The Atomic Cafe

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Desert Strider
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The Atomic Cafe

Post by iohkus »

"Plot Outline: Disturbing collection of 1960s United States government issued propaganda films designed to reassure Americans that the atomic bomb was not a threat to their safety."

Anyone seen this? Mebe something along the lines of Threads except... more disturbing?

... i'd like to see it

Post by Kreegle »

Yeah I've seen it... lurking somewhere in the darker, scarier regions of the DAC server is a post-apocalyptic movie database I was putting together at one stage - I've seen more PA films than a normal human being probably should :?

Atomic Café is really, really good - it's pretty much a fancy documentary featuring lots of dodgy American nuclear propaganda from the 50's - our pal Bert the Turtle makes a big appearance in there. I know... a documentary sounds kinda dull, but this one isn't - it's brilliantly crafted, and definitely will leave you feeling a bit astonished at how fucking bold / stupid propaganda was back in those days. Just seeing the soldiers poking their heads up out of the bunker and guffawing at the mushroom cloud created by the nuclear bomb that was just detonated nearby... worth admission alone.

Highly recommended, baby.
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Post by iohkus »

hmm, yeah I think i'm going to like it... I like propoganda from the old days, communist stuff is always entertaining, and the new chinese cyber propoganda is also pretty neat

hmm now if only I coud find someone who happens to have it accidentally ripped to DivX so I can ask them where they purchased their copy of the movie ... hmm.

and kreegle what'd you think of threads? over the top or bout right?
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Post by Bridgeburner »

amazon has it: ... PDKIKX0DER

but you can always download movies like this from the prelinger archives: ... ic-nuclear

they have some pretty cool stuff there
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