Silver Style Gets Another Ex-Black Isle Employee

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Post by Megatron »

I'd rather people make games for fun rather than profit. Same with music and stuff. I enjoyed s2 a lot more than other games out at the time and will buy future titles as well, so I guess it pays off. I find it strange how the sims can be in the top 10 charts for a couple of years now though. Does everybody order a mandatory copy every month?

The box art wasn't that bad for s2 I thought. I preferred the winter art better, but it was an okay vibe for the game I guess. It suffered a bit from bad publicity more than anything else. There should have been demos on every pc mags, ads in the windows and free copies of the demo with every pc game purchased.
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Post by Hertston »


My apologies, sir! I wrote this a while ago

Hertston wrote:
Bobbin wrote: They obviously manipulated it by now. How pathetic can you get?
Note the use of a smiley, this one :evil_laugh: to be precise. As usual that is to indicate a remark that is tongue in cheek. I only mentioned it all as normally admins tend to be "neutral". Here they are not, on this subject anyway, and that's rather a refreshing change to be honest.

As you have no doubt guessed, I interpreted your comments as sarcasm, without looking to see if they had nerfed the poll - which of course they now have.

"Pathetic" ? Maybe, but I'd have to give whichever admin it was 10/10 for style... someone here might even have a sense of humour !

The proviso, of course is that they change it back again. Failure to do so would lack class, not to mention indicating a stubborn refusal to accept that their position on this "vital" topic is very much a minority one. I kind of think of them as "Fallout Fundamentalists"... but like all Fundamentalists they won't give up their beliefs without a fight (or a rigged ballot :lalala: )!
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Post by S4ur0n27 »

Who the fuck cares about the box art? Fools and dumb people. Games aimed at those people are mainstream and are SHIT anyway.
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Post by Saint_Proverbius »

Well, when I first saw the box art, even *I* was let down by it, and I was psyched about the game. It's so pathetic, it's hard to describe how bad it is.
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Post by Jeff »

is it worse than tubgirl?
anyone have a picture?
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Post by Bobbin »

Hertston wrote:"Pathetic" ? Maybe, but I'd have to give whichever admin it was 10/10 for style... someone here might even have a sense of humour !

The proviso, of course is that they change it back again. Failure to do so would lack class, not to mention indicating a stubborn refusal to accept that their position on this "vital" topic is very much a minority one. I kind of think of them as "Fallout Fundamentalists"... but like all Fundamentalists they won't give up their beliefs without a fight (or a rigged ballot :lalala: )!
Yes, they got their sense of humour, I liked the options for the poll :) Well, they should continue their fight, SSE gets more feedback here than anything else so why complain...
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Post by Franz Schubert »

Megatron wrote:I'd rather people make games for fun rather than profit.
Welcome to capitalism.
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Post by DarkUnderlord »

Spazmo wrote:I think I get your firstborn child now.
One angsty teenager coming right up.
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Post by Megatron »

Gimp Mask wrote:is it worse than tubgirl?
anyone have a picture?
this is the box heart I got


do not click for enlargor***

*I've bolded this for a reason, it says DO NOT CLICK. Mouse over it and you'll understand. If you click it, you're a fucking idiot. Don't come whining to me about it. -- Killzig.

edit: changed to a site that exists ^-^ shens
Last edited by Megatron on Tue Feb 24, 2004 7:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Post by Kashluk »

Yup, it looks exactly the same for me as well.
Still don't understand what's so horrible about it, though.
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Post by BlackDog »

this is the box I got S2 in:

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Post by DarkUnderlord »

BlackDog wrote:this is the box I got S2 in:

Is there an enlarged version for that one too? There seems to be a lot more detail in Megatron's when you enlarge it.
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Post by Rosh »

EvoG wrote:Riiiight. And all this talk of Fallout3 and the Fall in the same sentence EVERYTIME SSE opens there mouths is just a coincidence? Yea the beneficial arrangement is "look we got FALLOUT 3 guys working with us on the FALL".

Anyway give me a break dude, I've worked in this industry for 8 years, and you only announce new staff members if they're SIGNIFICANT(i.e. someones heard of them). You just don't announce every friggin employee that joins a dev team.
Agreed. Carsten should shut the fuck up about Fallout until he's either going to do it or becomes wise to the fact that if name-dropping wasn't liked if done by others, what makes him so special other than some mentally inept little chimps wandering around and saying "OMGH!!!! one title is post-apocalyptic, and so was Flallout! OMG! OMG! OMG!!! Tehy can do it!!"? Every time someone from BIS is mentioned, there's Fallout being dropped. Hell, often there doesn't have to be a reason for Fallout's name to be dropped, aside from attention whoring. Then there's word of SSE looking to get the Fallout license, but then followed up by "To make a long sentence short: SSE would only develop a FO3 if we are absolutly sure that we can do it the right way." Which is it? Are they seriously looking to do Fallout, or are just playing around the people for attention?

Then, for all the name glory-holing that Carsten has done, Puuk leaves for EA. Oh, dear...I guess now SSE will not be able to make a Fallout sequel!
Slaughter wrote: In general, what is wrong with SSE trying to "flirt" with the Fallout fans? They are making a post apocalyptic RPG that is inspired by Fallout. So all of us doesn't agree with all their decisions, like the combat system, but we should still be happy they are making the game. Why are you so insistent on attacking one of the few developers that is making something even remotely similar to Fallout? Take a look at the poll at the front page. It is obvious that quite a few fans are happy about the possibility of SSE getting the Fallout license.
No, it shows that a lot of people are overly hopeful idiots. The same people who voted, who I guess may be like you, probably also believed the bullshit about buying F:POS giving support for Fo3 to be developed, Sean "Kumtwatq3 is my prison bitch" Reynold's Pay-Pal garbage (Sean's truly a clueless shit), and then can believe that just because a developer got a couple of QA people they are suddenly capable of coming up a Fallout sequel.

Let's not forget who spouted something even more stupid that has since graced my .sig at NMA.

"Personally I didn't care about them making FO:POS, as long as it would help bring us Fallout 3." -Slaughter, and many other clueless people.

Of course, the most amusing thing about this is that Carsten seems to believe that having more ex-BIS members would help towards being able to come up with a good sequel. Sorry to break it to the chucklehead, but those who have worked on Fallout to any great competent and in-depth amount are already hired at other companies.

That is, unless he's looking for more asst. artists and QA people.

Carsten: Finish The Fall before you write the title "Fallout" ever again, and then perhaps I'll think of you as something other than a glory-holing attention whore. I've heard nothing but the same from BioWare and others, and frankly, you don't have the D&D license to artificially inflate yourself to "primadonna developer" status. Show us something believable before you start yapping more about. Show us that you have a clue as to why Fallout had something printed on the inside flap of the original printed box.

Or better yet, just shut the fuck up about Fallout, but work on a different post-apocalyptic setting. There's many flavors to choose from, and name-dropping titles that are not yours only makes you look like someone who is grasping for glory at the expense of the title, which you've turned into a cheap wadded 3 dollar bill you're about to stuff into Herve's hairy g-string. If you think you're not going to get screwed by Interplay in some form, then yes Virginia, you're a moron.

Let's not forget the piece de resistance of mental retardation from Carsten himself:

"(Never forget: Game developers are also gamers. If you aren't a gamer, it's nearly impossible to work on the creative side of the games business)."

Obviously he hasn't heard of the third "GREAT DEVELOPAR!" from BIS he hasn't hired yet, Sean Reynolds. Or, that matter, a good number of other people in the industry.
Now working on Fallout: New Undermountain!

They promise to spend only a year on this title - only a year less than the original Descent to Undermountain!
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