only more...aquatic.

Bunker 00743: An old bunker near the ruins of Chicago. It still holds US troops, but they are extremely reclusive and xenophobic. The Bunker has a ring of Junker camps, who periodically make attempts to get in the Bunker, and get at all of it's glorious tech.

Vault X: Your vault. Nestled in some mountains, it remains unopened. Until Event X happens (the event that forces you out into the world), that is.

Needles: A nod to Wasteland. It's the first town you come across, since the cave leading out of the vault is practicaly IN the town. It's been throughly looted and destroyed; the only inhabitants are scavengers (dogs, rats, etc.) and a group of Junker preists looking for a technological mecca (Vault X). Essentially, a training level.

Mutie Town: A shantytown populated by mutants and ghouls. Refugees from some war out west, they are the dregs of the area. Everone hates them.

Nuke City: A large, ruined city. It's main attraction is the barely functioning nuclear reactor. How it survived the war is a mystery, although people of all sorts are drawn here.

Just some thoughts I came up with over the course of my fourth playing of FO.
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Southeast Asia

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Re: Setting

Post by Saint_Proverbius »

Grand Lord Penguin wrote:Anyway: For FO3, I'd really like to see it on the East coast, or the eastern Mid West (like Chicago area, and eastward).
The main reason I'd like to see one in the central US is to overwrite Fallout Tactics. :)
Scrapheap: A small village. It's populated by Junkers, a semi-primitive people who worship technology and try to stick as much technological stuff on their persons as possible. Not much here, although it is one of the towns that border the...
The "Worships technology" thing has been done twice when you think about it. The Brotherhood of Steel fits that category to a point, and the Reavers in Fallout Tactics did that as well.

However, a town that caters to the scavengers that ventures in to the Sea of Glass in order to trade what they find there would be very cool. Kind of like a "You go in to the danger area, we'll buy what you find there to trade it" type situation. There could even be caravans running to and from that town to sell those goods, similar to how the BOS traded technology for the raw supply needs they had. The big difference being they just see old technology as a means of economic survival rather than something that should be protected and slowly leaked.
Sea of Glass: A stretch of land that once held nuclear armaments. It was nuked so badly that the nuclear desert left from a single volley (like the deserts in California in FO and FO2) was fused and turned to glass. They say there's an old (really old) militray bunker somewhere in the Sea, but no one will go out and look.
I've always liked this idea. After all, you get sand under high heat, and it melts together. Not to mention such a place would be completely devoid of life because of the huge layer of thick, hard silicon would keep any plant life from taking root there until it wethered back to sand. It's the type of situation that would retain it's post apocalyptic feel for a long, long time.

Military bases inside there would be a great reason to actually go inside there as well.
Watertower: A prosperous town near a small lake. It sells (almost) fully purified water, and whatever it can dredge up from the lake bottom. Think the Hub, only more...aquatic.
This could also have a nice farming area to provide food for a region as well. They could incorporate vault technology, like the Water Chips, in to purifying the lake to get more use out of it.
Bunker 00743: An old bunker near the ruins of Chicago. It still holds US troops, but they are extremely reclusive and xenophobic. The Bunker has a ring of Junker camps, who periodically make attempts to get in the Bunker, and get at all of it's glorious tech.
This would be a lot like the BOS though.
Vault X: Your vault. Nestled in some mountains, it remains unopened. Until Event X happens (the event that forces you out into the world), that is.
Rather than something breaking, per Fallout, the reason for leaving could be scouting for a place to live. It's been a while, and people are ready to move out since the All Clear has never been given to this vault.

They send your character out, and he finds Needles right off the bat. That wouldn't be a nice place for the vault dwellers of your vault, so you go elsewhere.
Needles: A nod to Wasteland. It's the first town you come across, since the cave leading out of the vault is practicaly IN the town. It's been throughly looted and destroyed; the only inhabitants are scavengers (dogs, rats, etc.) and a group of Junker preists looking for a technological mecca (Vault X). Essentially, a training level.
Your vault door could be similar to the one in the Cathedral in Fallout as well, behind a hidden door underneath a structure, in it's basement. That's why they've never found it to try to plunder it.
Mutie Town: A shantytown populated by mutants and ghouls. Refugees from some war out west, they are the dregs of the area. Everone hates them.
Can't have a Fallout game without a ghoul town. :)
Nuke City: A large, ruined city. It's main attraction is the barely functioning nuclear reactor. How it survived the war is a mystery, although people of all sorts are drawn here.
They could be using Ghouls from Mutie Town as slaves to work the reactor as well.
Just some thoughts I came up with over the course of my fourth playing of FO.
Pretty good ones too. :D
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Post by Grand Lord Penguin »

Thanks Saint. What I envisoned for 00743 was a ring of Junker camps, all laying siege to the actual bunker. The military inside the bunker is violently xenophobic. They will shoot you on sight unless you wear power armor. If you wear Junker armor (essentially scrap metal welded together with broken tech items strapped on), they'll shoot you on sight and begin an all out attack on everything in the area.

If you're wearing PA and you get in, you'll find that things are drastically different from the Brotherhood. The military ranks still work as a governing aspect, but there are two distinct groups: those who want to remain reclusive and those who want to leave the bunker and carve out a small empire in the wastes. Aid one side, or just join for standard equipment (Miltary grade Combat Armor, Assault Rifle or something like that, and PA if you can fix it*).

*The thing about the broken PA is that when the bombs dropped, all active internal motivators were fried from the resulting EMP. Find another internal movtivator, get some PA.

Event X: I was thinking a small civil war between factions (I posted this on V13). One group (older people who are tiredof being couped up in the vault, and younger idealists) wants to leave, while the other (the leftovers who want the Vault to stay sealed, like the Overseer) wants to stay. The Overseer is assassinated, and war breaks out. Grabbing what you can, you crack open the door and make a run for it.


Junkers: I wanted them to be a fairly common enemy, because you have working tech. And, if you tell them you came from a Vault, they'll want you to tell them where it is.

Muties: Since this will probably take place in between FO1 and FO2, I wanted te leftovers from the Master's army and some ghous from the Necropolis to be here. That way, you can tie it back to V13.

Nuke Town: Nice idea about the ghoul slaves. Nuke Town would probably resemble New Reno, only less...bad. It's actually on the brink of civil war, between the Merchant Guild and the Power Guild. The Power Guild runs the reactor, while the Merchant Guild oversees the commerce in Nuke Town. Both are essential to the continued exsistance of Nuke Town, but they're both greedy. I was thinking of a quest where yu can aid one side or the other...or play both sides against each other.

I'll try and think of other towns when I see something that inspires me. Maybe something like the Wasteland Rail Nomads? Only the train is gronded...
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Post by Saint_Proverbius »

Grand Lord Penguin wrote:Thanks Saint. What I envisoned for 00743 was a ring of Junker camps, all laying siege to the actual bunker. The military inside the bunker is violently xenophobic. They will shoot you on sight unless you wear power armor. If you wear Junker armor (essentially scrap metal welded together with broken tech items strapped on), they'll shoot you on sight and begin an all out attack on everything in the area.
So their bunker is more like a vault in terms of being self sufficient for decades or even longer?

What would be interesting is if they had a problem with their equipment, such as a malfunction that made them unable to be self sufficient in their confined area. Similar to Vault 13's water chip failure, something that made them have to seek help, but they couldn't due to the junker raiders. This would be especially the case if they thought that the junker raiders were the only thing left in the world other than them, due to their isolation.
If you're wearing PA and you get in, you'll find that things are drastically different from the Brotherhood. The military ranks still work as a governing aspect, but there are two distinct groups: those who want to remain reclusive and those who want to leave the bunker and carve out a small empire in the wastes. Aid one side, or just join for standard equipment (Miltary grade Combat Armor, Assault Rifle or something like that, and PA if you can fix it*).
That's pretty much how the BOS was presented in FOT.

How about this? The Bunker is actually a pre-Great War factory. It was designed to survive a nuclear war to keep the production of Power Armor, Combat Armor, and weapons going. It was complete with silver and other reserves for production for several years in case an invasion occured following the nuclear war. It could have it's own fusion reactor, or several of them, in order to charging/making fusion cells and power the factory.

Because it's a factory, it would require labor, engineers, management and military persons to keep it running. Over time, these groups of people have evolved in a caste system with their own hierarchies and controlled by a representing body. Labor became worker caste, military became warrior, engineers became the artisan caste, and the management became the beaurocrat caste.

Each caste has their own goals.

The beaurocrats don't want to give up power, so they don't want to leave. They also want to keep the warrior caste around because they're the protectors. They fear the junkers because all diplomatic envoys have been killed and scavenged. However, they could care less about the other two castes.

The artisan class wants to leave because they believe the world needs them. They've been teaching each generation, passing down the knowledge, they believe they can make a difference. They want the warrior caste to follow them for protection. They strongly oppose the beaurocrats but respect the worker class because they know that they'd need the worker caste on the outside.

The worker caste doesn't care either way. They're mostly divided on wether to stay or go. They don't like their lives in the bunker, because they do all the manual work, keeping things going. They also don't want to go outside and die. They're stuck between a rock and a hard place.

The warrior caste is generally too busy defending the place. They know they have a duty to everyone there, and they do it. Like the worker caste, they're divided on the subject of leaving, but they know it's an all or nothing proposition. If part of them leave, they know they're not going to make the breach of the junker barricades. They know the remaining force probably won't be able to defend itself either. Their votes in the leadership often go towards making it a stalemate vote when it comes to the subject of leaving.
Event X: I was thinking a small civil war between factions (I posted this on V13). One group (older people who are tiredof being couped up in the vault, and younger idealists) wants to leave, while the other (the leftovers who want the Vault to stay sealed, like the Overseer) wants to stay. The Overseer is assassinated, and war breaks out. Grabbing what you can, you crack open the door and make a run for it.
That would work as well, but what would be the overall goal after that? Would you just have a single goal or multiple goals, like Fallout and Fallout 2?

That's kind of why I suggested the initial goal be, "Find a home for the vault people".
Junkers: I wanted them to be a fairly common enemy, because you have working tech. And, if you tell them you came from a Vault, they'll want you to tell them where it is.
Kind of like a higher tech version of raiders. I like the idea.
Muties: Since this will probably take place in between FO1 and FO2, I wanted te leftovers from the Master's army and some ghous from the Necropolis to be here. That way, you can tie it back to V13.
It'd be kind of funny to set it in the midwest during the time of FOT. A complete over-write. :D
Nuke Town: Nice idea about the ghoul slaves. Nuke Town would probably resemble New Reno, only less...bad. It's actually on the brink of civil war, between the Merchant Guild and the Power Guild. The Power Guild runs the reactor, while the Merchant Guild oversees the commerce in Nuke Town. Both are essential to the continued exsistance of Nuke Town, but they're both greedy. I was thinking of a quest where yu can aid one side or the other...or play both sides against each other.
Would each side have it's own means of law enforcement?
I'll try and think of other towns when I see something that inspires me. Maybe something like the Wasteland Rail Nomads? Only the train is gronded...
Junkers could be fixing the railway for rapidly transporting scavenaged and stolen tech. Raid Nomads could be symbiotic with the Junkers.
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Post by king_ota »

what about old citys like New york and others...
You cold visit the old landmarkes like the sign in new reno
It would be coll to go to some sort of twisted post-apyloptic disnyland
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Post by Saint_Proverbius »

king_ota wrote:what about old citys like New york and others...
You cold visit the old landmarkes like the sign in new reno
I always liked Fallout's style better, where they don't tell you what city you're in. This as opposed to Fallout 2, where everything is spelled out for you.
It would be coll to go to some sort of twisted post-apyloptic disnyland
That would make a nice backdrop for a location, an old theme park. :)
Grand Lord Penguin
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Post by Grand Lord Penguin »

Saint: Good points about 00743 (again). This post is just going to expand on the situations of each town and add in Rail Nomads (who have a small emcampment somewhere).

Srapheap: Although semi-primitive, the Junkers are not stupid. They'll inquire about your origins, andif you give them the slightest hint about the Vault, they'll want to torture the info out of you. The Junkers themselves are slightly more high tech than raiders (I wan FO3 to be extremely low tech) and have Junker armor.

Junker armor is (as stated before) scrap metal pates welded together, and I would like to see it replace Metal Armor.

Sea of Glass: Not much else, the military base in the SoG is just a storage area for the people at the launch site. A few weapons, some fluff (background) and brainbots.

Bunker 00743: Saint, I commend you. The factory idea is good. To see the expanded 00743, see one of Saint's posts.

Watertower: Watertower has...(surprise!) a watertower! And a lake. The lake isn't water anymore, its radioactive sludge. Luckily, the water purification system (scavenged from an old storage center under the town) can make a barely drinkable liquid. This liquid is used in making Ooze Booze.

Ooze Booze is what keeps the raiders from completely swallowing Watertower. All the raider clans drink Ooze Booze, and the single family who distills it woul never work for them. So Watertower remains free, and the raiders get their Booze.

Mutie Town: The worst of the worst. Super mutants, ghouls and lepers live here. They've formed a fuedal council made up of repersentatives of each. The Mutants want to use their training against their oppressors, the Ghouls want to relocate to somewhere more...radioactive, while the lepers (all ten of them) want to stay. Since the council can't agree, the normal cititzens are getting restless.

Nuke City: The Power Guild and the Merhant Guild both employ two separate mercenary groups. The Power Guild has puchased the services of the Blackhands, a group of highly disciplined ninja-like fighters who tattoo their entire right hand black. The Merchant Guild hired Rud's Regiment, a band of raiders, armed to the teeth. As the player first enters, the mercs will merely be for show, however as time goes on and negotiations deteriorate, skirmishes will break out. And so on.
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Post by Knight »

What about a town

A boat village or city at the center of a non-radioactive lake! Imagine waterworld and the city of Venice [cause ways and canals] combined into one. Thier survival is threatened due to the radioacivity of a nearby lake. They need to block this off with a large dam but the raiders keep harassing them that they can't finish the work. They need your help! :P
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Post by TheGreatTriscuit »

something along those lines could be doable... but shouldn't be a MAJOR feature of the plot... too reminiscent of FO2 IMHO. Have helping them be a side quest(s) (though you might have to go there to talk to plot-centric NPCs and such every once in a while)
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