Franz_Schubert wrote:The only "bell and whistle" of capitalism is the way it spurns people to try to claw their way to the top. A strong economy needs that kind of extrinsic drive, otherwise people are just going to sit on their asses and do the bare minimum.
Another pathetic meatbag in my midst. Would somebody please bring out the flamethrower already!
Observation: Nationalism is just as powerful a drive as capitalism, if not more. Simply observe the efforts made by Chinese developers and you will see that most of them do it out of love for their games, and not because some pathetic meatbag of a producer decided it would be profitable to make yet another Lord of the Rings spinoff title to cash in on the movie.
If it weren't for capitalism Microsoft wouldn't exist, you wouldn't be using the fine *cough* ok, compatibility-friendly OS you are on right now. Instead it would be one of many possible "competitors" versions which would be piss-poor and you wouldn't even know the difference.
Response: We will never know now will be?
And speaking of Microsoft, why is everyone always on their case? I constantly hear people bitching about Windows or Word or IE... Is it because they view MS as a big scary entity and fear its power? Perhaps they resent the monopoly, but why? For me, their monopoly has been nothing but good for the consumer. Sure, maybe for the competitors they squelched (Remember Claris Works?) it's not so great, but for the consumer it's great, because everything is compatible. I can take my .doc files over to my friends house and view them on his macintosh, because of the monopoly. Ok I'm done.
Allow me to explain what a monopoly is to you, and you will perhaps -try- to understand at the very least what this means.
Analogy: Assume that I run a restaurant. I serve many customers, but I also have many competitors.
I have a little more money than one of my competitors so I buy his store in order to stop him from competing with him, and make money from his business.
I repeat this process and find that I have amassed the majority of restaurants. The remaining restaurants who refuse to sell their companies to me are choked by my LOWER PRICES (as I can afford to reduce my prices without taking a loss due to my immense holdings) and eventually go bankrupt.
I now rule the market of restaurants and nobody even dares to challenge me because they simply do not have the money to do so, or will simply be bought out sooner or later.
Certainly this seems like a great benefit to the consumer - having low, low prices and all that. However, what happens when there are no more competitors? I increase the prices tenfold and you can't do a single thing to stop me! You have no one else to choose from - I am your only supplier of restaurant food.
This is monopoly at its most basic.
Here's the fun part: A lot of people decide that eating out is too costly so they decide to take up cooking and buy food straight from the vendors.
To circumvent this, I buy out the food suppliers with my immense amount of wealth and all of the vendors have to purchase their goods from me - that means you too. Either way, I make a killing and should I ever decide to raise the prices on supplies, I will.
Guess what? I do! Now you can't even afford to buy food. HOWEVER, all of my taking over the food business has opened up quite a few job opportunities - that is, millions of job opportunities. In order to eat, you need money, and to get money, you need to work. What better place to work than at MY RESTAURANT?
That's right, you work for me, and your payment is food.
Result: Congratulations, meatbag, you are now my slave.