So... I just watched the movie. And was kinda confused.
Everybody 'marketed' it to me as an action movie but it seems I got a comedy instead! So let's see... There's supposed to be about five liters of blood in a human being, but somehow each person they cut in half (with surprisingly little resistance from the bones) spit out at least 20 liters of blood. I liked the beginning with the guy shooting Thruman in the head and that funny music playing, it was real sweet. But then the rest really got me big time - why are all these people fighting with these ancient samurai swords when they could've just pulled out a few uzis and ended it once and for all? Truly strange.
And then there's the disco music... Oh god, how I hate Disco Fever. And special effects from Samurai Jack! Damn, I had no idea Tarantino was a big fan of cartoon network. In middle of the movie, it changes from western film to japanese anime, which is kinda cool - but I don't see the point. Were the film makers too lazy or did they think it would be awesome to show some gruesome anime to the American audience *WHICH HAS NEVER BEEN IN TOUCH WITH JAPANESE CULTURE OF ANY KIND EVER BEFORE!!!* Yeah, right.
In overall, it was an ok movie. But it's waaay too overrated in my opinion. Those fighting scenes mostly made me laugh rather than stare in awe. Also, people are mixing Japanese and English real strange. Suddenly they're speaking Japanese and then they change back to English for no real reason. They might talk Japanese for 15 minutes straight, say one sentence in English and continue with Japanese again and vice versa. Did they think the viewers would get bored of reading the subtitles so they shook people wake every once in a while? Odd.
It's also strange how some actually call these people actors, when there was barely no acting in this movie at all. Just some pretty dancing they call "martial art scenes" and more blood than a 100 people hold.