That' s because it' s a remake. Try 'Abres los ojos' for a change, it blew me away. Pretty deep movie if you ask me.Turan wrote:Vanilla Sky (its like Eyes Wide Shut, only if it where a cheap, stupid, New Jersey skank)
Other overrated movies that were stupid remakes and didn' t contribute anything to the world of cinema except a fat paycheck to the actors:
Tim Burton' s Planet of the Apes (what was he thinking?)
Red Dragon (I' d prefer Manhunt anyday, thx a lot)
Nightwatch (the Danish version is way better and a lot scarier)
recent Village of the Damned
The Ring
Especially anything Blair Witch project
Other overrated movies:
Reign of fire
Everything with Vin Diesel
Everything with Ben Afleck or J-lo
Bah, most movies nowadays actually.