Racial Profiling

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Post by Menno »

Phias wrote:I believe that the actual concept of Racial Profiling has point, but since so many people will abuse the system to no end, I believe the execution of such a program would result in one hell of a civil liberties battle.
I agree that it would be one tough battle. It's not black and white in that Racial profiling is either 100% good or 100% bad.

Like GreyFil said, it can lead to racism. But on the other hand, so can our freedom of speech. Do we lose our right of free speech because some dingbat spews racist remarks?

So there's a risk and reward for profiling, just as there is a risk and reward for all our granted freedoms.
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Post by Phias »

Like it is said, with freedom comes great responsibility.

Only some people are less responsible than others.
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Post by Jimmyjay86 »

Bah, any kind of profiling makes no sense even from a law enforcement viewpoint. Do you think the majority of good criminals know ways to easily avoid detection? Of course they do, I learned early on that the easy way to avoid detection by police when doing my youthful criminal activities was to not look the part. Profiling based on looks alone is the Dummies Approach to Law Enforcement and succeeds only in annoying law-abiding citizens.
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Post by Menno »

Jimmyjay86 wrote:Bah, any kind of profiling makes no sense even from a law enforcement viewpoint. Do you think the majority of good criminals know ways to easily avoid detection? Of course they do, I learned early on that the easy way to avoid detection by police when doing my youthful criminal activities was to not look the part.
All GOOD criminals would know that. However a lot of criminals are fucking idiots, or else they wouldn't be leaving semen, fingerprints, and/or other forms of ID behind.

I don't think anyone's expecting profiling to net a professional crew of guys [for example the crew from the movie "Heat"]. But profiling can and will catch the guys who stick out like a sore thumb.
Profiling based on looks alone is the Dummies Approach to Law Enforcement and succeeds only in annoying law-abiding citizens.
Based on looks alone, I would agree. But profiling based upon looks and suspicion can work and sometimes show results. How do you think Iraqi policemen catch and aprehend foreign jihadists? They watch the guys who aren't following or don't know the local customs, pull them aside to talk to them, and can tell through dialect alone if they're really from the local area.
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Post by Jimmyjay86 »

But Menno, stupid criminals are going to be caught without resorting to profiling anyway. Its a fucking blind or stupid cop that didn't catch Jeffrey Dahmer to begin with for example. If we had more cops that were smart enough to pay attention and do their jobs correctly instead of having to resort to stupid, useless techniques like profiling then we would all be better off.
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Post by Menno »

Jimmyjay86 wrote:But Menno, stupid criminals are going to be caught without resorting to profiling anyway. Its a fucking blind or stupid cop that didn't catch Jeffrey Dahmer to begin with for example. If we had more cops that were smart enough to pay attention and do their jobs correctly instead of having to resort to stupid, useless techniques like profiling then we would all be better off.
Fair enough, that's your viewpoint and I respect it because it is right in a lot of ways. I still say profiling has some uses, but the majority is against it and therefore I lose.

[cries and leaves to play Silent Storm]
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Post by Mandalorian FaLLouT GoD »

Jimmyjay86 wrote:But Menno, stupid criminals are going to be caught without resorting to profiling anyway. Its a fucking blind or stupid cop that didn't catch Jeffrey Dahmer to begin with for example. If we had more cops that were smart enough to pay attention and do their jobs correctly instead of having to resort to stupid, useless techniques like profiling then we would all be better off.
i agree with that statement but i still think racial profiling is a damn good idea.
it would make keeping track of "possible" suspects quite easy. you cant track down every arab thats already in the country and say "fuck you you are getting profiled". but if you profile them on coming into the country then you can watch them, check who they are related to and where they are from. so if they fuck something up you know who to blame/kill.
Blargh wrote:While the way in which the stance is made could be done with at least a pretense of civility - being far more conducive to others actually paying attention than copious swearing - it just wouldn't be Mandy otherwise.
S4ur0n27 wrote:Dexter is getting MFG'ed for the first time D:
Koki wrote:He must be Mandallorian FaLLouT God'ded ASAP :salute:
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Post by Ozrat »

Mandalorian FaLLouT GoD wrote:it would make keeping track of "possible" suspects quite easy. you cant track down every arab thats already in the country and say "fuck you you are getting profiled". but if you profile them on coming into the country then you can watch them, check who they are related to and where they are from. so if they fuck something up you know who to blame/kill.
Too bad you would need to have a warrant for every single immigrant for that first in order to make your idea work.

Honestly, can you imagine the loads of paperwork, red tape, etc. that would build up just by trying to keep tabs on every "possible suspect" from profiling that comes along? Find us the money and labor force to do that and I might consider your theories to have a slight chance of being POSSIBLE in reality.

JJ86, you're right on the money with all this. Must be a common attribute that us Wisconsinite semi-criminals have, eh?
ExtremeRyno wrote:I don't really represent the views that I've written here in this thread... I just like to type.
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Post by Anthony »

Maximus wrote:Not to sound like a supremacist, but if everyone acted a little more caucasian (I don't mean Jeryy Springer Caucasian either) there would be far less problems in public schools in this country.
I think acting Asian would make the public schools a little safer, while you're in them... just outside the walls you'd get massive quantities of suicides due to the pressure or the Japanese(correct orientals?) school system. Life can hang on a test.
Now, if you had more CAUCASIAN people, it's my experience in my little podunk town, you'd get one of the following:
1. More personal backstabbing, less blaitent crimes like in, as is my impression, black and Mexican populated schools.
2. More creepy crimes. When was the last time you heard of a black cannable? I've not heard of them.
3. Wayyyyyy too many drama queens; granted, those are everywhere, I've just noticed more white ones.

This is, of course, to be taken with a grain of salt. Not all of that may apply everywhere, but these are my personal observations from the places I've been. I'm a whitie making fun of other whities.. I wonder who'll sue me for that one..
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Post by jetbaby »

Menno wrote:
jetbaby wrote:Hahaha are you kidding me? That is such bullshit. The "lets bring everyone to the table, sit down and make sweet sweet love with our peaceful ways" way is the most ignorant idea ever.
Haha, well I'm glad we see eye to eye there.
Democracy is an all-or-nothing deal to me. If you have it, HAVE it, don't limit it for stupid reasons. I'd rather run the risk of being hit by an airplane full of suicide bombing Arabs than have innocents gagged and bagged for no reason at all other than their race.
You would rather run that risk. Other men have families and won't play with their family's lives by worrying about inconveniences imposed upon Muslims. Does it make it "right"? No, I agree with you in that it doesn't. However, there is always a trade-off when it comes to security and freedom. You give up some of one to have more of the other and vice versa. This is not new in America's history and has happened before. The true test is when the government has to give those freedoms back to the people.

A Muslim having to wait on line longer because of a background check or being pulled over to check his ID is an inconvenience and it absolutely sucks, I wholeheartedly agree. But I get inconvienenced when I wait on line at the DMV, as do millions of other Amerikkkans. Large trucks are searched when the threat level increases, so they get profiled as well. These are all inconveniences.

You could argue that profiling is a violation of a person's rights and again, I'd probably agree with you. But let's say you completely remove profiling of any kind. Most foreign jihadists, whether you like it or not, are Muslim. By leveling the playing field and forcing authorities to not look into Muslims more than any other racial group, you are in essence making it easier for the few Muslims with bad intentions to slip through the cracks. And then you will realize that there are worse things in life than being inconvenienced.

Lets say for example your fictional daughter is kidnapped by someone in your small town. And let's say that the town's population is 95 blacks and 5 whites. Witnesses say that the person who kidnapped your daughter is a white man. Now what would you want the police to do? Would you want them to search every man's home [both white and black], knowing that 95% of the search would be futile and waste valuable time and risk your daughter's life? Or would you rather be on the lookout for the white men in the area, in essence profiling them, but at the same time increasing your chances of finding your child?

So yeah, there are good and bad aspects of profiling. That's what makes it a debate. Can profiling be abused and taken too far [such as physical abuse or following them around everywhere]? Yes it can, but citizens can also abuse their right to bear arms and free speech, and so forth. When it's abused, you crack down and punish the abusers.

I don't understand exactly what you meant about "having innocents gagged and bagged for no reason", in that were you referencing police/federal conduct against Muslims here in the United States or overseas? So I won't comment on that until you clarify.
The Patriot Act makes me sick to my stomach.
Most of the powers granted in the Patriot Act have been on the books already; except this time all it does is put them in writing and/or streamlines them. There's a thread on here somewhere about the Patriot Act where I pointed out a lot of the misconceptions. A few of the powers in the Patriot Act should be removed [and I believe it went back to Congress to do so, though I'm not sure how that's progressing], but all this "OMG PATRIOT ACT ST3ALING MY RIGHTS & FR33D0MS!!" is way overblown, and if you're going to complain about it now, you're about 20-30 years too late, since most of this stuff has been on the books already and used during trials.
Your feelings about Communism
I respect your feelings about Communism and, while I disagree, I won't debate them. However, to give me an example of your utopia economic system, I'll give you my address via PM, and you can send all of your excess money you have in your pocket every month to me; after all you aren't greedy like us capitalists so it shouldn't make a difference to you.

Thats just the point, Menno. A utopian society in which we don't need. A place where everyone isn't out to extract every single penny they can because money makes the world better.

And, no, last I checked no one had the right to strip the citizenship of an American without rhyme nor reason as the Patriot Acts state. I'm not bitching about losing my rights and freedoms. I'm bitching about the government abusing theirs.

And your little story about my daughter and that town is close, but no. Imagine it relatively close, but instead of simply watching the whites, we grab them and throw them into a wall screaming about how they took a child.

Gagged and bagged was more of a reference to overseas, more than here.

Profiling is good, but not RACIAL profiling. Profiling based on true threats, such as contacts. If you are traveling into another country from a heavily extremist muslim area, then by god, search the man. But if you are a 75 year old slavic woman who has lived her whole life in and out of a hospital, and barely cuts four foot ten, and you are searched four times in one flight, there is something VERY wrong with that.

And since we are near to the subject, what makes you such an adamant supporter of the western world?

If ye love wealth greater than liberty, the tranquility of servitude greater than the animating contest for freedom, go home from us in peace. We seek not your counsel, nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you; and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.
-Samuel Adams

They who would give up an essential liberty for temporary security, deserve neither liberty or security.
-Benjamin Franklin
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Post by Anthony »

Just a touch off topic, but this is one of those things that comes to mind when you're considering these things; which of these pisses you off more, that the people that hijacked the planes during Sept. 11th got on and weren't sufficiently checked out, or that on only one plane did passengers actually FIGHT BACK? You know you're going to die, damnit! You've got a man on the plane with a knife, and there are how many people seated on one of those 747's was it? Countless lives could have been saved if some people showed some brass. Maybe it was machine guns, I could have forgotten by now, but the point stands; YOU'RE GONNA' DIE! We're raising a nation of submissive pencil pushers! All this "violence is bad" BS has pissed me off into the red spectrum of the bar! At least maybe if we get a stricter monitering policy there'll be something pushing people to display some patriotism and good ol' homicidal rage in those situations... prove your loyalty! I can see the headlines now, and they warm my heart... "Hijacker taken down by mass off airplane passengers with sporks". The news, of course, would spell the words correctly, and use a bit more tact in their phrasing, I'm sure.. but it's a beautiful thought...
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Post by Menno »

jetbaby wrote:Thats just the point, Menno. A utopian society in which we don't need. A place where everyone isn't out to extract every single penny they can because money makes the world better.
Like I said, if you so strongly believe what you say, please hand over all your excess money. If you advocate such a society, you should be willing to part with what doesn't matter to you. Why don't you? Because you have what's inherent in all humans, we're naturally greedy. You can scream at the top of your lungs, brainwash children at the youngest age, write countless novels/works professing your ideal society, but you're still left with that natural greed. Greed comes in many forms; taking away money, property, or "needs" does not take away greed. Example: The Spartans, who had no money, were alotted land, and were considered equal Peers, had a "greed" for glory in battle. Those who achieved greater glory had greater respect.
And, no, last I checked no one had the right to strip the citizenship of an American without rhyme nor reason as the Patriot Acts state. I'm not bitching about losing my rights and freedoms. I'm bitching about the government abusing theirs.
As I stated earlier, pretty much all of the Patriot Act's powers were used in trials LONG before the act came to being [in some cases 20-30 years ago]. If you have a problem with that, that's fine and its your opinion. But your problem doesn't lie within the Patriot Act, because even without it most of these powers were in use already; your problem lies with the fact that some of these methods are used. The Patriot Act is merely the scapegoat in this case. I've read and seen some of the scare tactics associated with the Patriot Act, and alot of it is truly pathetic.
And your little story about my daughter and that town is close, but no. Imagine it relatively close, but instead of simply watching the whites, we grab them and throw them into a wall screaming about how they took a child.
You're talking about abuse, not profiling. I'll give you a real life example where I was profiled. My cousin lives in Closter, New Jersey. A very nice area with expensive housing [pretty much everyone makes over $100,000 to $200,000 dollars a year]. I drive down there a few times a year in my shitty piece of crap car. Sometimes I wait outside their house in my car waiting to pick him up. Pretty much every time I do though, a police car pulls over next to me patrolling the area. Why? Because my piece of shit car sticks out like a sore thumb and doesn't fit the "norm" of the area. So the Poice Officer rolls down his window and asks what I'm doing here, and I tell him, and then asks for my drivers license/ID and I oblige. Checks it out, hands it back to me, and its done.

Did I do anything suspicious? No, I was just in a car parked in front of a house, like many others in the area. The only difference was my car was a piece of junk compared to the others. I was profiled based on the fact that I was "poorer" than the rest. Am I offended? No, because unlike many, I don't live in fantasy land and I know how the real world works; in that a person who sticks out like a sore thumb by nature is regarded with suspicion. In fact I wish my area was kept under an alert eye. Anyway, the whole thing took less than a minute and a half. I get inconvenienced by far more things in life than that brief minute and a half to check out my ID.

I was profiled based upon my wealth [or lack thereof]. What's the difference between that and OMG RACIALLY profiled? Except one sounds more taboo than the other.
Gagged and bagged was more of a reference to overseas, more than here.
Oh heaven forbid they had a bag placed over their head. Oh I'm so going to cry now [sarcasm]. Those "gagged and bagged" had better treatment and conditions then we soldiers got, so please cut the pity bullshit with them already. In fact some of them didn't even want to leave. Alot of the guys the company I belonged to rounded up were pure scum; I'm so sorry that they had to undergo the indignity of having a bag placed over their head for a brief amount of time.
Profiling is good, but not RACIAL profiling. Profiling based on true threats, such as contacts. If you are traveling into another country from a heavily extremist muslim area, then by god, search the man. But if you are a 75 year old slavic woman who has lived her whole life in and out of a hospital, and barely cuts four foot ten, and you are searched four times in one flight, there is something VERY wrong with that.
So you're advocating searching a man who comes from an extremist area because he's Muslim and/or comes from an region that has extremist views, but not the 75 yearr old Slavic woman? Excuse me, but that IS racial profiling then. And I agree about how absurd it was to check her out 4 times [I'm guessing it's based upon something that really happened] but chalk that up to stupidity of the security force and/or profiling for the wrong things.
And since we are near to the subject, what makes you such an adamant supporter of the western world?

They who would give up an essential liberty for temporary security, deserve neither liberty or security.
-Benjamin Franklin
Beautiful quotes, but unfortunately they don't apply to the Western world in all their context. I won't address your first one, because the economic debate has been done countless times before here on DAC and I don't want to bunch it up with this profiling debate. If you really want to discuss that though, by all means make another thread and I'll give you my views.

However I will address your second quote. Ben Franklin was absolutely right. But Franklin's words only ring true if there were no such thing as government. You CANNOT have a working Government without giving up certain liberties and freedoms. We, the people, entitle our governments with certain powers and in the process give up select freedoms/liberties, which is fine because it's done with OUR consent.

To give you several examples where Amerikkkans [and most of this applies globally] give up freedom/liberties in exchange for security:

- Fingerprinting. When we are born, we're fingerprinted as you know. The main reason being for identification. The government has my fingerprints on file now, violating my privacy. With those fingerprint records, the government can tell whether or not I touched something and who I really am. But how many crimes have been solved because of the use of fingerprinting? So in this case, exhanging my right for personal privacy for security to the benefit of others was a good thing.

- Social Security Number and License Plates. Again, more references to identification. I have to walk around with a permanent ID number and drive around with a number/letter code on the back and front of my car. With the proper means, someone can tell where I live just by checking out my license plate number, or steal my identity if they knew my SS #. In both cases, my right to privacy was again violated. But if someone commits a crime with a vehicle [let's say a hit-and-run] there's a chance of catching the perp because of those license plates. So again, I gave up certain aspects to my right to privacy in exchange for security.

- Firearm Background Checks/Regulations. You cannot just go into a gun shop now and buy all the guns you want [except maybe you guys living in the hick states]. This conflicts with our 2nd amendment rights: "the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed [emphasis added] When you go purchase a gun, you have to undergo a background check in most cases among other things. Let's say an angsty 21 year old walks into a gun shop to buy a OMG NEW PHAT gun. The owner of the shop does a background check and finds out that our angsty 21 year old has had numerous infractions with the law, in some cases for violent crimes and even rape. The owner refuses to sell him the gun after viewing his background. Our angsty 21 year old's second amendment right was blatantly violated, for his right SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED, yet it was. However, by keeping a gun out of this guy's hands who had such a troubled past, many argue that it would have been a good thing. So in this case we exchanged a portion of our second amendment right to bear arms in exchange for security.

- Luggage Screening. Again, violating your personal privacy in exchange for security.

- Search Warrants. Giving the authorities the legal means to enter your home and search through your belongings. To get this post over with, we exchange some of our right to privacy in return for security.

I could go on all day if you'd like. To have security, which is vital for a society, you must give up certain liberties. From the Ancient Greeks to the Romans to the United States, no matter what government. The most important thing being that it is done with OUR consent, whether through us directly or our representatives.

Anyway, getting back to profiling, YES there are abuses that occur under racial profiling. But those are ABUSES and not because of profiling in itself. All the aforementioned things I said above can and have been abused numerous times before [search warrants to the wrong house or excessive damage to the premises]. But to say Racial profiling leads to racism is the same as saying me wounding someone with a rifle leads me to be trigger-happy in all my future firefights, or women who dress seductively leads to sexual assault. They are ABUSES; not inherent. You punish the abusers.

There are drawbacks for every fundamental right, privilege, and policy we have in this country. The same goes for racial profiling. I disagree with JJ and Jetbaby on this topic, and I'm not trying to change there mind because they bring up valid points as well. The purpose of this reply isn't to change their mind, but for those who haven't made up their mind on this issue to ascertain which side makes more sense to them.
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Post by jetbaby »

I'm done discussing government. You apperantly don't want or care to listen to what I am saying, so I'll stop there.
Menno wrote: Did I do anything suspicious? No, I was just in a car parked in front of a house, like many others in the area. The only difference was my car was a piece of junk compared to the others. I was profiled based on the fact that I was "poorer" than the rest. Am I offended? No, because unlike many, I don't live in fantasy land and I know how the real world works; in that a person who sticks out like a sore thumb by nature is regarded with suspicion. In fact I wish my area was kept under an alert eye. Anyway, the whole thing took less than a minute and a half. I get inconvenienced by far more things in life than that brief minute and a half to check out my ID.
I feel that that is just as wrong, however, as I said before there is no reason. You are picked out because you have less money? That is a moronic reason to search people. Does that mean we should single out straight people driving through gay communities or vice versa?

Oh heaven forbid they had a bag placed over their head. Oh I'm so going to cry now [sarcasm]. Those "gagged and bagged" had better treatment and conditions then we soldiers got, so please cut the pity bullshit with them already. In fact some of them didn't even want to leave. Alot of the guys the company I belonged to rounded up were pure scum; I'm so sorry that they had to undergo the indignity of having a bag placed over their head for a brief amount of time.[/quote]

Pity? No. Stupid? Yes. We are bound by the Geneva Convention, which we regularly break (interrogation is illegal according to the geneva convention, which I understand, but I feel we should withdraw from it if it will not be followed as it was meant to be, or modernized at the very least) to treat people humanely. I don't think shipping people off to Guantanamo Bay and holding them in cells there with charges never brought against them, many of whom are American citizens and have even more rights than non-citizens, though they fought a for a foreign nation.
So you're advocating searching a man who comes from an extremist area because he's Muslim and/or comes from an region that has extremist views, but not the 75 yearr old Slavic woman? Excuse me, but that IS racial profiling then. And I agree about how absurd it was to check her out 4 times [I'm guessing it's based upon something that really happened] but chalk that up to stupidity of the security force and/or profiling for the wrong things.
I was simply using Muslim extremists as a point. I don't care whether they are muslim, jewish, chinese, indian, irish, british, catholic, protestant, or what have you. The point is that I am saying those with regular contact with extremist areas should be "profiled" if anyone, not those of a race or religion. That is moronic. You canNOT tell me that there are not any other terrorist-related extremists in the entire world. And yes. That was a friend's mother.

I'll reply to the rest later, but for now I must go.
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Post by Menno »

jetbaby wrote:I'm done discussing government. You apperantly don't want or care to listen to what I am saying, so I'll stop there.
Good for you, because you repeatedly dodged my request.
I feel that that is just as wrong, however, as I said before there is no reason. You are picked out because you have less money? That is a moronic reason to search people. Does that mean we should single out straight people driving through gay communities or vice versa?
I was picked out because I didn't "fit" in the area. Moronic reason to YOU maybe. To the people in the area, I bet their glad for having a police officer take the 90 seconds to check me out instead of being afraid to step on my toes. And I completely understand and agree with their thinking. We're talking about 90 fucking seconds here; not taking me down to the police station and beating me up and shoving a nightstick up my ass.

There's no reason to profile against gays because they aren't an extreme threat.
Pity? No. Stupid? Yes. We are bound by the Geneva Convention, which we regularly break (interrogation is illegal according to the geneva convention, which I understand, but I feel we should withdraw from it if it will not be followed as it was meant to be, or modernized at the very least) to treat people humanely. I don't think shipping people off to Guantanamo Bay and holding them in cells there with charges never brought against them, many of whom are American citizens and have even more rights than non-citizens, though they fought a for a foreign nation.
Everyone breaks the Geneva accords and all those other nice-sounding peaceful documents, because all it is is a piece of fucking paper. You think it started being broken now? Try since it's been signed. Guys are running around dressed as non-combatants all the time. I wholeheartedly agree with you that we should either withdraw or modernize it, but in today's climate that's political suicide, and everyone wants to keep up the happy face and say they're "civilized".
I was simply using Muslim extremists as a point. I don't care whether they are muslim, jewish, chinese, indian, irish, british, catholic, protestant, or what have you. The point is that I am saying those with regular contact with extremist areas should be "profiled" if anyone, not those of a race or religion. That is moronic. You canNOT tell me that there are not any other terrorist-related extremists in the entire world.
Ok, so lets get this straight. You're saying its ok to profile someone who comes from an extremist area no matter what race or creed they are. I live on Flatbush Avenue in Brooklyn, an area with a high percentage of minorities and high crime. Are you advocating I should be profiled because I come from an area that has high crime rates? The only difference from what you're saying and what I'm saying is that it doesn't have the word "RACIAL" involved, because its taboo.

An Islamic jihadist will most likely be of muslim descent. This is a fact for now. I'm not advocating following them around all day, smashing their head against a wall, watching them come out of the supermarket, or eavesdropping on their phone calls. What I'm saying is something like that if a muslim is seen by police officers driving a car around the Empire State Building 2 or 3 times, take the 2 minutes to check him out. Maybe he was looking for parking, or maybe he was just sight-seeing; or maybe he was up to no good. It can't hurt to check him out can it? And yes, there have been a few occassions where police here in NYC caught men of muslim descent with explosives in their car, strictly because of racial profiling [in one instance a muslim was driving a very large van packed with explosives]. 95% of the time those 2 minutes are complete annoyance, but the 5% of the time they DO catch guys because of it. Seems worth it, don't you?
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Post by cerdojudíodemierdaasno »

Exitium wrote:
Anthony wrote:but none that are white, native to the US
That said, I disagree with racial profiling of any sort. Whites are disadvantaged when it comes to getting free shit from the ACLU, and I can't enter the United States without having a thorough background check run on me and a full body inspection. I think Muslims suck as much as the next American does so what the fuck is up with that?
Oh please don't blame your being a dumb fuck and your parents raising a dumb fuck on Muslims. Most people in America don't hate Muslim I know I don't, it's just worthless fucks like you. You can't judge a people based on their loudest members. So to sum up what we know:
Extium == Dumbfuck
Muslims are a great people they just don't get the great pr like jews do.

Post by Kashluk »

Racial profiling has it's benefits, but as we all might agree it can be seriously abused as well, depending on the invidual "carrying out the law". So let's just stick to the "traditional" procedures of fighting crime and whatever, eh?
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Post by Menno »

Kashluk wrote:Racial profiling has it's benefits, but as we all might agree it can be seriously abused as well, depending on the invidual "carrying out the law". So let's just stick to the "traditional" procedures of fighting crime and whatever, eh?
That I could understand, as long as we acknowledge that it does have its uses. It's up to the public to decide if the risk is worth the reward. I was just against the whole "it has no use whatsoever" type remarks.
G0 G0 G0!

Post by Kashluk »

Yay, the public... Then this whole Media Propaganda comes in, as we see here. The fact that something *CAN* be used to stalk a member of a racial minority doesn't somehow *WHIPE AWAY* the fact that it can save many lives from that same racial minority and others' as well. But eh, you know people, they're really dumb.

It's risky business and, as you said, taboo. So instead of poking open a can of worms, we should just zip it up and stay clear of it, no?
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Post by Maximus »

jetbaby wrote:
Menno wrote: What are your better options?

And if any of it involves "bringing everybody to the table", you get dick-slapped.
Hahaha are you kidding me? That is such bullshit. The "lets bring everyone to the table, sit down and make sweet sweet love with our peaceful ways" way is the most ignorant idea ever. Democracy is an all-or-nothing deal to me. If you have it, HAVE it, don't limit it for stupid reasons. I'd rather run the risk of being hit by an airplane full of suicide bombing Arabs than have innocents gagged and bagged for no reason at all other than their race. The Patriot Act makes me sick to my stomach. Personally, I'm a fan of communism, simply because it offers complete equality in any sense acceptable by humankind accounting for most of our flaws. And no, I am not talking about the socialist government Russia was stuck in. I mean the <i>true</i> communism as it was meant to be, defined by our friends at dictionary.com as the "theoretical economic system characterized by the collective ownership of property and by the organization of labor for the common advantage of all members." However, communism is unachieveable due to the fact that humans are greedy and self-serving. When we can raise ourselves beyond that and work for the greater good of the species, not the individual, I think that is what we should work for. Capitalism in the modern democratic society only encourages individual gain at the cost of the majority. You can't take your ten trillion dollar company with you to the grave, now can you? When humans realize that they are not a single unit, but a block in the larger picture of the species is when I will be happy.
You stupid Fuck! Communism is horse shit. You work your whole fucking life away, while having things taken away from you.

Communism should only seem like a good idea if you are extremely poverty stricken. In this sense, Communism would slightly better your quality of life. Sure, the rich get boned, and fuck them who cares, but so do the middle-class.

Edit: Holy Shit! Why would a post ever need to be that big.
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