<strong>[ -> N/A]</strong>
<html><body><P>There’s a new trend at the <A HREF=http://www.stalker-game.com/ target=_blank>S.T.A.L.K.E.R. site</A> covering articles having to do with Chernobyl and the game world. The first one, titled "<A HREF=http://www.stalker-game.com/index.php?t ... ews&page=0 target=_blank>Chernobyl catastrophe was not an accident!</A>" claims what happened at the power plant was an act of sabotage with pretty vague connections to the US.</P><P>The second article is a crash course in <A HREF=http://www.stalker-game.com/index.php?t ... ews&page=0 target=_blank>what radiation is</A>. It teaches a short history on radiation, how it’s emanated, different types of radiation, and the influences on human beings. These are fun little additions to the site and you should <A HREF=http://www.stalker-game.com/ target=_blank>check them out</A>.</P></body></html>
What Really Happened At Chernobyl?
- Mad Max RW
- Paparazzi
- Posts: 2253
- Joined: Tue Apr 23, 2002 1:20 am
- Location: Balls Deep in the Wasteland
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Another Mistake On The Lake
There is a nuc plant on Lake Erie's shore, Davis Besse.
I wonder if it's been closed longer then it's been online. This is the one that's most recently closed because of acid damage to a CONTAINMENT
shell. Chernobyl had no containment structure. Who's fault was that?
Multiple cooling pump systems are necessary safe guards, but why no containment structure? Who ordained that the pumps would ALWAYS function, a holy engineer, a blessed accountant, a divine politician? Or all the above?
Davis Besse is a private sector venture, and hardly the free enterprise poster child for privatization. I believe it helped bankrupt Toledo Edison. How a local electrical vendor, a quasi monopoly can lose money makes one wonder how long before the next black out.
I wonder what conspiracies could be spun to put the American nuc industry and electrical power generation system in sugar coated sunshine. Outside a momentary stock bump, who would benefit?
So who would benefit from shadowy hints of sabotage in the Ukraine?
Who would believe that US Intelligence Assets could shoot straight, much less encourage an accident that was waiting to happen? Who designed and built and maintained Chernobyl? Follow that money trail.
Who else needs to blame the Empire of Greater Texas, to cover their screw ups? I suggest, the originator of this tale of sabotage has their own evil agenda, and must be guilty of some crime, that they are evading detection by using the con man's ploy of misdirection.
So there, naaaaaaaayyyyy, tell us what's REALLY the problem. If it's the self anointed gods called engineers and scientists that design and build these accidents waiting to happen, I say yes. They are in on the "big fix", with all the accountants, lawyers, POLITICIANS, corporate CEO's, and media spin doctors that skim the cream off all these COST ENGINEERED failures.
Follow the money trail and you'll find the snotty advocates of COST ENGINEERING crying crocodile tears while they divide the spoils.
Sorry, my own "evil" agenda is showing.
I wonder if it's been closed longer then it's been online. This is the one that's most recently closed because of acid damage to a CONTAINMENT
shell. Chernobyl had no containment structure. Who's fault was that?
Multiple cooling pump systems are necessary safe guards, but why no containment structure? Who ordained that the pumps would ALWAYS function, a holy engineer, a blessed accountant, a divine politician? Or all the above?
Davis Besse is a private sector venture, and hardly the free enterprise poster child for privatization. I believe it helped bankrupt Toledo Edison. How a local electrical vendor, a quasi monopoly can lose money makes one wonder how long before the next black out.
I wonder what conspiracies could be spun to put the American nuc industry and electrical power generation system in sugar coated sunshine. Outside a momentary stock bump, who would benefit?
So who would benefit from shadowy hints of sabotage in the Ukraine?
Who would believe that US Intelligence Assets could shoot straight, much less encourage an accident that was waiting to happen? Who designed and built and maintained Chernobyl? Follow that money trail.
Who else needs to blame the Empire of Greater Texas, to cover their screw ups? I suggest, the originator of this tale of sabotage has their own evil agenda, and must be guilty of some crime, that they are evading detection by using the con man's ploy of misdirection.
So there, naaaaaaaayyyyy, tell us what's REALLY the problem. If it's the self anointed gods called engineers and scientists that design and build these accidents waiting to happen, I say yes. They are in on the "big fix", with all the accountants, lawyers, POLITICIANS, corporate CEO's, and media spin doctors that skim the cream off all these COST ENGINEERED failures.
Follow the money trail and you'll find the snotty advocates of COST ENGINEERING crying crocodile tears while they divide the spoils.
Sorry, my own "evil" agenda is showing.